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"At WRCW, Belinda told Liza that she'll be leaving Pine Valley for six weeks. That meant that her divorce petition would be frozen until Belinda returned. Liza wanted no delays. She argued that she wanted her marriage to be over---immediately. Belinda noted that Liza raced to the hospital the minute she heard that Adam had fallen ill. Liza claimed that her concern was irrelevant. Belinda, however, advised Liza to take the six weeks to decide if she really wants to go through with the divorce. Marian strolled into the office and overheard part of the women's conversation. She told Belinda that a delay would not be tolerated and ordered Belinda to nix her plans and stay in town until the divorce was finalized. Even though Liza could see that Marian meant well, she asked that her mother keep her mouth closed.

Jake did his best to romance Allie, but considering what she'd just been through, she wasn't really in the mood for love. Allie told Jake that she confronted David in the on-call room at the hospital. Allie worried that their plans to expose David as the person who gave Adam the wrong medication went up in smoke when she accused him of trying to frame Jake. She wanted to tell him exactly what took place, but she lost her nerve. She went to the kitchen to get herself a glass of cider. While she was gone, David paid a visit to tell Jake that Allie was unraveling. Jake was unimpressed by David's statement that Allie was letting the stress from her job affect her. Then David informed Jake that Allie had performed a "striptease" for him in the on-call room. There was little response from Jake. He told David that he'd said what he came to say and showed him to the door. Allie returned from the kitchen and told her account of the incident. She said that she was infuriated by David's arrogance and went over the top. Jake surprised her by telling her that he doesn't really care what happens. He told her that he's happy that she's on her side and that he doesn't want her career ruined by David. The next words out of his mouth were the words "I love you."

Joy was startled to see Tad standing before her. This time she didn't run. She told Tad that she wanted her necklace back. Tad told her that she'd get the necklace, but asked that she tell him why she's been so elusive. Joy said nothing. She paced nervously around the room, circling Tad. Tad asked her if she was in any trouble and offered his help if something was wrong. Still the mystery woman said nothing. Tad assumed that the woman's name was Joy, but she wouldn't even confirm that for him. Suddenly, a bright flash illuminated the room. In a puff of smoke, Joy suddenly vanished. The eruption was certainly no coincidence. Joy used a few tricks she learned from traveling with the magic troupe to set up her escape.

At Chandler Mansion, Phoebe dropped by to ask Adam for a donation for the Daughters of Fine Lineage. Adam agreed to donate some money. While he was writing out the check, Phoebe slipped into Dear Aggy mode and began probing Adam's personal life and his marital woes. Adam told Phoebe that he didn't feel comfortable talking about his private life. After the check was written, there was no apparent need for Phoebe to hang around. Adam walked Phoebe to the back door and she went on her way. Adam returned inside and heard a loud squeal from outside. He raced outside and learned that Phoebe had fallen. Phoebe refused to let Adam move her into the house. Adam dashed inside and called the paramedics and Brooke. As Adam was tending to Phoebe, the doorbell rang. Adam hoped that it was the paramedics, but it turned out to be his mother-in-law. Adam told Marian to leave because she'd only be in the way. Marian saw Phoebe lying on the ground and immediately went to her side. She held up her fingers and asked Phoebe if she could tell her how many fingers she was holding up. Phoebe rolled her eyes and told Marian that she'd hurt her leg... not her head. Phoebe was forced to humor her---and humor her she did. Marian asked Phoebe if she knew what day it was and who was president. Phoebe smiled wryly and told her that Grover Cleveland was the President. Marian accused Adam of pushing Phoebe down. "She fell," Adam snapped. "Don't be ridiculous." Brooke arrived and shared some tender moments with her aunt until the paramedics arrived. With the accident out of the way, Marian figured that she had the floor. She told Adam that she was there to hammer out divorce plans on Liza's behalf. Adam tuned Marian out and paid her little mind. Marian was shown to the door. Adam returned to his sofa and started to relax. Something distracted him and he rose to his feet. He walked back out onto the back patio. There he found an elaborate set-up of candles, flowers... and a coffin! He watched in awe as the mystery woman slowly sat up in the coffin. Adam's heart pounded in his throat and his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets."

- Soap Central