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"Tad debated whether or not he should tell his father about Maria's death. The family decided that it might be best to break the news to him after his surgery. Tad stuck his head in Joe's room to see if it was okay for Kelsey to visit. While Tad was gone, Kelsey bumped into Kevin and learned that he was on his way to another session with Dr. Chapman. Kelsey was told that she could visit with her grandfather, but during the visit, she got some disturbing news.

Allie dropped by to tell Joe that someone needed to talk to him about Dr. Chapman. Kelsey recognized the name, but couldn't understand why the therapist's name caused everyone to frown. Everyone took turns coloring the doctor as a "quack" and someone who didn't deserve to be called doctor. Dr. Craig, the cardiac surgeon who has been tending to Joe's condition, granted permission to Allie to observe the surgery. That allowed the Martin family to have an "inside man" -- or woman as the case might be.

Ruth and Joe were given a few moments alone. But those few moments seemed to go by quickly. Joe only wanted to discuss his will and to give Ruth instructions on how to carry on when -- not if -- he died. Ruth demanded that Joe stop talking so negatively, but Joe had his mind set on disaster. Ruth claimed that Joe was feeling sorry for himself and told him that he was going to pull through the surgery. Tad returned, but Joe didn't really want to see Tad. He wanted to see Tad and Gloria -- together.

Tad told his father that he didn't think Gloria would be able to make it. No sooner had the words left his mouth than Gloria appeared. Joe begged the two not to give up on their love. No matter what happened to him, Joe stated, he wanted Tad and Gloria to promise that they would try to get back together. Gloria promised that she would and then returned to her duties. Tad followed Gloria out and thanked her for not shattering his father's dreams. Gloria told Tad that she loved Joe and would never hurt him. Besides, she said, she hadn't lied to Joe, she had just told him the parts of the truth that wouldn't hurt him.

In another room at Pine Valley Hospital, Dimitri told his brother that his heart went out to Edward. Dimitri said that he could never know how Edmund felt, but that he wanted to do whatever he could to help Edmund. Edmund issued no reply. Dimitri turned to walk away, but he was stopped when Edmund asked him to stay. The request was soft and barely audible, but Dimitri heard it and walked over to the bed. Edmund said that he wasn't sure what had happened after the crash and asked if Dimitri could fill in the blanks for him.

Dimitri told Edmund that he had taken his private chopper to the crash scene and transported Edmund to the hospital. Edmund was overwhelmed. He couldn't believe that his brother had saved his life. Dimitri corrected Edmund by saying that it was Brooke and another passenger who had actually saved Edmund. He added that Edmund would have done the same for him if the situation had merited it. Numbed by medication, Edmund said that he couldn't feel anything. Dimitri offered to take care of the funeral arrangements for Edmund.

Kelsey lunched with Opal at Holidays and learned more about Kevin's therapist. Opal explained that Kevin had been confused by all the turmoil in his life and that Dr. Chapman was going to help "correct" Kevin's sexuality. Kelsey commented that a person's sexuality couldn't be changed, but Opal disagreed. She told Kelsey that Kevin should come around soon and that when he did, he'd see that there was someone he loved right under his nose.

Brooke returned to the airport with her mind set on getting some answers. She broke into the front of the line at the ticket counter and demanded that she be given some information on why the flight had gone down. When the agent told her that he couldn't help her, Brooke grabbed his microphone and stood up on the ticket counter. She told the assembled passengers, waiting to board their flight, that she had been on the flight that crashed. She warned them of the dangers of flying on an airline that didn't know why its plane had crashed. Before Brooke could go on, a representative from customer service switched off the power to her microphone. The woman told Brooke that she was a big "fan" of Tempo and how relieved she was that Brooke had survived the crash.

Brooke wasn't flattered by the meaningless praise and asked the woman for details on the crash. The woman explained that the airline would be holding a press conference in several hours and that she couldn't say anything before that time. Brooke sighed and commented that the airline's spin doctors were probably struggling to salvage the airline's image in the wake of the crash. The representative offered Brooke some time with the airline's grief counselor, but that offer seemed like more of an insult to Brooke and Jim, who had followed Brooke to the airport. Brooke told the lady that she was going to do some "giant killing" -- and that meant that Tempo was probably going to lose one reader.

Back at the hospital, Dimitri called the florist to make arrangements for Maria's memorial. He asked that one yellow rose -- a symbol for friendship -- be discreetly placed in one of the arrangements. Gloria entered the room and told Dimitri that he should get some rest. Dimitri refused to rest... at least not until he had fulfilled his promise to Edmund. As Dimitri began to cry, it became extremely noticeable that Gloria was having a hard time showing the type of compassion and love that she should be giving to her husband. As she gave Dimitri a hug, Tad entered the room. He saw Gloria and Dimitri embracing and stormed out of the room.

Brooke returned to Tempo and took it upon herself to call a press conference to discuss the airplane crash and what Tempo was going to do to expose the airline for its poor consumer relations. Jim advised Brooke to go home and rest, but she refused. Phoebe slowly walked into the office and said how happy she was to see Brooke. Brooke apologized for not calling her aunt, but said that she had been so frantic that she'd had little time to do anything.

Phoebe nodded. She said that she could tell Brooke's mind was elsewhere. After all, Brooke hadn't even returned home to change her clothing. Jim allowed the two women to talk in private. Phoebe worried that Brooke might be overdoing it and asked if Brooke had spoken to Jamie. Brooke explained that Jamie was away at the shore with a friend's family and that he had no idea what had happened. It was better that way, she added. If Jamie were to see her, all he'd have to do was to look in her eyes to know that something was wrong.

In the final few moments before Joe's surgery, Ruth made Joe make her a promise. She told him that one of his favorite "old timer" bands was going to be playing in the park over the Labor Day holiday. Ruth asked Joe to be there with her for the first dance. Joe clutched his wife's hand and told her that he would be there with her. Two hospital workers entered the room with the gurney and readied Joe for transport to surgery. He warned them to "drive carefully" because he has a "hot date [he] can't miss."

Edmund drifted in and out of sleep. He felt the warmth of light surrounding his body, causing him to open his eyes. When he did, he saw his beloved wife standing before him. Edmund told Maria that she was supposed to always be with him. She smiled gently and told Edmund that she would always be with him -- when Maddie lost her first tooth or when Sam became a father -- she'd always be there. There was something that she needed Edmund to do. Edmund nodded slowly and said that he would do anything for her. "Remember me," she said softly as the light around her grew brighter. And then she was gone."

- Soap Central