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"Allie worried that showing her emotions to Jake might make her look weak. Jake assured his colleague that is was perfectly normal to mourn the loss of a loved one. As the two talked, Gillian returned to make good on her debt. She plucked a crisp new hundred dollar bill from her purse and forked it over to Allie. Allie insisted that Gillian pay only the fifty dollars they agreed upon. Gillian smiled and tugged on her hair as she told Allie to put the extra money on her account. The European traveler was about to hit the road when she remembered that she needed directions to Wildwind. Jake was surprised that Gillian knew of Wildwind and asked if she was expected at the castle. Gillian flashed her pearly whites and responded with a non-answer. She said that she needs to meet someone at Wildwind who will either give her the key to heaven or subject her to a life of hell. Gillian waltzed off without directions to the Marick castle, noting that getting there would be half the fun.

Allie learned that Jake had swapped his work schedule and that it meant that she would have to work over the weekend. Allie was furious with Jake because she had made plans to partake in a diabetes benefit over the weekend. The two bickered back and forth and called off their plans to have dinner together.

Edmund vented his rage on the first person in sight: Brooke. He blamed her for Maria's death, saying that Maria would still be alive if Brooke had stayed in her own seat. Brooke reminded Edmund that is was Maria's idea to switch. By switching seats, Maria knew that Brooke and Edmund could do some work. Speaking of work, Edmund lashed out at Brooke for heading to Tempo right after the crash. He blasted her for wanting to sensationalize the plane crash and sell a couple extra copies of the magazine. Brooke defended herself to no avail. She insisted that her decision to run a piece on the plane crash was not an attempt to sell more copies of the magazine. She felt a need to address the problems of airline safety and hopefully get some answers on why the plane crashed. Brooke also defended her decision to switch seats with Maria. She explained that she had no idea that the plane was going to crash. In a heartfelt plea, Brooke told Edmund that she, like Maria, would gladly have given her own live to save her child (Laura Cudahy). Edmund's refusal to hear her out set Brooke into a rage of her own. She yelled at Edmund for his unwillingness to accept what she had done. Instead of being thankful that his daughter was alive and well, he would rather yell at her. Edmund, who had been quiet while Brooke explained herself, turned around and looked her in the eyes. He told her that he was tired of her "silver lining" philosophy. More than that, he was "fed up" with her "smug self-righteousness" and ordered her out of his house.

Julia explained that she read of Maria's death in the paper. Jack had secretly been sending Noah and Julia a copy of the Pine Valley Bulletin since they left town. Then, Julia contacted Jack through a federal liaison to arrange for a return trip to Pine Valley. She explained that Noah and Rose were unable to join her because of the risk factors involved in the return trip. Dimitri thanked Jack for reuniting the Santos family, a task Jack was more than happy to do. Julia recounted a story about her high school days as her top memory of her departed sister. She said that during her freshman year, there was a Valentine's Day tradition where one gave a carnation to the object of their desire. Julia presented a carnation to a boy she had a crush on, but that boy went and re-gifted the flower to another woman. Julia was crushed. By the end of the day, she was the only one in school without a flower. But a few minutes before school let out, a pink carnation arrived for Julia. Attached to the flower was a note from Maria, calling Julia a "late bloomer" and assuring her that she would one day blossom into a beautiful young woman. Julia was upset that she missed Hayley and Mateo's wedding and told Dimitri that his wedding to Gloria made the national news. Mateo pulled Julia aside to show her some of his wedding snapshots. When she was sure that no one could hear them, Julia had a stunning announcement for Mateo. She told him that she and Noah are planning on leaving the protective shroud of the Witness Protection Program. Mateo was shocked. He called Julia's decision a death wish. Julia looked over her shoulder to make sure that no one had heard Matt's outburst. She explained that her decision came on the wake of Maria's death. The plane crash, Julia feared, was not an accident. She saw it as another attack by hired killers. Belinda came up from behind and asked Julia if se was okay. Julia smiled, fighting off tears. Julia scolded herself for being upset. She said that Maria would have wanted her to be rejoicing with her family rather than thinking how much she'll miss her loved ones after she leaves town.

Jim told Laura that Maria's funeral made him think about how lucky he is to be alive. Laura frowned and called his escape from the crash a horrible mistake. Surely she couldn't hate Jim that much.. could she? Laura told Jim that she would do a dance on his grave when he dies. One question circulated in Laura's mind: Why was Jim on the plane in the first place? Jim insisted that he did not know that Laura lived in Pine Valley. He assumed that she was "still hustling" in New York. Jim sneered and licked his lips before continuing. He claimed that he was not the same person he was when he first met Laura. He used her transformation from Laura Kirk to Laura English as an example of how people can change. Jim assured Laura that no one would judge her if the truth about her past came out. But if someone found out and she lost a few friends, so what? Jim said that Brooke seemed a lot more understanding than Laura's real mom. And Scott would probably be upset for a while, but he'd eventually come around. At least this is the way Jim saw it. Laura had no time to reply. Brooke managed to track her down. Brooke could read the pain on Laura's face and asked if she was okay. Jim stepped in to explain that Laura was upset by the somber nature of the day. Scott also managed to find Laura and offered to take her home. Once her daughter was gone, Brooke told Jim that she had managed to talk to Edmund, but regretted every moment of their conversation. Jim explained that Edmund was not really angry at Brooke, he was misdirecting his anger at the loss of his wife. Brooke felt bad for hurling back insults at Edmund. The worst part of the day for Brooke was that she felt like she lost two close friends rather than just one.

Gillian entered Wildwind and saw a familiar face. Only that familiar face had no idea who the heck she was. Gillian smiled in Dimitri's direction and told him that she is his cousin. Gillian tried to worm her way into Wildwind, but Dimitri explained that there was a death in the family and that the time was no appropriate to discuss the matter. Gillian saw the excuse as a lie and continued to beg for admittance to the castle. Dimitri stopped smiling and told Gillian that she is not welcome at Wildwind.

Gloria entered the room carrying a tea tray. Gillian, forgetting her manners, ordered Gloria to fix her a cup of tea. Gloria blinked her eyes several times in wonderment. Dimitri chuckled as he informed Gillian that Gloria was his wife, not a servant. Gillian played with her chin as she looked Gloria up and down. Gloria was not what Gillian expected the new Mrs. Marick to be. And Gloria played the part well. She put on a heavy southern drawl and talked of "pigs" and being "good breeding stock." Finally Dimitri cut off the conversation, telling Gillian to go tot he Valley Inn and put her charges on his account.

Edmund stood in the nursery by himself. He nearly fell apart when he saw Julia standing at the door. Julia recalled the day that Maria told her that she was pregnant. This, obviously, was the first time that she was able to see her niece. Julia asked Edmund for details on the crash and whether or not Maria suffered. Edmund didn't want to talk about the crash and became bitter as Julia probed for answers. As the two talked, Jack stuck his head in the door and told Julia that her time in Pine Valley had come to an end.

Julia's farewell was yet another goodbye for the Santos family. Isabella commented that the family had already said too many farewells. Mateo promised Julia that he would find out if the plane crash was an accident or a devised plot. Until then, he asked that she remain in the relocation program. Julia nodded. Her one hour now expired, Julia was escorted back into hiding."

- Soap Central