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01/06/1998 Trevor's Third Proposal

"Finally, Jack broke his silence. He inferred that Erica's feelings for her were feelings of being grateful for all the things he'd done for her. Perhaps, he suggested, in six months Erica can re-evaluate her feelings and make a more well-balanced decision. Erica was furious by Jack's statement. She told him that if she were grateful, which she admitted she is, she'd have sent him a nice letter or offered to buy him a car. Oh, this was not gratitude! She again told Jack that she loves him. Rather than argue with Erica, Jack allowed his feelings to be known: He loves Erica.

Tad took center stage and announced that Devlin, a magician, would be starting his act in a few short minutes. Tad's speech featured a noticeable pause due to a surprise appearance from Adam. Adam strolled over to Hayley and he told her how beautiful she looked. Hayley accepted the compliment, but told her father that he probably should've steered clear of the ball. Adam pulled a check from his pocket and smiled broadly. He told Mateo that he wants to donate a sizeable amount of money to Maria's charity. Jim accused Adam of offering "blood money," and insinuated that the donation consisted of funds saved by Adam's purchase of shoddy turbine blades. Brooke listened to Jim's outburst, but she couldn't shake the memory of finding the suitcase in Jim's hotel room. Tad played peacemaker and spoke on Edmund's behalf. He told Mateo that Edmund would want to accept the check. Mateo nodded, but he still wanted Adam to leave. Brooke pulled Adam aside and told him that she needed his help. Adam is always willing to help Brooke and told her that he'd do anything for her. In another bizarre request, Brooke asked Adam if he could help her learn how to lie. She claimed that she's working on an article for Tempo and dealing with a less-than-honest source. Adam told her that eye contact is important; If one dodges eye contact, then they are probably trying to hide something. The most dangerous liar, Adam noted, is someone who can look someone straight in the eyes and tell a bold-faced lie. Adam also noted that many top-notch liars base their lies on the truth. That way, he explained, it's easier to remember the lies they told.

Tad found Gloria in the livingroom area gathering her belongings. Tad told her that she couldn't leave yet because an early departure would end Dimitri and Edmund's reconciliation. Gloria agreed that Dimitri and Edmund needed some time along. She accepted Tad's offer to accompany her to Devlin's magic show.

Janet explained that she could not marry Trevor because she'd caused him too many problems in the past. Trevor chuckled and told her that the past was behind them. If she wanted, though, they could go to a therapist and try to deal with their problems. Now Trevor searched for another reason as to why his proposal had been turned down. Reluctantly, Janet told him that there was someone else in her life---her ex-husband Mr. Green. Trevor nearly fell over laughing. It'd been many years since Janet and her husband had divorced and he noted that she didn't even have a first name for the man. The laughter continued when Janet revealed that her first love's first name was Axel. Janet took offense to Trevor's laughter. She told Trevor that she'd been seeing Axel since early December and that he asked to be a part of her life again. Trevor still couldn't believe what Janet was telling him. He told Janet that his heart is telling him to fight for her, but he decided to follow the old parable of "if you love someone, set them free." Janet thanked Trevor for allowing her to walk. She told Trevor that she had to return home so that she could call Axel and tell him that she'd ended her relationship with Trevor. Trevor handed over his cellphone and told Janet to call Axel and tell him that she'd changed her mind. Janet said it be unfair to Axel to that. Trevor bent over and picked his engagement ring off of the ground. "Don't talk to me about unfair," he said softly. Trevor turned and walked away. Janet collapsed onto the sofa and sobbed. She looked towards the sky and told Natalie that she'd kept her promise. Then the floodgates opened and Janet burst into tears.

Back at home, Amanda waited for her father to return home. When he entered her room, she spouted off her plans for a wedding reception. Trevor told Amanda that there wasn't going to be a wedding because Janet had turned him down. Amanda was crushed. Trevor told her that Janet's first husband wanted to be a part of her life. Amanda said that she hated the man for ruining their happiness. Trevor agreed that things had taken an unexpected turn, but he asked Amanda not to be too sad. He suggested that the Dillon family pack up and head out on a mountain vacation.

