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"Erica's sleep was haunted by nightmares. She dreamt that her kidnapping scheme was unraveling around her.

Maria told Edmund that she'd decided to take a temporary leave of absence from medicine so that she can spend more time with Sam. Edmund supported the decision whole-heartedly.

At WRCW, things were also falling apart. The chef scheduled for The Cutting Edge backed out at the last moment and Tad and Erica were going to be forced to fill in. But Erica called in and said that she could not be at work because of a personal emergency. That left Tad to make a stuffed artichoke pizza all by himself. And Tad wasn't too sure of his cooking skills. Dimitri took time out to tell Tad that Erica would be his permanent side-kick on The Cutting Edge. Erica Live! was scrapped. WRCW didn't have a big enough budget, Dimitri explained, to host two talk shows. Tad went in front of the camera and taped the cooking segment. In true Tad fashion, the segment was anything but boring. After the completion of the segment, Tad yelled at Dimitri for making him look like a fool on national television. He also said that he'd no longer play Dimitri's stooge. Dimitri waved the word "contract" in Tad's face and told him that his job requires him to follow orders. Gloria stepped in and told Dimitri that he's being very mean to everyone lately. His friends are dropping left and right and if he's not careful, he won't be able to call Gloria his friend either.

Liza approached Adam and insisted that she did not know about Dimitri's take-over. AS she rattled on and on in defense of herself, Adam order her to "shut up and listen" He told her that Stuart had called and made him see the error of his ways. He now knows that Liza was not plotting with Dimitri. "I was wrong and I'm sorry," Adam said. Mateo formally proposed to Hayley, but she didn't accept the offer. She said that they had not had time to plan a wedding. There was no license, flowers, or blood test, and there were no rings. One by one Mateo uncovered the items Hayley mentioned. Hayley was stunned. Mateo told Hayley that he has always loved her and felt like a heel for not trusting her. Now, he wants to "grow old and toothless" with Hayley. Finally, Hayley agreed to marry him.

Liza burst into the room and told Matt to scram. In a frenzy, Liza readied Hayley for her big day. She helped her with her make-up as well as loaning her a necklace given to her by her father as the "something old and something borrowed." The display perplexed Hayley. Why, she asked, would Liza want to help her? They're not even friends. "We're not enemies," Liza smiled. Liza even had time to get a wedding gown for Hayley.

Outside, Mateo did his best to convince Adam that the wedding was the right thing to do. Adam needed no convincing. He told Mateo that he exudes "courage and integrity" and gave his blessing.

Janet worked over the books at Holidays. Trevor entered the restaurant and pulled up a chair at Janet's table. He took pleasure in tormenting Janet about her date with Dimitri. He also warned Janet that Dimitri is on the rebound from another relationship and told her no to get involved emotionally with Dimitri. She did, after all, go to Dimitri's room, right? Janet blasted Trevor for sticking his nose into her business. She did not, she pointed out, sleep with Dimitri. She walked him to his room---a room that is right across the hall from her room! Trevor said that he has a say in what Janet can and cannot do because they are both Amanda's parents. Trevor rose to his feet, brushed off the embarrassment of his faux pas, and walked away. Jack, who was sitting at the bar watching the pair, sauntered over to Janet's table and asked if he could join her. Jack told Janet that Adam and Liza, of all people, were going to be given a fete honoring them as couple of the year. It just so happens that Jack had an extra ticket to the event and needed an escort. Janet's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Was Jack really asking her out? Jack called Janet "a friend" and said that he'd be quite pleased to have her as his date. Janet smiled broadly and she sort of resembled a nervous school girl. But she took Jack up on his offer, saying that she'd love to go with him.

Erica showed up at the hospital and was mobbed by reporters from tabloids. Some leaked the story about how she did not adopt Sonya from Russia and everyone wanted to get the latest dirt. Maria raced to Erica's side and shielded her from the photos. She then ordered all the reporters to leave the hospital or risk arrest. Erica thanked Maria for her help. Maria and Erica went to a private room and the two women talked. Maria asked Erica to reconsider her hiring of Esther as Sonya's nanny. Maria reminded Erica of the fiasco she and Edmund had gone through with Kelsey. Erica noted the suggestion, but said that she was taking legal steps to protect her rights to the baby. Maria told Erica that she was inspired by her decision to take a leave of absence from Enchantment and that she had decided to take time of from medicine to be with Sam. Maria explained that losing her baby made her realize how pressure her time with Sam really is to her. "I'm glad you have Sonya," Maria smiled. "I hope she gives you comfort." Erica's conscience became restless. She apologized for luring Maria to the cabin and again insisted that she did everything she could to rescue to baby from the lake. "I dove and I dove and I dove to try to rescue her," Erica sobbed. Edmund, who had been standing at the doorway behind Erica, picked up on Erica's usage of the word "her." He entered the room and asked why Erica referred to their baby as "her.""

- Soap Central