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"On the first day of her trial, you would think that Erica would be troubled by what was on her mind. But the glamorous defendant was more preoccupied with what was on her body. Trevor barred Erica from weary any frilly gowns or revealing outfits. He ordered her to wear something sensible and something that says "I'm sorry." Amazingly, Erica had a reason for wanting to dress for success---Jack. She told Trevor and Myrtle that she needs to dress flashy so that she will look appealing to the district attorney. He loves her, by the way. Or at least that's what Erica spouted. Erica then told Trevor that she and Jack had been intimate the night after she gave back Sonya to Edmund and Maria. Trevor's initial response was to yank Jack off of the case, but Erica refused.

At the courthouse there was an unmistakable buzz sounding throughout the corridors. Liza briefed the news reporters on what questions they should ask Erica when she arrived. She also instructed them on what types of photo ops they should be on the lookout for. Tad was the next to show up. Liza, remembering Tad's sage advice on how crackers soothe upset stomachs, offered Tad a cracker to make him feel better. Nothing, Tad replied, would ease his pain. Gloria was missing and he felt that Dimitri was responsible for her disappearance. Tad placed calls to the airport to track Dimitri's flight plan, but he was told that the information was privileged.

Edmund, Maria, and Mateo entered the courtroom through a side entrance o that they would avoid the media stalking out the front entrance. Maria was immediately escorted to a private room where prosecution witness were kept. Maria prayed to God to help her have strength during her stint on the witness stand. As she prayed, Esther was led into the room. Esther pleaded with the guard to show her to another room. She did not want a confrontation with Maria. But Maria was forgiving. She thanked Esther for saving Madelyn's life. Maria also told the woman that she does not harbor any resentment towards her. Esther insisted that she did what she thought was best for the baby. She added that Erica also did what she thought was best and that she does not feel that Erica ever meant to harm anyone.

Even the poshest hotel room couldn't ease Gloria's mind. When Dimitri showed up at her room for breakfast, he learned that Gloria had not been able to sleep the night before. Not only did Dimitri spring for breakfast, but he also picked up a few "provisions" for Gloria. From the names on the bags, it was safe to assume that Dimitri spared no expense in buying garments for Gloria. Gloria still could not fathom how, or why for that matter, Tad would cheat on her. Dimitri, playing the part of a man with ulterior motives to a tee, requested that Gloria not jump to conclusions. There was no proof, Dimitri stated calmly, that Tad and Gloria were sleeping together. Gloria thought of one way that she could get an answer. She called Adam and asked for his opinion on the situation. Adam confirmed Gloria's fears; Adam said that Tad and Liza have to be sleeping together and then offered his condolences to Gloria on her broken engagement. Gloria was devastated---even more so than before. Dimitri's pilot called the room and informed Dimitri that someone had been digging for information on their flight plan. Of course Dimitri knew that it had to have been Tad. Dimitri suggested a picnic on the beach, but Gloria felt that she would not be a suitable companion. Before you knew it, Dimitri and Gloria were kissing each other. Gloria pulled away and remembered that she was needed to testify at Erica's trial.

At the trial, things were just about to get underway. Liza stopped Opal on her way into the courtroom and asked her how it feels to be testifying against her best friend. Erica was next in line, but answered no questions. As Erica entered the courtroom, she cast a long, caring look in Jack's direction. She then took it upon herself to return to the media pool and give a statement. She told the media that her "actions were dreadful" but that her "motives were good." She added that she does not expect anyone to condone what she did, but she hopes that the trial will help people to understand why she did what she did.

The judge entered the courtroom and issued an advisory to all those in attendance. Make a sound of speak when you are not spoken to and you'll be booted out of the courtroom and held in contempt. Jack began his opening statement. He asked for sympathy from the jury, telling them how Edmund and Maria had suffered for months thinking that their child was dead. Why did they think this? Because of the actions of the defendant. Erica didn't like what she heard and jumped to her feet to protest Jack's comments. The judge ordered Erica to sit down, reminding her of his previous admonition. Trevor apologized for his client and Erica sat down and remained orderly. Jack continued. He told the jury that everyone has had a moment when they lost track of what was right and what was wrong... but that no one expects to get away with these momentary lapses in judgment. Except Erica Kane. Jack claimed that Erica believes that she is governed by a separate set of rules. Show her, Jack urged, that she cannot play God and get away with it.

Trevor's opening argument was very less emotional, but it was just as compelling. He told that jury that Erica was suffering from postpartum depression and that she was unable to distinguish right from wrong. In the trial, Trevor continued, the defense will show that Erica thought what she was doing was right. And when she came back to her senses and knew that she had done the wrong thing, she attempted to make up for her mistake by returning Madelyn to Edmund and Maria.

With the opening statements out of the way, Jack was set to call his first witness: Maria Santos Grey. In her testimony, Maria painted Erica as a delusional woman who wanted to get revenge on her. She told how Erica refused to let Maria treat "Sonya" at the hospital and how Erica ordered Maria to get out of a public park. She also grieved the loss of missing her baby's first smile and first laugh. And there was the issue of how Madelyn had bonded with Erica and how she did not feel comfortable around Maria. On cross-examination, however, Trevor used Maria to portray the defense's claims. In a simple yes-or-no question, Trevor asked Maria if Madelyn had bonded with Maria now. He didn't care about a few weeks ago.. Maria was forced to tell the truth; Madelyn had accepted her as her mother. Trevor got Maria to tell the jury why Erica was so angry at her---she slept with her husband. There was a collective gasp and a lot of comment from the gallery. Maria repeatedly described Erica's behavior as atypical Erica Kane behavior. Finally, Trevor asked Maria for her personal feelings about Erica. Maria said that she has a lot of feelings about Erica, but mostly she feels sorry for Erica. Court recessed for several minutes. Jack slipped out of the courtroom and Erica followed him. With her testimony out of the way, Maria was prepared to go to New York with Edmund. The getaway would provide them with some peace and relaxation. Erica found Jack sitting in the witnesses' room. With her hands on her hips, she asked Jack "Just what are you trying to do to me?""

- Soap Central