Browse By Year


10/02/96-10/03/96 Adam & Skye Reconcile

"Dimitri returned to his former home, Wildwind, to ask Edmund and Maria's permission if he and Erica could move back in. As Dimitri and Maria discussed the matter, they soon realized that they might be uncomfortable seeing each other every day and knowing that they once shared more than being inlaws. As they were talking, Edmund burst into the room and wanted to know what they were talking about. Dimitri again explained how Erica no longer wants to live at Linden House because she feels that she is haunted by the ghostso of her past. Edmund gave his brother the go ahead to move back in, but said that he wants Dimitri to be sure that that's what he really wants. Even Maria got into the act by saying that the four of them shared some good times---before Erica got addicted to her pills. The phone rang and Edmund announced that he had been summoned down to Tempo to do some last minute work.

As planned, Liza showed up at Tad's house to work on some sweeps months programming. She was a little more than stunned to find Gloria answering the door in one of Tad's shirts. Liza wasted little time in trying to make Gloria feel uncomfortable about being at Tad's. You see Liza assumed that Gloria was there because she was having a romance with Tad. Gloria didn't tilt her cards and didn't let Liza know the real reason why she had stayed at Tad. Instead she let Liza rant on and on about how undignified it was for Gloria to be shacking up with Tad only a matter of hours after he signed divorce papers. Then it was Gloria's turn. She said that if Liza thinks what she is supposedly doing is so bad, then she can only imagine how bad she must feel about herself. After all, she was the one who slept with Tad and actually brought about the end of his marriage to Dixie. Tad strolled into the room and asked the ladies what they were talking about. Liza quickly shifted topics and said that she was there to discuss business with Tad. He said that he had called in and said that he would be working from home for the day and that someone must have gotten the message wrong. Liza tried to play nice to Jamie by asking him about the pancake dinner that Gloria was cooking up, but Jamie refused to speak to Miss Colby. Liza left and headed back to work and Gloria asked Tad what he ever saw in Liza. Later Tad explained that he and Liza were rebels from way back and that they were two of a kind. Gloria shook her head and said that Dixie should have forgiven Tad for his indiscrection.

Brooke and Adam had yet another encounter, this time at WRCW. Adam wound up confessing to Brooke that his life is empty and he feels lonely. Before he could spout off too much information, Skye came into the office and began to apologize for her behavior at the party the night before. Taking cues from Brooke, Adam hugged his daughter close and told her that he was glad that she had finally decided to stick around town. But Skye was not done asking daddy for some favors. She said that since she's going to be in town for a while, she'll need a job. After passing up a job as a funds collector and being told that WRCW is off limits, Skye mentioned that Edmund supposedly has a job opening at Tempo. Since Adam also has WRCW in his portfolio, Adam gave Skye the go ahead to take the job. A giddy Skye dashed out of the office.

Before Adam and Brooke could set up a date or even admit any feelings for each other, they were once again interrupted, this time by Liza. She asked the duo what they were doing in her office. Brooke hastily retreated and said that she'd call Adam later. Adam asked Liza why she was in such a bad mood and why she was not with Tad. It took only a few seconds for Adam ro figure out that Gloria must have still been at Tad's. Seeing the jealousy in Liza's eyes, Adam made Liza an offer: To team up with him and become the most dangerous of dangerous liasons.

Skye raced into Tempo and informed Edmund that he had a new editorial assistant---her. He accepted her for the position and told her to report to personnel, but couldn't help getting a funny look on his face as she left his office.

Kelsey and Bobby took Sam for a walk near the lake. Kelsey had appearently skipped school again, but said that she would still pull high marks in all of her subjects. As she watched Bobby interact with Sam, she warned him that he seemed to be too attached to his son. Bobby reassured Kelsey that he would have no problems giving Sam back to Edmund and Maria when the time came. Kelsey spoke some of her wishes for Sam when he's grown and compared these wishes to her childhood. She said that she wants Sam to have oodles of friends because she has always lacked friends. She told a story of how she threw candy into the air around Halloween and found herself flocked to by lots of other youngsters. She said that this was the first time she felt as though she was a worthwhile friend. She then passed Bobby a candy bar as an olive branch. Bobby accepted and he told her that she's a very nice person when she's being human. Kelsey one-upped Bobby by saying how lucky Sam is to have Bobby's beautiful blue eyes.

At Cortlandt Manor, Palmer told Opal that he was ready to find out the real reason behind Bobby and Kelsey's marriage. He said that he is now going to be playing the part of Sherlock Holmes. Opal got caught up in the moment and said that she wants to be Watson to her hubby's Holmes. It was then that Palmer said he has a hidden ace that he is ready to play and get the mess sorted out. What is this trump card? He went over to his desk and pulled out the legal documents that state all of the terms of Bobby's inheritance. He said that the papers were out of order indicating that somene had read them. Opal gasped. It was then that they both knew that Bobby and Kelsey had only gotten married for the million dollar inheritance.

