"The time arrived for Mateo to show the bar to his parents, Hector and Isabella. He knew that selling them on the idea of his owning a bar would not be easy so he asked barkeep, Noah, to stick around and help him if he needed it. Well Momma and Papa Santos arrived and Mateo gave them the hard sell. He explained to them the theme of the bar, to be called Holidays. Hector reminded Mateo that he needs to include Cinco De Mayo as one of the theme tables. The concept seemed fine, but Hector was concerned about the monetary aspects of the deal. Noah stepped in to say that Mateo has a lot on the ball and then Mateo listed some proof of his business smarts. He reminded his parents of the time he was asked to clean up almonds from the ground at the home in Texas. He said that all of the neighbors then asked him to help them clean up and he eventually sold bags of almonds for ten dollars a piece and made oodles of money. He then talked of having a two-headed turtle on display at a school function and how it was the most popular feature at the event. Hector was impressed, but said that running a bar is nothing like raking up some nuts. After Mateo had exhausted his presentation, he asked Isabella and Hector what they thought. They took several minutes out for a head-to-head chat and then gave Matt their blessing on his venture. Hector praised his son for always having drive and good sense and said that he knows he will make him proud---and that he will bring all of his friends to the bar on opening night!
Upon hearing the couple talk about their adoption concerns, Maria asked Brooke if it would be okay if she spoke to them. Brooke nodded and Maria pulled the couple aside and told them her story of adoption. Before Maria could get to the point of the story where Kelsey took Sam back, the couple mistakenly assumed that the adoption went by the letter and that Maria had Sam at home. Maria took a deep breath and told them that the birthmother decided that she wanted the baby back and that while she is hurting, she is relived in knowing that Sam has a family that can provide him with what he needs. The gentleman then decided that an adoption would not be worth the heartache of having to give up the baby. Surprisingly, Maria stepped in and said that she does not regret her decision to adopt Sam. She said that the six months that she shared with the baby were some of the richest months of her life and urged the couple to continue the adoption.
Brooke followed Maria as she walked away and thanked her for her help. Maria said that she wanted to help another couple do the right thing and be fully informed at the same time. Brooke asked Maria if she and Edmund had considered another adoption, but Maria said that they do not think that the time is right to think about it.
Kelsey ended up at the Insomniac Cafe along with Opal and Sam and Belinda. Kelsey walked over to Belinda (who is now being played by Amelia Marshall) and asked her if she could ask a few questions about a contract she just signed. Belinda advised Kelsey to call her secretary and make an appointment so they could discuss the matter in private. This advisory fell on deaf ears as Kelsey began spouting off about how she would soon be a multi-millionaire and would be able to pay Belinda for her services. That comment sparked some interest and Belinda asked Kelsey to explain what she was talking about. Kelsey sat down and said that she signed a contract with Bobby that would give her part of his trust fund and that all she would have to do is give up Sam and stay married to Bobby for three years. Belinda then asked what would happen to the trust fund if Kelsey and Bobby's marriage were to be annulled. Well Kelsey had no clue. After Kelsey confessed that the only reason she and Bobby got married was for the trust fund, Belinda shook her head and gave an almost smug chuckle. She said that when the marriage is annulled---and said that she had no doubt that it would be annulled---Kelsey would not see any money and would also no longer have her son. She then said that sometimes people really do get what they deserve. Ouch!
Kelsey then strolled over to Opal and asked if she could take Sam for a little walk before taking him back to Cortlandt Manor. Opal questioned Kelsey's motives and said that she is not dumb enough to believe that Kelsey suddenly has a maternal feeling toward the baby. Kelsey went on about having a sparkle running through her body and feeling connected to her flesh and blood. Eventually, Opal agreed that it would do no harm to let Kelsey take Sam for a little stroll.
Julia, who still works part-time at the coffee shop, pulled Belinda over and asked her a few questions about her childhood. Julia didn't let her sister-in-law get much in edgewise and eventually Julia was asking Belinda about her mother. Belinda said that she really does not having any fond memories of her mother and can only recall talking about Rose with her Aunt Grace. She said that Grace was furious with Rose for running off with a troublemaker-of-a-man. Why all the questions, Belinda asked. Julia replied that Noah had been given a note from Rose via Grace and her move-in muffin box. Just as they mentioned his name, Noah walked in the door and asked why he hadn't told her that he got a letter from their mother.
Hayley spoke briefly to Julia and asked how she was enjoying life at the Wildwind hunting lodge. Julia told Hayley about Noah's fear of charity. She then said that she and Hayley deserve medals for being able to deal with their stubborn, macho men. Hearing how Noah was upset with a rent-free living space, Hayley got to thinking about how Mateo would react if he found out that she bankrolled their acquisition of Hal's, and darted off.
Opal returned to Cortlandt Manor and found Bobby and Palmer still boasting of their duping of Kelsey. Palmer told Bobby that his mother and father are both very proud of how he handled the matter and that he has their full support. Opal called out for Kelsey to come downstairs, but Bobby told Opal that Kelsey wasn't there. Opal began panicking and phoned Joe and Ruth to warn them to be on the lookout for Kelsey and Sam. Just as she hung up the phone with the Martins, Kelsey called---from the airport. She asked to speak to Bobby and then said that she was taking Sam away and that no one would be able to get him back. A frantic Bobby told Palmer that she was at the airport and everyone dashed out of the house to go and find her.
While Kelsey had her back turned. Sam---stroller and all---disappeared. Kelsey raced around calling out for her baby, but no one helped could help her.
At another gate, a mysterious woman got off of a flight and was welcomed to Pine Valley...."
- Soap Central