"In an attempt to get a leg up on her father, Skye called her Uncle Stuart to talk to him before Adam learned that it was her loan that cost him ownership if WRCW. Mike, a co-worker at Tempo, entered her office with the article she had written about Erica in hand. Mike called the article "fluff." He told her that it was recently revealed that Esther, the baby's nanny, was also the baby's biological mother. Before leaving, he told Skye that if her last name weren't Chandler, she'd never have gotten a job at Tempo.
Erica explained that she inadvertently referred to Edmund and Maria's missing child as a "she" because she was thinking about Sonya. She even went so far as to say that all babies are now "she"s because of Sonya. Before Edmund could continue the inquiry, Maria asked that he back off. Esther entered the room and handed Sonya over to Erica. She said that the pediatrician had given the baby her check-up and determined that Sonya was perfectly healthy. Esther and Edmund headed in their separate directions and Maria and Erica shared a few words. Maria told Erica that not a day passes when she doesn't think about Matthew. Erica again offered her thoughts that bringing a psychic into the matter might not have been the best idea. Maria told Erica that Frederick offered her a great deal of support and even told her that Matthew is surrounded by warmth and love. The comments created an air of uneasiness around Erica. Maria said that she cannot give up her search for Matthew.
Dimitri held his first brain-storming session at WRCW. He wanted out with the old and in with the new. Trevor dropped by the station on his way to Brooke's house to issue a few words of warning to Mr. Marick. Trevor said that Dimitri's plan to use Janet to make Erica jealous hadn't worked. Dimitri noted that Trevor was the one who appeared to be jealous. Not so, Trevor replied. He again used his claim that as a co-parent to Amanda, Janet's personal life is his business. Dimitri agreed with Trevor in his argument that Janet has made a sharp turn around in her life, but said that she doesn't need a "warrior guard" to look after her.
Hayley and Mateo were wed. Nothing fancy, but the ceremony was filled with true heart-felt emotions. Hayley told Mateo that she believes in "you... me... and God." Mateo said that he has learned to trust his heart and that nothing will ever come between him and Hayley again. Adam and Liza exchanged fleeting glances. The vows were recited and rings were exchanged. Adam proposed a toast to his daughter and her new husband, saying that "true love is rare." Liza put down her glass and slipped out of the room. When Adam noticed that his wife was missing, he chased after her. Liza insisted that she was okay and that she always gets choked up at weddings. Adam started to suggest that they utilize the priest from Mateo and Hayley's wedding to renew their vows, but he stopped short of completing his thought. Adam's pilot showed up at the hospital and said that the private jet was fueled and ready to fly back to Pine Valley at any time. Liza begged to tag along, saying that she does not want to miss the Adam-Dimitri feud.
Pierce packed his bags for his trip to Central America. While sifting through her fiancé's belongings, Brooke noticed that Pierce packed a hand gun in his suit case. The gun brought up a touchy subject and Brooke asked Pierce to reconsider the need for firearms on the trip. Since no one was sure of the political environment in El Salvador, Pierce said that he wanted to be safe. But if Brooke wanted him to ditch the gun, he said he'd agree to her request.
Trevor dropped Amanda off at Brooke's house. Trevor was set to accompany Pierce on his excursion to Central America. Amanda worried that her father might be entering a dangerous situation. Knowing that Amanda had already lost her mother (actually two of them), Trevor did his best to ease his young daughter's fears. Christina thanked Pierce for his help with an embrace. Needless to say the display of affection and thanks made Brooke very uncomfortable. With a final kiss, Pierce said goodbye to Brooke and he and Trevor left for the airport.
Skye dropped by Linden to dig for dirt on Esther and Erica's adoption situation. At first Esther didn't want to allow Skye into the house because of Erica and Skye's recent fall out. Skye lied that she and Erica had patched things up and that all was fine and dandy again. Skye quickly apologized to Esther for their meeting at the park when she was writing her article on Erica. Esther accepted the apology, rationalizing that being a writer is a stressful job and that Skye meant no harm. That was all that Skye needed to hear before pursuing with a line of very personal questions. When Skye asked Esther what it would be like to have Sonya call Erica "mommy," Esther flipped out. She put her hands over her ears, shook her head back and forth, and rapidly approached the breaking point. When the doorbell rang, Esther hoped that Erica had returned home. But when she opened the door, she saw Edmund. This further added to Esther's breakdown. Edmund explained that he was there to retrieve Skye, not to persecute Esther. Edmund claimed that Skye was not interested in work because she had been AWOL from Tempo for the past few days. Skye told Edmund that she had been in Virginia with Hayley. This was the first time that Edmund had heard about Hayley's near death experience. Erica finally returned home and demanded that Edmund and Skye leave her home. Esther stood up for Edmund, explaining that Skye was the one who was causing trouble. Erica apologized to Edmund, but still asked that he leave. Edmund agreed to leave, but he warned Erica that her adoption situation is a big story and that she cannot expect the media to ignore the story.
Adam returned to WRCW and went to Dimitri's office. He told Dimitri that he should not get comfortable because his stay at WRCW will be quite short.
Maria and Edmund hopped a plane bound for Virginia so that they could be with Hayley and Mateo.
Erica and Esther had tea together. Erica thanked Esther for her continued help with Sonya and told her that everything would soon settle down and they could have a peaceful existence. Edmund isn't evil, Esther snapped. At least not the way Erica had said. Esther said that the situation was not over and that keeping Sonya from her real parents is "a sin.""
- Soap Central