Using her uncle as legal counsel, Hayley had Trevor draw up a terms of acquisition papers for her (and Mateo's) purchase of Hal's bar. But a yellow streak meandered up Hal's back and he decided to back out of the deal at the last minute. Not wanting the deal to go down in flames, Hayley said that she would give Hal all of the money involved in the transaction. This way, she said, Hal would not be worried about Mateo's finances. Trevor quacked his disapproval in the background and warned his Tinkerbell that Mateo would not be happy with her decision. Hayley said that she didn't care and Hal agreed to the new terms of the deal. Hayley then had some words with her Uncle Porkchop. She overheard him cancelling an appointment with a doctor and said that he is not setting a good example for his children. Trevor took the hint and headed down to the hospital.

Trevor wasn't the only one at the hospital. Laura, Mike, and Scott were also there. It seems Laura twisted her ankle on her way down from a layup and had to be seen by a doctor. Scott toyed with Laura and her basketball abilities. Laura, however, said that the hospital had become too much like a second home and that she wanted out as soon as possible.

While sitting on the observation lounge, Trevor caught sight of Doctor Tolan and bid her a quick hello. Doc Tolan was about to keep on walking until Trevor asked her if she was going to ask how he was doing. She obliged him, but she'd soon be wondering if she should have. Trevor informed Anna that he had recently purchase a van equipped with a hydrolic lift that allows him easy access with his wheelchair. He said that he feels fine, but still cannot use his legs. Anna Tolan said that she knows that this condition must be causing Trevor a lot of heartache. From there she said that Trevor has had so much disappointment this year with his accident and the death of Laurel. That dammed up Trevor's stream and he told Dr. Tolan to scram. She accepted his wishes and left him alone. As she left the, she bumped into Michael who told her that Trevor always clams up around doctors and gets even more uncomfortable when someone wants to talk about Laurel.

Brooke stopped by Tad's and, as Liza had done earlier, noticed that Gloria was still there and still wearing her clothes from the night before. Privately, Brooke asked Tad if he would consider keeping his dating quiet, indicating that it might be difficult for Jamie to accept another woman so soon after Tad's divorce. Tad was taken aback by Brooke's comment and assured her that he was not dating let alone dating his wife's best friend. He then reminded Brooke about her seeing Pierce and said that Jamie often asks how Pierce is doing. Brooke apologized for her erroneous assumption and said that she was going to be taking Jamie and AJ to WRCW so Adam could give his son a good send off.

Later Tad and Gloria discussed their situation. Tad said that he doesn't want the people of Pine Valley to badmouth Gloria over what they think is happening. Gloria acknowledged that the incident in Tad's bedroom the night before probably did give Brooke and Adam the wrong idea, but she said that Liza also thinks that something's going on between them. Gloria confessed that she let Liza believe that she and Tad were sleeping together and said that she did it because Liza can be very aloof.

Enchantment's main accountant, Dan (what an absolutely wonderful name. Don't you think?) apparently quit without warning and Hayley was hustled to find a replacement before the books fell into any additional dispair. The first interviewee for the job was a Mary Blake. Only Mary turned out to be Janet. Upon sight of her deranged Aunt, Hayley told Janet to leave the building. But Janet pleaded her case and eventually Hayley agreed to give Janet an interview. While they were preparing for the interview, one of Enchantment's clients called up and made a few queries about some numbers. Hayley had no idea what was going on so it was a good thing that Janet, reading the computer screen upside down, was there to lend a hand. Janet gave her step-niece instructions on how to fix the problem, but when Hayley stared back blankly, Janet sat down at the computer and made the necessary changes. Thanking Janet for saving the company the hassle of an audit, Hayley offered Janet the accounting job. She told Janet to try to keep a low profile because Trevor and Adam would both have conniption fits if they knew Janet was working there. Janet agreed and Hayley said that she needed to run off and tend to some business.

Soon after Hayley left, Hayley's secretary brought Amanda up from the daycare unit. Janet said hello to Amanda and the secretary, comfortable that Amanda and Janet both knew each other, allowed Amanda to sit in the office with Janet. Amanda browsed some bottles of nailpolish and picked out a rather loud shade of red that she wanted on her fingernails. Janet shook her head and said that a clear nailpolish with glitter would better suit Amanda. As Janet put the nailpolish on Amanda, Amanda asked Janet if she ever put nailpolish on her daughter. Janet smiled happily and said that she did--- and did it today for the first time. Very sweet scene between Amanda and Janet.

Hayley rushed down to Hal's bar just as Mateo was beginning to worry that she'd back out on him. The two sat down and signed the legal papers (after Mateo asked that they were legally sound) with Julia as the witness. After the papers were signed, Hayley secretively handed Hal a check and reminded him to keep his mouth shut about their deal.

At WRCW, Adam told Brooke that he would not be able to go to the airport with her and the boys because he was wrapped up in some heavy duty November sweeps stuff. AS Brooke left she mentioned that she had been over at Tad's and learned that Gloria had spent the night on the couch. Liza's eyes nearly popped out of their socket when she realized that Glo and Thaddeus were not sleeping together. Later Adam mused at Liza's surprise and again asked her if she'd like to form an alliance with him. Liza sort of chuckled and said that she has no desire to get together with Tad. But Adam didn't buy it. He made her a nice wager---he said that he would give her a hefty raise if she could get her hooks in Tad before he got his in Brooke. Adam set the date at Christmas. Liza shook her head and said she could get Tad by Thanksgiving. With that the two shook hands to seal the deal."

- Soap Central