"Brooke and Edmund work on an article, but Dimitri's arrival interrupts them. Dimitri tells Edmund that Kendall is Erica's long-lost daughter. Aunt Phoebe argues with Brooke and her impending marriage to Tad. Edmund instructs Aunt Phoebe to make nice with Brooke because she is going to need family when this marriage to Tad implodes. Tad wants to set a date to marry Brooke - tomorrow!." - AMCthroughtheyears
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1993 Phoebe Says She Will Not Attend Brooke's Wedding
"Brooke and Edmund work on an article, but Dimitri's arrival interrupts them. Dimitri tells Edmund that Kendall is Erica's long-lost daughter. Aunt Phoebe argues with Brooke and her impending marriage to Tad. Edmund instructs Aunt Phoebe to make nice with Brooke because she is going to need family when this marriage to Tad implodes. Tad wants to set a date to marry Brooke - tomorrow!." - AMCthroughtheyears