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"It was a repeat performance of a scene that previously played out at Pine Valley's courthouse as Dimitri told Edmund and Maria that he will do, think, and say what ever he pleases whenever he pleases. This was brought on when Dimitri expressed an interest in knowing more about Madeline's christening.

Skye finished her letter to Edmund and placed it in an interoffice mail folder. She apparently had no intention of sending the letter off to Edmund. It was enough of a release to vent her feelings of guilt. The letter explained why Skye felt the need to swap the paternity test results. So why did she feel the need to make the swap? Well, as she said in the letter, she felt that Maria needed to be punished for her affair with Dimitri.

Liza was in tear as she told Tad that Adam had rejected her after she told him that she was pregnant. Tad offered to intercede, but Liza said that Tad couldn't help make things better between her and her husband. Liza headed to the phone and placed an urgent phone call to her mother. She instructed Marian to pack up her clothing and deliver it to Tad's house.

Stuart asked Adam if Liza had confirmed his suspicions about her baby's father. Adam shook his head and labeled Liza as a "habitual liar" who would claim that Adam was the baby's father just to keep her hand in Adam's money till. Stuart criticized his brother for dumping an unneeded load of stress on Liza. He reminded Adam that a baby---even while still in the womb---can detect the mother's stress. Adam didn't seem to care. If the baby was born with birth defects or complications arose in Liza's pregnancy it was of no consequence to Adam. After all, he believes the baby is not his and it would be Tad who would have to deal with those problems. Adam also informed Stuart that he found Tad and Liza in an embrace at Liza's loft. This secret love nest, Adam explained, had probably seen more than a few late night trysts between Liza and Tad. At that moment Marian stomped down the steps and told Adam that he had finally gone "too far." She told him that his constant nit-picking with Liza had finally taken there toll; Liza had fled to T ad's house for refuge. She warned Adam that if he does not clean up his act, Liza will be out of his life forever!

When Marian arrived at Tad's, she didn't exactly receive a warm reception. Marian had disregarded her daughter's request for all of her belongings. Marian explained that she ignored Liza's request because it wasn't what she "really wanted." Marian went on to explain how Liza really loves Adam and how Adam loves Liza. The problem, as Marian saw it, was that both Adam and Liza are too stubborn to admit their true feelings. Both have a fear of opening themselves up to true love. Liza looked her mother in the eye and told her that she has no idea what she really wants. In fact, Liza said that her mother had never known what she's (Liza's) wanted in life. She repeated her request for her belongings, but told Marian that her assistance was no longer needed. Now it was painfully obvious to Marian what her daughter wanted---and it did not include her mother's presence. Marian agreed to leave, but not before begging Tad to look out for her daughter. Liza decided to call it a night and prepared to hit the sack. Tad, however, insisted that Liza sleep in his bed so that she would be more comfortable.

Back at Chandler Mansion, Skye dropped by to forewarn her father about some impending trouble. Adam told his daughter that she had picked the wrong time for a crisis. Skye assured her father that she was not going to gripe about his parenting flaws. This was a crisis all her own. Skye never revealed what it was that she had done---her father wouldn't allow her to. But he did tell her that she should reconsider telling her secret. "Try to live with the guilt," Adam advised his daughter, saying that the guilt would be less punishment than the reaction of those who she had hurt. Skye suddenly realized that she had made a terrible mistake by writing the letter. She raced back to Tempo to retrieve her letter, but it was too late. A late night cleaning lady found the letter on Skye's desk and placed it in the outgoing mail pile. Skye reacted in horror as she realized that Edmund would be receiving the letter in the morning.

Gloria had planned a late night picnic with Tad, but Tad told her that he could not join her. He didn't tell her why---because he was tending to Liza---but said that he would be ready for their planned getaway in the morning. Dimitri arrived and overheard the phone call and tried to convince Gloria that she should picnic with him instead. Gloria turned him down.

You want to talk about strange pairings, Dimitri and Marian shared a few drinks and chatted about their mutual problems. The alcohol loosened Marian's lips and she revealed that Liza was staying at Tad's house. This was just the tid bit of information that Dimitri needed to hear to devise a scheme to win Gloria's heart.

Janet was left in charge of babysitting for Amanda while Michael ran a few errands. This was not an easy sitting session. Amanda claimed that she knew that Janet loved her daddy because she saw them kissing. Janet tried her best to explain the kiss away. She said that it was a "grown up kiss." This made little sense to Amanda who now wanted to know the difference between a "grown up kiss" and a kiss between two people who are in love. Belinda arrived at the door and listened to the conversation, a conversation that was about to take a difficult turn. Amanda told Janet that she knows "where babies come from" and knows that Trevor and Janet are her parents. Now people who are "just friends" don't make babies, do they? Belinda rescued Janet by knocking on the door. Janet asked Amanda to ready herself for bed. Amanda agreed. Belinda praised Janet's dancing skills, saying that she did a great tap dancing routine when trying to dance around the answers to Amanda's questions. Belinda stated that she would sell her soul to the devil if it meant she'd have a chance to win back to love of the father of her child. This tricked Janet into admitting that she loves Trevor, something that Janet might not have been ready to admit to herself.

In the morning, Edmund arrived at Tempo and leafed through his mail.

Belinda tracked Janet down at Holidays and apologized for pressing Janet on her feelings for Trevor. Janet smiled and said that it was no big deal. And about what she had said? Janet claimed that she was tired and wasn't thinking about what she said. She told Belinda to disregard her statement because it was absolutely untrue.

Marian overheard Adam talking to his attorney, Barry. Adam ordered Barry to finalize a divorce from Liza by lunchtime.

Dimitri placed a call to Chandler Mansion to find out if Liza had returned home the night before. When he learned that Liza must have spent the night at Tad's house. he began stage two of his plan. He hunted down Gloria and told her that he had taken the liberty of finalizing some travel plans for her and Tad. And because there was only a little time left before they'd have to hit the road, he would drive Gloria over to Tad's house so they could get ready. Over at Tad's house, Liza was fast asleep in Tad's bed."

- Soap Central