"Noah stood motionless for several minutes after learning that he now lived at the hunting lodge. Anita and Rosa boasted about all of the work that was put in to getting the lodge ready for its new tenants and showed Noah to his newly set-up dark room. Still Noah said and did nothing. But when the two youngest Santos sisters mentioned to Noah that the new abode came rent free, Julia promptly shelled out some cash to her sisters and suggested that they run ahead to Hal's. Finally, Noah broke his silence. He was upset that the hunting lodge had been "given" to them. He said that he has no trouble accepting presents of gifts from someone---but the lodge isn't exactly a candy bar or a book. Julia sat her husband down on the couch and played their wedding video. She instructed Noah to look very closely at the guests' faces. She said that they were all exuberant. She added that the guests did not look like they had problems with investing in the newlyweds' future. But still Noah insisted that he could not live at the lodge. He then asked Julia if they could pay rent. Julia thought it over and, after saying that they should only pay an amount that they could afford, agreed that Dimitri would have no problem in accepting some monetary payment. As Julia talked of how they are a family and how Noah needs to learn that he can count on the Santoses and the Maricks, Noah recounted a childhood memory. He told Julia how he was left waiting in a bar for his mother, Rose. Rose, a jazz-slash-lounge singer, never showed up to meet the young boy in the bar. Instead she left town without so much as a goodbye to Noah or Belinda. Grace took Noah home with her and that's where he stayed until he became a young man.The couple began unpacking their boxes and boxes of belongings and Noah came across a box sent over by his Aunt Grace. He unpacked the box and found a couple homemade muffins, some table napkins, and a record album. As Noah looked over the album, he realized that it was his mother's recording. Until now he never knew that his mother actually cut a record. Julia read from a note that was attached to the record's cover. The letter, from Rose to Grace, said that Rose had heard of Noah's wedding and that she wanted to give Noah a gift. While she knew that the record wasn't much, Rose asked Grace to pass the record along to her son. Rose ended the letter by saying that she realizes that she made a big mistake when she chose a music career over her children. Noah put the record down and walked out of the cabin. He returned later and apologized to Julia for leaving and said that he wants to carry on as though he never received the record. He said that he does not feel that he has a mother and has no desire to see his mother.
At Hal's Anita and Mateo got into a tiff over Anita's longing for Bobby. Anita compared her loved for Bobby to Noah and Julia's and Mateo and Hayley's romantic situations. Mateo blew up. He told Anita that she is being irresponsible and having no consideration for her family. He asked Anita what would happen if she got together with Bobby. How would they handle to family get togethers? Would she shove Sam into Maria and Edmund's faces? Anita fought back and said that no matter what Mateo says to her, she will never give up the hope of one day being together with the man she loves.
Maria and Edmund laid in each other's arms and discussed the upcoming holidays. Maria began to think about how the season would seem empty without Sam. When Edmund agreed, Maria asked him if having another baby would make things better. Edmund said that there are a vast number of children in the world who need the love of a family, but he said that it would not be right to adopt another child to try to fill the void in the lives left by Sam. Maria was somewhat relieved and said that she felt exactly the same way. The couple agreed that Sam will always have a special place in their hearts and that they would never forget him. The two were left to enjoy the peaceful evening, one of the last they'll have considering Dimitri and Erica will be moving in soon. Maria mentioned a craving for a hot fudge sundae and Edmund whisked off to the kitchen to create an ice cream treat. As the two ate the dessert (as their dinner), Maria said that she thinks it might finally be time to get rid of Sam's nursery furniture.
Palmer agreed to help Bobby with his dilemma. The solution, however, was not what Bobby wanted to hear. Palmer said that Bobby will still get his inheritance---in spite of the shady way he learned about it---after three years of marriage to Kelsey. There is no other way around it. Bobby agreed and went upstairs to talk to Kelsey.
Kelsey ran into Opal's arms crying, sobbing that the marriage sham was all Bobby's idea. Opal was unmoved and told Kelsey to stop the charade. She blasted Kelsey for being a conniving witch who is only interested in money. Kelsey said that that wasn't true and that she really does care for Opal and Palmer. Opal shook her head and said that Kelsey has to get out of the house in the morning and that she does not want to see her face around Cortlandt Manor again.
When Bobby found Kelsey, she was already packing up her belongings. Bobby was caught off guard by her "eviction" and informed Kelsey that she would not be taking Sam with her. Kelsey, who seemed indifferent, said that she was going to go out for one final night of fun.
Flossy brought Sam into Bobby and said that Sam has been unable to get to sleep and may need to hear one of daddy's lullabies. Bobby sang Sam to sleep and put him down for the night. His mind then moved on to other matters: Anita. He began playing out a number of scenarios in his head about how he could get back together with Anita, but none of them worked. He vowed not to let Kelsey destroy his relationship with Anita. Bobby swallowed his pride and went back down to the study. There he told Opal and Palmer that he decided that he will stay married to Kelsey for the full three year period. Why? Because he had signed a contract with Kelsey and that he did not want to go back on his word."
- Soap Central