Sure enough, at a table inside the restaurant, Edmund was served with a restraining order while he dined with Skye. Edmund was furious that his brother would go to such lengths to keep him away from Madeline. Skye tried to keep Edmund calm, but it was an impossible task. She assured him that his appeal would soon make it to court. Once a new judge heard the case, Skye explained that Edmund would be given custody of Maddie. The peace grew even more tenuous when Dimitri and Gloria were shown to their seats. Skye requested that Edmund remain at their table so that he didn't make a scene. Any outbursts, she explained, could be used against him. Edmund insisted that he'd remain calm. He rose to his feet, took Skye by the hand, and escorted her to Dimitri's table.
Across the room, Gillian and Tad also took time out to eat. Tad thanked Gillian for helping Erica to arrange her spur of the moment interview. Gillian accepted Tad's praise, but said that she would do anything to help Erica. Gillian explained that Erica had been very nice to her when they met in Budapest during her "gawky teenager" years. Tad found it hard to believe that Gillian was ever "gawky." As they talked, a tall, stout gentleman with a graying beard burst into the restaurant and called out Gillian's name. Without any prior warning, he leaned over and gave her a big kiss. Tad watched the show with a huge smile on his face. The kissing bandit turned out to be Ambassador John Rollefson, a man with whom Gillian had had an affair. Gillian played the situation calmly, telling Tad that she and the man were friends. John corrected her, saying that he and Gillian were passionate lovers. Gillian escorted the man to a far corner of the room. Tad continued to watch the spectacle as though it were a pay-per-view event. John told Gillian that he'd left his wife for her. "It was fun while it lasted," Gillian responded, as she told the gentleman that she was no longer interested in him. John claimed that he's never forget Gillian and tried to persuade her to return to him room. Gillian bid him adieu and returned to her table. Tad called Gillian's dismissal of the ambassador a "world class kiss-off." Tad would know these things, she smiled, reminding him that he was once called Tad the Cad. Tad offered Gillian some friendly advice: Be careful how you treat others because what goes around comes around. When it does, he added, it can really hurt. Gillian looked over her shoulder and saw that Edmund and Skye had joined Dimitri's table. She didn't want to miss out on any fireworks and asked Tad of she'd escort him to her cousin's table.
An unpleasant surprise might be the way Dimitri would have described Edmund's appearance at his table. In every response and statement that Dimitri uttered, he was noticeably frazzled. Edmund asked Dimitri if he knew anything about his "melt down" in the courtroom. He claimed that he's had no symptoms since the trial. Dimitri said he knew nothing about Edmund's condition and denied purposely hitting Edmund's hand in the courtroom. The waiter arrived with Dimitri and Gloria's appetizers. Dimitri blew up at the waiter, accusing him of bringing the wrong order. The waiter insisted that he brought what Dimitri had ordered. Gloria switched her plate with Dimitri's all peace was restored. Edmund again pointed out that Dimitri seems to be the only person who's off kilter. He told Gloria that he hopes Dimitri does not act so irresponsibly around Maddie. If he does, however, he urged Gloria to contact him immediately. Tad and Gillian arrived at the table and added the growing rift. Gloria was uneasy by Tad's arrival and told Dimitri that they had to get going. Dimitri scolded Gillian for dating Tad, commenting that he thought she'd "have his number" by now. Gillian smiled, possibly unaware of the American slang, and said that she does have Tad's number---both his home and work numbers. Dimitri reissued his advisory to Gillian that she'd better heed his instructions or she'll end up "rowing back to Budapest." Dimitri left the table and headed to the bar. He ordered a vodka tonic and gulped it down as Gloria caught up with him and told him that the valet had brought the car around. Dimitri lied to Gloria about what he was drinking. He said that he was only drinking tonic water to quench his thirst and that Edmund could never drive him to drink.
Back at the table, Edmund told Gillian and Tad that he'd been served with a restraining order. Gillian admitted knowing that the order was coming and felt somewhat responsible because she and her cousin had gotten into an argument over Maddie. Edmund asked Gillian if she'd be willing to be his "eyes and ears" and keep tabs on Dimitri. Gillian agreed to keep a log of all of Dimitri's "less than stellar" attributes and actions.
