Browse By Year



"The sun rose on a new day in Pine Valley. Brooke tapped weakly at Jim's door. The knock was barely audible, but somehow Jim heard the noise and opened the door. Seeing Brooke at the door sent Jim's heart sailing. He never thought that he'd see her again. Brooke calmly told him that he was a part of her life and that she could not move on without him. Jim reminded her that he'd caused her so much heartache. Brooke nodded, but suggested that they leave the past in the past. Moving forward wouldn't be an easy task. Jim and Brooke's bond had been created by a horrible tragedy and neither wanted to lose that bond. Jim felt remorse for inadvertently causing the plane crash. He should be the one at the bottom of the ocean rather than Maria, he growled. Jim informed Brooke that he burned the suitcase she'd found in his closet. He claimed that incinerating the evidence would help prevent the loan shark from targeting him again. Jim wanted desperately to kiss Brooke and he asked her if she'd pull away if he tried. Rather than offer a yes or no answer, Brooke suggested that he see for himself. Jim leaned over to kiss Brooke. She met him halfway. Jim wanted to take the passion to another level, suggesting that they make use of his "big, empty bed." Brooke told him that she had to get to work. Jim accepted her response and hopes that they might meet up in the darkroom later in the day. Brooke closed the door behind her. Her head drooped and she closed her eyes. Inside the room, Jim poured himself a glass of champagne and toasted his rejuvenated relationship. Looking at a picture of Brooke, he warned the woman to be prepared to be "romanced within an inch of [her] life."

A tall, slender woman donned entirely in black slowly walked into Edmund's office. He asked the woman if he could help her. The woman lifted a thick veil from her face and smiled nervously. Gillian asked Edmund if it was safe for her to return to Pine Valley. She hoped that Dimitri was no longer out for her blood. Edmund assured her that Dimitri had bigger problems. Gillian listened intently as Edmund told her about Dimitri's accident, but she showed little concern for her cousin. "What goes around comes around," she remarked. Edmund asked her where she and her aunt had spent their vacation. Gillian rolled her eyes and stated that the five thousand-dollar limit on Edmund's credit card didn't get them very far. Edmund worried that Gillian had maxed out his credit card, but she assured him that she'd left at least one hundred francs of credit on the card. One hundred francs works out to somewhere in the neighborhood of four hundred fifty dollars. Now that Gillian was back, Edmund told her that it was time for her to find a job. Gillian wasn't thrilled by the prospect of labor, but she didn't put up a fight. She took the classified ads and headed out the door. Soon after she left, Mateo entered the office. He and Edmund looked over the tentative budget for the children's wing at Pine Valley Hospital. The plans were impressive, but Mateo felt it was a shame that Maria couldn't see the wing herself. Edmund told his brother-in-law a brief anecdote. He said that he and Sam were building a snowman and that Sammy asked if his mommy could see the snowman. He offered a simple answer, "Yes."

In Adam's room at the hospital, Joe was determined to get some answers. Of course Adam was furious that no one knew---or at least no one was saying anything---why he nearly died. Joe assured him that he was investigating the matter carefully. That offered little solace to the patient. Joe, not wanting to arouse any suspicion, asked Adam if he remember the last face he saw before the attack. "The Angel of Death," Adam snapped. He thought for a few moments before remembering that Jake was the last person he saw. Adam then mused that he might have some sort of allergy to Jake. A nurse assisted Adam back into bed. Mr. Chandler had threatened to leave the hospital before they tried to kill him again! Hayley did her best to calm her father down, but it was a fruitless battle. She managed to get him settled in bed with a promise that she'd pick up a copy of the latest financial news newspaper. Adam, always razor sharp with his wit especially so when he's angry, remarked that he checked into the hospital for some "much needed rest." He said he had no idea that he'd be signing on for "the eternal sleep!"

Jake and Allie were discussing ways to prove that David was the one who'd administered the norepenephrine (nor-EP-in-EFF-rin). As they talked, the devious doctor slinked his way up to them and asked them what they were talking about. Allie claimed that they were discussing how they need to make sure that no more accidents or mistakes occur at the hospital. Complacency, she said, is a dangerous thing. As they chatted, Joe walked by with a serious look on his face. He ordered Jake to meet him in his office immediately. With everyone out of the way, David told Allie that he needed to talk to her about what had happened. David claimed that he didn't want to look like a jealous ex-lover by telling of Jake's mistake. He only wanted to make sure that the mistake never happened again.

