Browse By Year



"All eyes were on Erica as she stood atop the stairs. No one knew that she was going to make an appearance---not even Erica's galpal Opal. Palmer knew nothing of how Edmund aided Erica in her petition for early release from prison, so he worried that Edmund might boot Erica out of the ball. The partygoers watched quietly as Edmund approached Erica. He took Erica by the hand and helped her down the steps. He smiled sincerely as he welcomed her to Wildwind. Erica opened her handbag and presented Edmund with a sizeable donation for Maria's memorial fund. Edmund assured her that her donation would be put to good use. He took a few moments to tell Erica that she looked "stunning," so stunning in fact that Erica had someone waiting in line to dance with her. Jack took her by the hand and escorted her to the dance floor. The crowd parted and formed a circle as Erica and Jack began their waltz.

An emergency ended Edmund's good mood. Tad told him that not only had he been unable to locate Dimitri, but now Gillian was missing. Edmund and Tad were about to split up and search for the two missing persons, but other business scrapped his plans. A spotlight shined down on Edmund and Mateo told him that it was time for him to deliver his speech. Edmund was caught off guard, but he knew that he had to make the speech his top priority. He walked to the entranceway and asked for everyone's attention. In short, he explained that the memorial fund was an extension of the charity work that Maria had done.

While Edmund delivered his speech, it seemed that very few people were listening. Trevor poured Janet a glass of champagne and cozied up to her. Janet's face glowed as she told Trevor that she felt that she was floating on air. Trevor closed his eyes and leaned over to give Janet a kiss. Their lips met, but only momentarily. Janet pulled away and ran off into the crowd. Trevor managed to track her down, but Janet was in no mood to talk. Fumbling for her words, Janet claimed that it was late and she needed to go home to bed. Late for Amanda maybe, Trevor chuckled. Janet tried to bolt again, but this time Trevor grabbed her and wouldn't let her leave. He got down on one knee and presented her with a beautiful diamond ring. He told her that he loves her and that he wants her to be his bride. Janet was speechless. Trevor feared that something was wrong with the ring. Janet couldn't answer him... she simply couldn't find the words. She managed to give Trevor the slip and raced towards the front door. Trevor pursued her and caught up to her before she could open the door. He stilled flashed his pleasant demeanor in spite of having the woman he proposed to run away---twice! He dared her to tell him that she is not in love with him. In what had become commonplace, Janet was again unable to issue a reply. Trevor took Janet's silence as a declaration that she does, in fact, love him. The only question left in his mind was why wouldn't Janet agree to marry him?

Tad asked Gloria if she'd seen Dimitri. The question caused Gloria to wonder why Tad was looking for her husband. Tad insisted that his intentions were honorable. He explained that Edmund was looking for him. Gloria seemed content with the explanation and celebrated the idea of Edmund and Dimitri patching things up. Gloria wondered if Tad would ever admit that he was wrong about Dimitri. Tad wouldn't go as far as to say that Dimitri was a gold ole guy, but he did admit that he was wrong about "a few things." After Tad left, Gloria shared a dance with Joe. She talked happily of her future with Dimitri---but Joe wasn't ready to hear that Gloria and Dimitri are trying to conceive a child.

Needless to say, David wasn't at all pleased with Jake's macho outburst. He warned Allie that he'd have to tell Jake "the whole truth." Allie turned and cast David an icy glance. Through gritted teeth, she told David that she had told Jake everything that he needs to know. The side talking annoyed Jake to a point that he order David to "get over it" and face the fact that he'd lost Allie. With a sneer on his face, David told Allie that he needed to talk to Joe about a matter that had dragged on long enough. A penultimate fear struck Allie and sent waves of terror through her. Jake begged Allie to tell him what was going on, but Allie couldn't open herself up to him. She teetered on the verge of telling Jake the truth, but an interruption from Tad squashed that. Tad asked Jake if he'd seen Gillian or Dimitri. Jake shook his head and cursed his brother's lousy timing. By then, Allie had already excused herself and headed to the restroom.

On the patio, David and Joe discussed an "ethical dilemma." As Allie approached, her face grew grim. Her mouth gaped open as she profusely chattered that she could explain everything. Joe turned and cast her a funny glance. He wondered how (or why) she would feel a need to explain the ethical dilemma surrounding organ transplants. Allie's face blushed and David didn't offer her a lifeline. Joe's mind wandered to other topics and he told Allie that she'd been recommended for some new rounds at the hospital. Joe caught sight of his lovely wife motioning for him to join her on the dance floor. Joe returned to the party, leaving Allie and David to continue their feud. Allie told David that she wanted to talk to him---in private. Jake walked onto the patio as they walked off together.

