Browse By Year



"Tad and Gloria both agreed that some time away from Pine Valley might do them some good. Plus, not only was it a great way to get their relationship back on track, but they could also use some time to unwind. They set the destination for their get away as Nantuckett. Tad was concerned, however, that leaving town while his dad was still in the hospital might not be a good idea. Gloria smiled as she told Tad that the get away was Ruth's idea. Tad chuckled and teased Gloria about not liking how she and his mother were teaming up against him.

Jack finally made the big move out of his parent's house. He moved far, far away from the Martin house. Far... across the street? He took a room at Myrtle's boarding house and from his room he was able to see his parents' back yard. As he made himself comfortable, he had a close encounter of the dripping wet kind. Allie, wrapped only in a towel, burst into Jake's room. The two doctors looked at each other for several minutes before either was able to say a word. Allie claimed that the room was hers. Jake also said that he had a claim to the room. They both turned towards the door and shouted for Myrtle. But Myrtle had stepped out so it seemed that no one was going to able to sort out the confusion. The two cooled down and apologized for yelling at each other. Allie came up with the perfect way to solve the room dispute: flipping a coin. Allie lost the toss and decided to up the oods. It went to two-out-of-three then to thre-out-of-five and so on. Eventually, Jake tired of the contest and called for one final flip. Allie stuck with tails, but again the coin came up heads. She reluctantly rose to her feet and went to retrieve her things. Jake could see that Allie was upset and offered to move back to his parents' house. Allie refused to welch on deal and said that the boarding house life really didn't suit her any way.

At a booth at Holidays, Laura read her mother's diary. The final entries talked of a dispute between Laura and her mom. Laura's mom expressed a desire for her daughter to have a better life.... a life that she knew her daughter would one day obtain. In the final entry, Laura's mother recounted the final hours before her tragic death. Laura's mother yelled at Laura for being rebellious and doing something that made her look like trash. It was never revealed what "it" was. Laura told her mother that she was not going to be controlled and she stormed out of the apartment. That was the last time Laura saw her mother alive. Mateo pulled up a seat and asked Laura what she was reading. Mateo tried to lighten the mood by envisioning what his father would have written in a diary. His attempt to make Laura laugh failed miserably. Scott showed up a few minutes later and told Laura that he was going to take her to Willow Lake to look at the stars. Laura invited Mateo and Hayley to join them, a move that upset Scott. Fortunately, Mateo saw that Scott wanted to be alone with Laura and made up an excuse. But Mateo was not the only one who was concocting stories. Laura suddenly "remembered" that she had to babysit Jamie. That was fine with Scott. He said that after Jamie had fallen asleep he and Laura could go into the backyward and look at the stars. Again, Laura had an excuse. She claimed that she did not want to be "eaten alive" by the mosquitos. That excuse made Scott realize that it was he, not the mosquitos, who were the pest that Laura wanted to avoid. He told Laura point blank that he is not trying to get her alone to pressure her into sex. He wants to spend time with her, time that they can use to get to know each other. Scott told Laura that he loves her so much, but that he isn;t so sure that she feels the same way. He stormed out of the restaurant. A few minutes later Laura chased after him.

Laura caught up with Scott, but the coversation hadn't changed. She again accused Scott of only wanting her for sex and said that she cannot deal with a boyfriend who only wants a physical relationship.

Scott later returned to Holidays and told Mateo that he is afraid of what might have happened to Laura while she was still living in New York.

Laura curled up in the windowbox in her bedroom and read the final lines of her mother's diary. As she got to the end of the book, there were several pages that had been torn out.

Liza felt faint and needed to sit down before proceeding with her explanation. Adam rolled his eyes at what he called Liza's passe attempt to woo him over. He urged Liza to "drop the bomb" already or to get out of his bedroom. That's all the prodding Liza needed. "I'm pregnant," Liza blurted out. Adam was stunned, a feeling that was echoed by Liza. Liza told her husband that she had taken a home pregnancy test and seen Doctor Clader. Both confirmed that she was definitely pregnant. Adam sat down on the bed. He heard the words, but he was unable to fully comprehend the extent of Liza's big announcement. The pregnancy, Liza stated, was progressingly normally and the baby appears to be in perfect health. Liza told Adam that she had not told him sooner because she was afraid of how he's take the news. Adam smiled---a real smile---as he let the news seep into his brain. Liza felt another wave of nausea sweeping over and fumbled for a cracker. She told Adam that Tad had told her that eating crackers was a way to fight nausea. That was the end of the happy mood. The mere mention of Tad's name sent Adam into a tirade. Adam got down on his knees and looked under the bed. Then he walked over to the closet and opened the door. All the while he called out Tad's name and told him that he can come out of hiding. Why this bizarre display? Because "the brat's his, right?" Adam asked. Liza shook her head. She could not believe that Adam could think that the baby was Tad's. Adam said that he is "a lot of things" but that he's not gullible. Liza warned Adam that he can believe that Tad is the father if he wants... but he'll be missing a chance at being a father to his child. She raced from the room. A few seconds later, Stuart entered the room. He had overheard the fight and wanted to see what was going on. Adam told his twin brother the news of Liza's pregnancy. Stuart was overjoyed. A baby would finally bring Adam and Liza together. They'd have to admit their love for each other now, right? "Don't hold your breath," Adam advised Stuart. He then told Stuart that the baby is Tad's. Stuart smiled and nodded his head. Then is hit him. His lips puckered up and his eyes bulged.

Tad was making preparations for his get away with Liza when his doorbell rang. Liza charged into the house and told Tad that she had listened to his advice and told Adam that she's pregnant. Now things are worse than before!"

- Soap Central