At the hospital, Maddie had just finished getting her check-up. While walking by the nurses' station, Gloria overheard two nurses talking about an oddity in Maddie's blood work.
Trevor reorganized some pictures on his desk and added a photo of Natalie. He hoped that it would appease Tim---he was wrong. Tim claimed that his father had only brought out the photo to keep the peace, not because he really wanted a picture of Natalie in the house. Trevor begged Tim to meet him half-way, but Tim refused to change his attitude until after Trevor dumped Janet. Janet chose that exact moment to arrive. She had planned to take Amanda out for dinner. Brooke called Trevor and asked him for his help on locating Laura. The details of Laura's pornographic photos were revealed, but Trevor wasn't completely sure why the photos would make Laura run away from home. Brooke explained that she'd gotten a call from someone who told he that the images were on the Internet. Both Janet and Tim overheard the conversation and both had totally different reactions. Janet was worried for her friend and Tim was feeling a little bit of guilt. Mildred Harmon, the woman who had previously dropped by Brooke's home to voice her opposition to Laura's photos, arrived at Trevor's house to enlist his legal services. She told Trevor that she wants him to help her sue the Youth Center for hiring Laura. She handed Trevor a manila envelope containing several of Laura's photos. Trevor told her to contact his office and make an appointment before slamming the door in the woman's face. From the other side of the door, the woman yelled that she would find someone else to represent her if Trevor refused. Janet ripped the photos from Trevor's hands and shredded them into hundreds of tiny pieces. Janet raced upstairs to make sure that Amanda had not overheard anything. After she left, Tim told his father that he thinks he's responsible for Laura's disappearance. He explained that he and Laura had gotten into an argument. Tim claimed that Laura had stuck her nose into his business and he brought up the fact that she was a "tart." Tim explained that he and other members of the football team had been passing around the pictures. Trevor was furious that his son had gone against his orders and been accessing pornography on the ‘net. Tim said that after he told Laura about the photos, she ran off. Trevor was outraged that Tim didn't chase after the girl. He grabbed his son by the collar and began shaking him violently. He said that if anything happens to Laura it'll rest on Tim's head. Janet returned downstairs and told Trevor to let go of Tim---it wasn't Tim's fault. Trevor shouted "Dammit" as he scolded his son. Amanda overheard the naughty word and told her father that he shouldn't be talking like that. Trevor took Amanda back upstairs and readied her for her dinner date with Janet. Tim told Janet that her scheme will not work. Janet looked at Tim was a dazed expression in her face as he told her that he knew what she was trying to do. Tim said that Janet was only sticking up for him so that he'd be nice to her. Janet claimed that that was not the case and when Amanda came back downstairs, she took Amanda by the hand and stormed off.
Scott told Brooke that he was going to go to WRCW and convince Liza not to go public with the news of Laura's disappearance. Brooke saw something sticking under her front door. She picked up an envelope and the color rushed out of her face. She told the two men that the envelope contained some work from Tempo---but most work would not have Brooke's name on the front spelled out in clippings from magazines and newspapers. After Scott left, Jim asked Brooke to tell him the truth about the envelope. Brooke handed the envelope to Jim. He ripped open the envelope and read the letter contained inside. The letter demanded that Brooke drop off $100,000 in unmarked bills in an alley on the other side of town. If she didn't, Laura would "pay." Brooke lost her composure and nearly collapsed to the ground. She regained her sense and said that the letter could be a fake. Jim reached back inside the envelope and pulled out Laura's locket. Now there was no denying that Laura had been kidnapped.
Laura asked her abductor why he was keeping her against her will. He told her to "figure it out'" She'd just been adopted by a rich woman... Laura realized that she was being held for ransom. Her mind began to flashback to her encounter with Tim and the realization that her photos were on the web. Something jogged Laura's memory and she was able to distinguish the kidnapper's voice. It was Ricky, the boy who had posed with her in the infamous photos. Ricky stepped closer to his captive and grabbed her by the neck. "Now you really blew it," he snarled."
- Soap Central