In Joe's office, Jake insisted that he always checks and double-checks a patient's chart before administering any kind of medication. More importantly than discussing his routine, this was a statement of his innocence. Someone, Jake implied, administered the wrong medication... but it wasn't him. Finding the person who had, Jake added, was his father's job.

Gillian visited Scott at WRCW to let him know that she was back in town. It wasn't that Scott wasn't happy to see her, he was just very busy. Gillian tried to coax Scott into taking time off from work to take her to breakfast, but he declined. When a call came through informing Scott that his uncle was in the hospital, Scott put Gillian even further on the back burner. He told her that he'd catch up to her later and that they could pick up where they left off before her impromptu trip. Scott was gone no fewer than five minutes before Ryan burst into the office and closed the door. He told Gillian that he needed her help---or he'd be a dead man. Without any kind of forewarning, he grabbed her and planted a kiss on her.

Back at the hospital, Allie walked in on David injecting some medicine into Adam's IV. She flipped and ordered him to stop what he was doing. Both Adam and David gave her a confused look---and both wanted to know what she was so worked up about. Allie asked David if he was sure that he was giving Adam the proper medication. David informed her that he never makes a mistake and told her that she could have it analyzed by the lab if she'd like. Allie apologized for her outburst and left room. Outside, a nurse informed her that Joe wanted to see her immediately. Adam was even more enraged now that he suspected that someone was hiding something from him. David called Adam an "observant" man, a condescending comment that Adam did not tolerate. He said that he's usually quite observant at least "when I'm conscious. And that's a condition I try to maintain." David told Adam that his condition was brought by a simple accident. David was no fool. He thought out each sentence well before the words left his mouth. So when he slipped Jake's name into one of his statements, he knew full well that Adam would hit the roof.

In Joe's office, Allie offered about as much information as Jake. She insisted that Jake never made careless errors. Joe asked her if she knew who might have given the wrong medication to Adam. She lowered her head and said nothing. Joe and Allie walked down the hall together until Joe overheard raised voices coming from Adam's room. Adam blasted Joe for being an accessory to attempted murder by allowing an assassin to work at the hospital. Joe realized that David had told Adam what had happened and quickly yanked him from the room. Adam got on the phone and placed an urgent call to someone, telling the person that he had a life and death situation on his hands.

Joe scolded David for telling Adam about the medical mix-up specially since nothing had been proven. David badmouthed Joe for being blind to the truth. He accused Joe of playing favorites and protecting his son. David claimed that Jake had made a careless mistake once before. Joe asked for more information, but David wasn't forthcoming. He told Joe that Jake "blew it" while working at Stanford and that whatever it was Jake had done led to his withdrawal from med school. Joe immediately flagged down Jake and asked to speak to him. Jake didn't want to talk about why he dropped out of medical school, but Joe felt that his son owed him an explanation. Jake took a deep breath and prepared to relate his story. He said that he'd misdiagnosed a patient while working in the emergency room. Everyone, he said, had flu-like symptoms and an extremely virulent strain of the flu had been going around. One man, named Cunningham, had the exact same symptoms, so he prescribed him the medicine as everyone else. That man returned to the emergency room a few hours later---unconscious. As it turns out, he was suffering from meningitis---not the flu. The door to the office suddenly swung open. Joe looked at Jack and asked him if he could come back after he was done talking to Jake. Jack said that he couldn't go anywhere because he was there to ask Jake some questions about Adam's near-death experience.

Brooke arrived at Tempo and learned that Edmund had found out more information on Jim. Brooke told him that she didn't want to hear it. Edmund feared that Brooke had become dangerously attached to Jim. Brooke assured Edmund that she knew what she was doing. That was all that she could say, but she begged Edmund to trust her. Edmund was called away to approve a layout. While he was gone, Mateo returned to the office. Brooke asked Mateo if he had time to talk to her. When Mateo nodded, Brooke closed and locked the office door. She told him that she'd learned more information about the plane crash. Before proceeding, Brooke made Mateo promise that he wouldn't tell anyone else was she was about to say---even Hayley. The new information, she said, would put everyone in danger."

- Soap Central