In the mausoleum, Gillian jumped backwards upon seeing her cousin. Gillian asked Dimitri why he was there. Dimitri wasted no time, he told her that he knew she was the mysterious blackmailer. Gillian tried to pretend that she was concerned that Dimitri was being blackmailed. In effect, Dimitri told her to can it. "They're called checks in America," said Dimitri referring to Gillian's fatal faux pas. Ever the clever conniver, Gillian claimed that Dimitri was "distressed" and set out to find Gloria. Dimitri wasn't about to let her get away. He forcefully took a hold of her arm and yanked her back towards him. Dimitri inhaled deeply and made the oddest comment. "Death has a unique air," he growled. "Do you smell it Gillian?" Gillian firmly stated that she had no idea what Dimitri was talking about. Her denial sent Dimitri into a fit of rage. His face turned a bright shade of crimson as he told how painful death by strangulation can be. Gillian cracked; She confessed that she'd been the one who placed the phone calls. The first domino had fallen and the others were nervously awaiting their turn to topple. Dimitri managed to get Gillian to confess that Tad and Edmund were her co-conspirators. All wasn't lost because Gillian managed to slip in that Edmund only wants Dimitri to own up to what he'd done so that he could forgive him. Dimitri found that hard to swallow. A confession leading to total forgiveness? Preposterous! Gillian insisted that she was telling the truth. Dimitri apologized for his erratic behavior. He told her that he hasn't been feeling like himself for several months. He allowed her to leave, but requested that she tell Edmund that he wants to see him.

Gillian returned to the main house and was promptly confronted by Edmund. Gillian told Edmund that she'd been duped into telling Dimitri about their scheme. Tad showed up a few seconds later and was crushed to learn that their planning had amounted to nothing. Not so, said Edmund. He told Tad that with a little shuffling they could still continue their sting. Gillian worried that her life might be in danger and asked if she could be sent on a vacation like the nurse (who could testify that Dimitri knew that Maddie was not his daughter before he fled the country). Edmund reached into his wallet, grabbed his credit card, and handed it over to Gillian. He told her that his card has a limit and urged her to keep her trip as inexpensive as possible.

Allie asked David why he won't leave her alone. His reason was actually quite simple: he wanted Allie to admit that she still loves him. It didn't happen. Allie told him quite honestly that she is no longer in love with him. She does, however, want David to head back to California. David's patience wore thin and he threatened to let Allie's secret out of the bag. Allie no longer cared and she stormed out of the room.

Allie met up with Jake and told him that she'd had yet another run-in with her former beau. Jake wanted Allie to know that she could trust him with whatever truth she was hiding. A weak smiled masked Allie's sadness. She asked Jake to wrap his arms around her and dance with her. After that, she said, she'd tell him everything.

Gillian packed her bags and prepared to head off on her spur of the moment getaway. Scott happened upon her departure and asked her why she was leaving. Gillian offered a very weak excuse, but Scott didn't press the point. He offered to drive her to the airport, but Gillian turned him down. If he wanted to help, Gillian said that he could give her some cash. Scott had only five dollars in his wallet, so he offered Gillian his credit card. Gillian gladly accepted it and assured Scott that they'd pick up where they'd left off when she returned. Unbeknownst to either of them, Kelsey had overseen the exchange. She bowed her head and ran away before she was spotted.

Erica's grand entrance enchanted just about everyone at the ball---except the one person she wanted to wow. Every time Erica tried to confess her feelings to Jack, Jack concocted some excuse to change the topic. First he claimed that he was thirsty and then he asked Erica to listen to the song the band was playing. Erica was furious at Jack's interruptions. Rather matter-of-factly, she told him that she loves him. Jack said nothing in return. "Don't just stand there!" she yelled. But that's all he did.

In the crypt, Dimitri had several flashbacks of memories of the various phases of relationships he'd ad with Edmund. In one, he recalled sharing stories of his childhood with Edmund and his then-wife Angelique. The threesome agreed to put their rocky past behind them and to enjoy their newfound friendship. His second vision was one of a far less happy time. He remembered his numerous feuds with Edmund after he'd won custody of Maddie. A sound at the door disrupted his recollections. He turned and saw Edmund standing at the door. "You wanted to see me?" Edmund smiled."

- Soap Central