Browse By Year



"At Holidays, Trevor and Jack talked as friends for the first time since they opposed each other at Erica's trial. Apparently, Adam is petitioning the court for a refund of the bail money he shelled out for Erica. They also discussed the inexplicable way that Maria's life had ended. Jack was able to determine that Trevor was relieved that Janet was not on the plane. Trevor admitted that he was glad that Janet was okay, but claimed that it was for Amanda's sake, no this. Trevor chuckled as he recounted Janet's trail from Plattsville State Prison to Pine Valley. Jack took a sip of coffee and commented that Trevor seems unable to get his mind off of Janet. Finally there was an explanation as to why Trevor is unable to admit his feelings for Janet. Trevor explained that he feels like e is betraying Natalie every time he allows Janet into his home. But Trevor claimed that he has "needs." Jack shook his head. He pointed out that Janet is not the only one who has done things wrong in the past. He also stated that Trevor's interest in Janet has nothing to do with "sexual frustration." Now is the time, Jack spouted, for Trevor to go to Janet's hotel room and tell her how he feels.

Tad and Dimitri argued over—what else---Gloria. Tad claimed that Dimitri was only fooling himself by marrying Gloria. He said that Gloria will out on a show in public, but when she's at home alone with Dimitri, it's him that she's thinking about... not Dimitri. The two struggled to land a punch. Gloria happened upon the almost-fight and tried to break them up. As she moved to step between the two men, Tad pushed Dimitri setting off a chain reaction. Dimitri fell backwards and knocked Gloria over. She tumbled to the ground and hit her head on a plastic patio chair. Tad tried to race to Gloria's side to see that she was okay, but Dimitri refused to let Tad anywhere near his new bride. Gloria rose to her feet and brushed herself off. She gave Tad a scolding for acting like a little kid. Gloria claimed that Tad would never stop his aggression toward Dimitri and warned him that he is out of control. Tad disagreed. He said that "it's over" and left Gloria and her husband to stand alone on the patio. Dimitri changed the topic to something a little happier. He told Gloria that he had been in touch with Marian Colby and found a possible new home.

Laura called Scott to tell him that she was given the job at the youth counseling center. The planned on celebrating the good news with a trip to the lake. After Laura ended her phone call, Kelsey commented on how great it was that Laura and Scott were back together. "Love conquers all," Kelsey waxed philosophically. Kelsey made an off-color remark commenting on how willing she would be to sleep with Scott if she were dating him. The comment upset Laura who labeled herself as an atypical teen who isn't obsessed with sex. Kelsey quickly apologized for her comment. She told Laura that she---"Miss Teen Pregnancy"---really has no room to talk about sex. Laura told Kelsey that she is unable to get close to Scott in a physical way because of something she did in her past. And whatever she had done in her past was something that she feared she could never live down. Kelsey advised Laura to tell Scott what was bothering her. That, she explained, would be the only way that Laura could move on from her past mistakes.

Scott arrived and whisked Laura to another corner of Holidays. As they sat and chatted, Ginny and a new transfer student named Heidi approached and made small talk. Heidi obviously had her eyes on Scott and said that she hopes to see more of him in the future. After the two women left the scene, Scott referred to them as "bimbos." He called Laura a "class act" who respected herself enough not to sleep with someone on the first date. Laura wasn't so sure. Her mind drifted off to an old memory. She saw herself laying on a sofa wearing hardly any clothing. A man's hand gently stroked her thigh. Laura began trembling and Scott feared that Laura might be sick. He offered to take her home so that she could get some rest.

Skye finished her confession, but received no response from Edmund. Surely this was not news that could received without some type of reaction. Edmund looked at Skye as though she were speaking another language. A persistent ringing in his ears prevented Edmund from hearing Skye's confession and his eyes went in and out of focus. Skye feared that Edmund might be in danger and she raced to find a doctor. Edmund struggled to get to his feet. He stepped out of bed and fell to the ground. Brooke entered the room and tried to help Edmund to his feet, but he refused to let her help him. Skye returned with the doctors and they assured her that Edmund's condition was "normal," considering what he had gone through. Apparently the hearing loss and blurred vision are all after-effects of a severe concussion. But just to be on the safe side, a new series of tests would be scheduled. Skye and Brooke left the room while the doctors performed a more thorough examination. Brooke told Skye that Edmund treated her like "poison" and worried that he might never forgive her for not being able to save Maria's life. Skye later returned to Edmund's room. He had fallen asleep under the effects of a mild sedative. She picked up the book of poetry that she had given to Edmund and read a passage from on of the poems. In the poem, telling the truth was compared to walking on razors. Skye out down the book and told Edmund that he should forget everything that she said.

Janet copped a seat at the Valley Inn's bar and ordered a drink. The bartender put on the local news, but Janet requested that he turn the television off after the reporter began talking about the crash of flight 149. Jim overheard Janet's discussion with the bartender and took a seat beside her. Janet told Jim that she had friends who were on the flight. Jim, in turn, told Janet that he was a passenger on the plane. Rather than talk at the bar, Jim asked Janet if she would join him at his table. Janet knew that she should be doing some work, but she decided to put her work on hold and take Jim up on his offer. At the table, Janet figured out that Jim was the man who yanked Edmund from the wreckage. Jim claimed that he was not a hero, a claim with which Janet did not agree. Jim's attention was diverted when Brooke entered the bar and order a drink. By the time Janet realized that Brooke was only a few feet away from her, Brooke had downed more than a few vodka martinis. A drunken Brooke shared bad jokes with the bartender until Janet approached and made conversation. Janet apologized for switching plane tickets with Brooke. Brooke, her words slurred, told Janet that it was not her fault because she didn't know the plane was going to crash. "It's not like you took a crowbar to the control panel," Brooke giggled. Following up on Jack's advice, Trevor entered the bar. He walked over to the two women to make sure that everything was okay. Trevor told Janet that he was on his way to her room to talk to her. Brooke warned Trevor and Janet that time was too short and that "love's the only thing that lasts." She told them that Amanda should be considered a blessing, a blessing that could bring them together. Janet became uncomfortable and fled to her hotel room. Jim offered to take Brooke home, but Brooke said that she would rather take a cab. After some careful persuasion, Brooke agreed to let Jim drive her home.

Marian showed the Maricks a loft in the same building as Liza's loft. Marian claimed that someone had already submitted an offer on the home and warned Dimitri that he'd have to act fast if he wanted to buy the property. Dimitri knew that Marian was playing hardball. He asked for several minutes of privacy before making a decision. Marian tried to get Gloria's impression of the loft, but Gloria didn't respond to being called "Mrs. Marick." During their time alone, Dimitri suggested that Gloria reconsider taking on private nursing duties for Joe. Since Tad is "spinning out of control," as Dimitri believed, it might be uncomfortable for her to always be bumping into him. Gloria said that she would always be bumping into Tad because they live in a small town. When Dimitri suggested that they move to another town, Gloria became insistent that they remain in Pine Valley. She said that Joe and Ruth are her family and she needs to help them. Dimitri took her by the hand and corrected her: He is her family, not Joe and Ruth. Gloria came around and decided that she will pass on acting as Joe's private nurse. Marian burst into the room and asked if they had made a decision on the property. Dimitri beamed as he announced that he would buy the property. Gloria wasn't as enthusiastic. She looked like she was about to cry.

Jim took Brooke home and saw her to his room. He returned downstairs and looked at a photo of Laura. As he stalked around in the dark, Laura returned home.

Janet, wearing her bed clothing, prepared to hit the hay. She didn't expect a late night visitor to show up at her door. She was even less expectant to see Trevor!"

- Soap Central