1993 Tad Kisses Brooke

"Brooke is clearing out Edmund's Office when the wounded reporter returns from a trip to Bosnia. A shaken Brooke lashes out at Edmund, who tells her that he would like their relationship to become strictly professional - editor and writer - Brooke agrees, but both are still torn by their true feelings. Brooke leaves to meet Tad. Edmund lets Erica and Dimitri know that he is back in town. Worried, Dimitri checks up on his brother. Tad tells Brooke that he wants to date her. Brooke insists that Tad doesn't have to date her to have a place in their son's life. Tad assures Brooke that his romantic intentions toward her have nothing to do with their son, and they kiss. A kiss, which is witnessed by Dixie." - AMCthroughtheyears