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"Waves of guilt began to haunt Janet. She felt responsible for switching flights with Brooke. She asked herself why she had been allowed to live when Maria, a mother of two, had been killed. Trevor told Janet that it was not her time and added that he had already had a lifetime full of saying too many goodbyes.

From Isabella's, Hayley placed a phone call to the hospital to check on Edmund's condition. She wasn't given much information to go on. She was issued the usual "form response" and told that the family could receive more information in person. Mateo looked all over for his mother, but he was not able to find her. Then he realized that his mother was probably at the farmers' market. Every year, Isabella made homemade preserves during the third week of August. His mother, blissfully unaware that her world was about to crumble, had gone on with her daily routine as if nothing was wrong.

Mateo and Hayley discussed how they would break the news to Isabella. However, with such tragic news, there really was no "right way" to tell her. They both cast their eyes on a photo from Noah and Julia's wedding. Things had been so happy back then, Mateo reminisced. As they further discussed the situation, Isabella returned home. She overheard the discussion and broke into tears. Isabella, already struck by the death of her husband and the departure of two daughters, refused to give up hope that her daughter might be alive. The mother grieved for her child and offered her own life for that of her daughter's.

Mateo told Isabella that Maria was gone and that Isabella needed to be strong for her grandchildren. Suddenly, Isabella remembered that Madelyn had survived the crash. Isabella demanded to be taken to the hospital to see Madelyn. As Isabella gathered her things together, Mateo asked a painful question. He told Hayley that his mother had always lived by the motto "God never gives more than one can handle." He asked what his mother would think about God.

Amanda feared the worst. She called Janet's room at the Valley Inn in the hope that her mother was safe and sound in bed. There was no answer. This sent Amanda into a tizzy, fearing that she had lost yet another mother. Suddenly, Janet and Trevor returned home. Amanda raced to Janet and gave her a big bear hug. Janet didn't understand why Amanda was so upset until Michael told her that Amanda had caught a newsflash on the plane crash. Janet told Amanda that she was a very brave girl.

The five year-old cocked her head to one side and asked how she could she be "brave" when she had been so scared. Janet told her daughter that everyone got scared -- even her mommy and daddy. That caused Amanda to wonder what her parents might worry about. Janet said that she and Trevor worried that Amanda might be unhappy. Amanda said that she was never unhappy when Janet was around.

Amanda made Janet promise to never leave her, a promise that Janet couldn't make. Janet did, however, say that she would never stop loving Amanda and watching out for her. Janet added that when her it was her time to go to heaven, she would still keep an eye on Amanda -- even when Amanda was an "old, gray-haired granny." Janet decided that it was time to return to the Valley Inn, wash up, and get some rest. Amanda refused to let her mother leave and asked Trevor to make Janet stay. Trevor nodded and asked Janet to stay with them.

Jake and Allie exited Edmund's room and briefed Dimitri and Brooke on Edmund's condition. They said that things weren't as serious as they had thought. Edmund had suffered a concussion and had a nasty laceration on his head, but other than that, he was expected to make a full recovery. Allie asked to take Madelyn to an examining room, but Brooke was hesitant to let the baby out of her sight. Allie assured Brooke that it was a routine checkup, but only after Jake agreed to tag along did Brooke agree to the idea.

Laura and Scott arrived on the scene. Laura gave Brooke a hug and said how glad she was to see Brooke safe and sound. Scott offered to contact Father Claude, the Santos family priest, to help Edmund deal with the grief of losing his wife. Dimitri and Brooke avoided eye-to-eye contact. It was then that Scott realized that no one had told Edmund about Maria's death. The doctor in charge of Edmund's care exited the hospital room and told the gathered friends that Edmund was asking for his wife. Dimitri offered to break the news to Edmund, but Brooke felt it best that Edmund hear the news from her.

Laura and Scott went to the hospital chapel to talk about the grief of losing a loved one. Both had lost their mothers, and both were thankful that they had not lost any loved ones in the crash. Scott left Laura alone to pray. In her prayers, Laura admitted that she had, at one time, lost her belief in God. She wanted to know how God could take her mother from her. However, she had rethought her stand and realized how fortune she was. She thanked God for not taking Brooke from her.

Brooke entered Edmund's room, still not fully aware of how -- or what -- she would tell him. She gently stroked his cheek. Edmund's eyes fluttered open and he called out Brooke's name. The events of the night before had been erased from Edmund's mind. He remembered hearing a loud noise... and then seeing darkness. Brooke told him that the plane had lost an engine and crashed into a mountaintop.

There was a man, she continued, that had helped rescue him from the wreckage. Brooke said that she had heard the sounds of a baby, and Edmund went into panic. He asked if he had lost his daughter. Brooke assured Edmund that Madelyn was safe and sound. Edmund knew that something was wrong. He wondered why no one had answered his questions about Maria. Brooke told Edmund that she had talked with Maria after the crash. it was Maria who begged Brooke to rescue the baby from the wreckage.

Brooke said that after Maria learned that both Edmund and Madelyn were safe, Maria had been overcome by a look of peace. The plane had gone down an embankment, Brooke finished as tears welled in her eyes. Edmund began choking, and torrents of emotion swept over him. He struggled to sit up in bed and screamed Maria's name as loudly as he could. Brooke tried to restrain him, but her own crying weakened her ability to control Edmund. She took him in her arms as Edmund continued to scream for his wife. A flurry of doctors raced into the room and sedated Edmund before he hurt himself.

Isabella, Mateo, and Hayley arrived at the hospital and regained custody of Madelyn. Isabella held the baby in her arms and commented on how Madelyn had "Maria's beautiful eyes." The trio went to Edmund's room to assure him that they would look after Sam and Madelyn. Edmund didn't want Madelyn out of his sight, but he knew that no harm would befall his daughter while under his family's care. After they left, a teary-eyed Dimitri opened the door to Edmund's room. He stood there, tears rolling down his cheek, as Edmund turned his head and looked at his brother."

- Soap Central