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"The days of itching and scratching were over as Sam's chicken pox finally subsided. Maria told Edmund that Erica had requested that Sam and Sonya have a play date together. Edmund mused as Erica's request, asking what Sonya and Sam could possibly do together. Sonya can't even crawl, he chuckled, and asked if the two kids would spend all day munching on some of Peggy's soda bread. Maria rued having to call Erica and tell her that Sam was over his childhood infection, but thought that Erica's intentions might be sincere. Perhaps she was trying to mend fences for the sake of the children. Erica answered the phone, but acted quite peculiarly when told that Sam's chicken pox were no longer contagious. Maria had no idea why Erica was acting so oddly, but Erica knew that she would now have to keep her promise to herself and return Sonya to Edmund and Maria. The "playdate" was set for the next morning.

Janet and Trevor discoed up a proverbial storm. Neither could believe how their situations had changed in the course of twelve months. A year ago, Trevor was confined to a wheelchair. Janet commented that had it not been for Trevor's hatred of her, he might still be unable to walk. To set the record straight, Trevor said that he doesn't hate Janet. What could have been a tender moment was destroyed when the class photographer snapped a photo of Trevor and Janet. Trevor demanded the Polaroid, citing his dislike of pictures and adding that he was not part of the Class of 1997. The shutterbug forked over the picture. Trevor crumbled the photo and tossed it aside.

Kevin and Kelsey were proclaimed the King and Queen of the Prom. It was the second consecutive honor for Mr. Sheffield, who ribbed that Kelsey was the Queen---not him! Kelsey, Kevin, Bobby, and Anita prepared to head off to the beach house. They asked if Trevor would like to join them. Kelsey chimed in that they saw Trevor and Janet dancing together and thought that they could use some time away. Trevor turned to talk to Janet, but she had mysteriously disappeared.

Jack paid Erica a visit, a personal visit not a professional visit. Erica told him that he'd never forgive her once the truth was learned about her dirty deeds. Jack insisted that he could work out a custody arrangement with Esther that would allow Erica to maintain custody of Sonya. Erica replied that Esther wasn't part of the problem. Besides, Erica had already decided that Sonya would be given back in the morning. Jack knew that Erica omitted an integral part of the story and asked for Erica to fill in the blanks. "You'll know tomorrow," Erica said softly. She said that the new day would shed light on the situation and clear everything up for everyone. Sonya's cries spurred Erica into action and she raced upstairs for one final night with her "daughter."

Laura and Scott arrived at the Sleepy Hollow Inn. A cornucopia of emotions flooded Laura's mind. She was amazed by the "luxuries"--- bottles of shampoo and perfume in the bathroom. Scott presented his girlfriend with his class ring. The ring has been placed on a chain so it would "always be close" to Laura's heart. Scott played some soft music before he unbuttoned his shirt and began a passionate kiss with the woman he loves.

Kevin and Kelsey walked out on Bobby's party. Neither one wanted to see a bunch of other people making out. Kevin told Kelsey a story about his first "make out" party. He said that they played spin the brush (they didn't have a bottle). The brush first landed on another guy, so Kevin quickly spun the brush again. When it finally stopped spinning, he ended up with a nightmare of an experience. He said an orthodontic rubber band on the girl that he was supposed to kiss snapped off and hit him in the eye. Kelsey asked Kevin if he felt that they'd fall in love. Kevin shook his head. Kelsey insisted that Kevin would find someone special because he's such a great guy. She then looked longingly into his eyes.

Janet returned to the party scene and retrieved the crumpled up Polaroid. She tried her best to flatten the creases, but as she fiddled with the photo, Trevor approached from behind.

Sam received a T-shirt from Hayley and Mateo. The thought of sunning on a tropical island met with approval from both Maria and Edmund. A vacation was definitely in order. Maria went to get Sam and do some late-night game playing with her son. She sang "Hush Little Baby," to Sam.

Across town, Erica sang the same song to Sonya. She told Sonya how she had such high goals for her. Now, she said fighting back tears, she'd never get to see Sonya's first day of school or be there to help her with her homework. Something that Erica will also have, however, is an undying love for the infant. She turned off the lights and closed the door. She knew full well that she had sung her final lullaby to the little girl.
Erica closed up downstairs and prepared for bed. As she made a final check of the lights, she found that Jack had not left. He was there... waiting for her. "Where else would I be?" he answered when Erica asked why he hadn't left."

- Soap Central