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"A cancellation by one of WRCW's key sponsors left Rudy doing the work of "a hundred men." Unknowingly, he interrupted Liza's daydreams of Jake. He told his boss that he needed some assistance or they would not be prepared for the next day's shows. Liza suggested that Rudy ask Jake for some help, but Rudy informed her that Jake had left for the day and that the last he heard, he was skating with Belinda Keefer.

Belinda took a tumble on the ice and injured her ankle. Jake took her back to the Martin home and gave her a thorough examination. He told her that she'd be okay, but she might be tender for a day or two. As the two sat and talked, Liza placed a call to Belinda and concocted a story that some legal documents needed to be prepared immediately. Belinda reluctantly agreed to end her date, saying that she would have to stay up all night to get the work done in time. On the other end of the phone, Liza's mouth formed an evil grin. Belinda bid Jake goodnight, but he told her that he'd be seeing her soon.

Shortly after Belinda left the grounds, Liza arrived at the house and asked Jake why he was not at work. Jake insisted that he was not going to let WRCW take over his life. Liza was disgusted by Jake's noncommittal attitude towards his work and said that he'll never succeed in television without a strong work ethic. Unfortunately, she blew her cover when she commented that his fancy-free skating session forced Rudy to work by himself. Jake saw through Liza's supposed reason for visiting and accused her of forcing him to put his social life on hold. He said that he will not sit around his house just because Liza is temporarily unavailable. He also instructed her that her marriage bars her from interfering in his personal matters. Liza's face saddened. She asked Jake if he really meant what he had said to Tad earlier in the day. Jake nodded. He reaffirmed his statement that he wants nothing more to do with Liza while she's married. But that didn't mean that he doesn't still want her. He ordered her to return home to her husband and that he'd see her in the morning.

Ruth told Tad why Gloria had to cancel a dinner date. Needless to say, Tad was very understanding that Gloria wanted to remain on duty until she was certain that her friend's (Dimitri) family was okay. Tad seemed pleased that Ruth praised Gloria's work as a nurse and said that it will make things easier now that he and Gloria are ready to "take the next step." Ruth automatically assumed that Tad was going to propose to Gloria and when she learned that the planned next step was "co-habitation," Ruth voiced her disapproval. Ruth indicated that she would rather she Tad and Gloria live apart rather than having to explain to Jamie why Tad and Gloria were living together. She also hinted that it was a little too soon after Dixie's departure to have someone else move in.

Erica was stunned to hear that the baby had not been found. Maria disputed Erica's concern and suggested that Erica must have practiced her grief in order to make it look genuine. Erica insisted that she tried her best to save the baby, but that she could not find him (She still has not told anyone that the baby was a girl). Maria asked Erica why she didn't kill her instead of doing in her baby. Erica tried her best to recount the events leading up to the crash. She told Maria that her car his a patch of ice and that the car flew off the road and into the lake. Maria growled as Erica showed signs of emotion, "So help me. If you cry, I'll strangle you!" Even though she was laying down in her hospital bed, Erica was not about to take the insult laying down. She flipped the blame and said that if Maria had not committed adultery there would have been no baby to lose. So, she replied, it was Maria's fault that the baby died. Maria fought back tears and rather than letting Erica see that she had gotten to her, Maria turned and ran away.

At Chandler Mansion, Adam ordered Winifred to make sure that the mansion was bedecked to his specifications because he was planning a special evening with Liza. Marian strutted her way down the steps and asked Adam who they would be dining with this evening. Adam looked at her with a cross look and said that they would not be eating with anyone---he would be eating with Liza and she would be eating in her room. Marian took the hint and obviously wanted to anything in her power to get Adam and Liza to consummate their marriage.

Barry was in the neighborhood and thought he'd drop by and see how Adam is doing with his plan to dump Liza. Adam checked to make sure that Marian was nowhere to be found before bringing his attorney up to date. Rudy interrupted the meeting with a call to ask Adam if he had heard from Liza. Rudy explained that Liza went over to Jake's place to talk shop, but that they are not answering the phone. Barry was elated that Liza and Jake were succumbing to their passion. Adam wasn't so thrilled. He told Barry that he would handle to matter later because he was too busy to check into things now. Barry asked Adam if he was falling for Liza. Adam insisted that he had no feelings for Liza. Barry was pleased and warned Adam that they longer he takes to divorce Liza, the more money she'll be able to snap up. As the two talked, Marian listened intently from behind a potted palm. Liza returned home and Marian quickly pulled her aside. She asked her daughter where she had been and was not satisfied with her response that she was "at work." Marian warned Liza that she'd need to come up with a better excuse if she plans on sneaking around with Jake!

Maria returned to Wildwind with Edmund. Their few moments of peace were disrupted by Sam's cries> Maria asked Edmund if it is possible that Sam can pick up vibes from their sadness. Edmund nodded. He said that he feels very fortunate in spite of the loss of their child because he has a wife and son who love him dearly.

Gloria tracked Dimitri down in the hospital's chapel. She said that she knows Dimitri is in an awful lot of pain and does not want to intrude on his affairs. Dimitri allowed Gloria to stay and confided in her that his life is falling apart because of the mistakes he made. Gloria assured her friend and former employer that that Edmund does not "despise" him, as Dimitri thinks, he is just upset about losing his child. Dimitri looked Gloria in the eye and told her that the baby was not Edmund's, it was his. Gloria told Dimitri that she was not going to pass judgment on him because she was in no position to judge. Outside, Erica was about to enter the chapel, but when she heard Dimitri's voice, she hovered at the doorway and listened to the conversation. Gloria reminded Dimitri that he had forgive Erica for her mistakes and assured him that Erica would one day forgive him. Erica was furious that Dimitri had told Erica about his affair. She continued listening long enough to hear Dimitri explain the whos, whats, wheres, whens, and hows of his fling with Maria, but soon after that she ran back to her room.

When she returned to her room, she received a visit for Myrtle. Erica raced into Myrt's arms and gave her a big hug. She broke down in tears as she told Myrtle that she tried desperately to save the baby, but that she couldn't accomplish the task. She told Myrt that she even prayed to her mother to be a guardian angel for the baby and it did no good. Now, she said that she wishes that she had stayed with the baby even if it meant dying with the child. Myrtle tucked Erica into bed and praised her for doing the best she could. She suggested that she track down Dimitri, but Erica begged Myrt to keep Dimitri away from her. After Myrtle left, Erica donned her clothing and left the hospital bound for parts unknown.

Somewhere near Willow Lake, a woman named Esther clutched Maria's child and told her that she'd be okay now that she has a mother."

- Soap Central