1993 Tad & Brooke Announce Their Engagement

"Edmund overhears Tad and Brooke announcing their engagement to Ruth and Joe. Edmund congrats the lucky couple almost through gritted teeth, and then tells them about Tom and Livia's house explosion, and that Taylor is in the hospital. Tad leaves on business while Brooke visits with those sitting vigil over Taylor. Edmund and Brooke want to do a story on Taylor for Tempo, but Lucas is against the idea. To break the tension, Edmund announces Brooke's engagement. After everyone leaves, Brooke feels the need to defend her decision to marry Tad to Tom. Tom just wants to see Brooke happy. Meanwhile, Tad and Dixie meet in the park, but both are still too stubborn to admit their underlying feelings, and Dixie wishes Tad and Brooke a happy life. Ted watches from the bushes." - AMCthroughtheyears