Tad took Kelsey by the hand and led her to the stage presumably to be a part of the magic show. When the show began, Devlin searched the audience for yet another volunteer. Tad convinced the audience to chant Gloria's name so that she'd have no other choice, but to volunteer. Gloria walked onto the stage. Devlin asked her to close her eyes. Devlin wiggled his fingers and Gloria suddenly fell backwards into his arms. He and his assistant lifted Gloria into the air and placed her on a table. They covered her body with a silk drape. As an eerie aria blasted over the loudspeakers, Devlin motioned upwards with his hands. Obediently, Gloria's silk draped body slowly rose into the air. As her body levitated several feet in the air, Devlin yanked the drape away---but Gloria was no longer there! For his second trick, Devlin had his assistant, Kim, tie him inside of a red velvet bag. Once inside the bag, Kim put him into a large trunk and locked it from the outside with a padlock. She stood atop the trunk and lifted a curtain over her head. When the curtain dropped, Kim had disappeared and Devlin was standing atop the chest! Devlin unlocked the chest and untied the bag. If you follow magic tricks, you'd expect to see Kim inside the bag---but she wasn't! The bag fell to the ground revealing Kelsey. The audience roared wildly. Opal leaned over to Palmer and Erica and asked them if Devlin was ever going to bring back Gloria!

Backstage, Gloria climbed down a ladder and created a ruckus as she stepped through magic props. Tad told her to keep it down. Gloria accused him of setting her up. Tad admitted that he did set her up. He wanted a few moments alone with her. He told her that he's never lied to her---and that he never will. He asked her if she has enough courage to hear the truth about Dimitri once and for all.

Edmund was surprised that Dimitri wanted to meet with him especially since Gillian had spilled the beans about their scam. Dimitri sighed and noted that he was getting tired of hearing about his "wicked, wicked deeds." Edmund corrected his half-brother. It wasn't about what he'd done, it was about who he'd become. If Dimitri were not harboring a guilty conscience, he would have hung up when Gillian placed her threatening phone calls. He didn't and that proved, at least to Tad and Edmund, that Dimitri was hiding something. Dimitri wondered what Edmund was after---remorse? Regret? "I want my brother back," Edmund stated. Edmund asked Dimitri to remember how close they were at one time. Had losing Erica turned Dimitri into this monster? Edmund warned Dimitri that his habitual lying would cost him Gloria if he isn't careful. That struck a nerve with Dimitri and nearly sent him off the deep end. Dimitri told Edmund to "stay the hell away" from him if he doesn't like who he's become. Sure, they were brothers, but Dimitri didn't feel that he owed Edmund anything. Edmund told Dimitri that he wasn't going to turn his back on him. He worried that Dimitri's downward spiral had turned him into their father, Hugo Marick. Tad appeared at the doorway and gave Edmund the bad news: Gloria wouldn't listen to him. Dimitri cackled maniacally. He rejoiced in his latest win. The win went to his head. He began spouting off how easy it had been to fool the people of Pine Valley. Tad, he said, was so naïve about women that he couldn't keep Gloria. According to Dimitri, all Tad wants from a woman is for them to laugh at his jokes. And Edmund, he continued, was so caught up in Maria's death that he couldn't even hold on to his child. He confessed that he would have won custody of Maddie even if he hadn't slipped the amphetamines to Edmund. Skye was also an easy mark. He smiled sinisterly as he recounted how Skye trembled when he confronted her. Next on his list of suckers was his current wife, Gloria. All Gloria wanted, he laughed, was a happy ending. With his back to the door, Dimitri had no way of knowing that Gloria was standing behind him. No one, he growled, could prevent his happy ending with his wife---no one. "Oh yes there is," Gloria snarled from behind."

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