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"Kelsey nearly flipped her lid when Gillian announced that she had made special plans for her and Scott. She nearly lost it when the couple left the office arm-in-arm. Ryan tried to get Kelsey to calm down, but she was too upset that Gillian had "won." Ryan noted that "love may be a battlefield, but it's rarely fatal." The allusion conjured up a rather vivid daydream for Kelsey. She imagined that she was a nurse during wartime and that Scott was injured in battle. He was rushed into her makeshift hospital. Suddenly, the evil general, which in this case was Gillian, burst into the room and demanded that she be given the prisoner. Kelsey snapped back to reality, but only for a few moments. She bounced in and out of fantasy for the remainder of her discussion with Ryan. Kelsey claimed that she wasn't really in love with Scott, she only wanted to save him from Gillian. Ryan didn't buy it and in an effort to get Kelsey to 'fess up, he admitted that he wasn't just being friendly by trying to help her win Scott. He, too, had something to gain. Kelsey's eyes squinted together as she tried to figure out what prize Ryan was playing for. Surely it couldn't be Gillian because she loathes him. Loathe, Ryan said, is an emotion right next to love. Once the shock of Ryan's confession had worn off, Kelsey admitted that she's falling in love with Scott. She worried that falling in love with Scott would spell disaster considering how badly her relationships with Bobby and Kevin had gone. Ryan had a plan to make everyone happy. He told Kelsey to find out where Gillian and Scott were going to be spending the evening. When Scott returned, the couple staged another kiss. Ryan left the office, but hovered in the hallway to eavesdrop on Kelsey and Scott's conversation. Kelsey managed to extract the secret trysting location, as Ryan called it, from Scott: the hunting lodge. Ryan dashed down the hall. Meanwhile, Kelsey laid her trap by telling Scott that she would be spending a romantic evening with Ryan in his hotel room.

At the hunting lodge, Gillian continued decorating for her evening of passion. She heard footsteps behind her and complained to herself that Scott had arrived too early. She turned around as the door swung open. The mystery visitor was not Scott---it was Dimitri. Gillian dropped her bag of groceries and grabbed a poker from the fireplace. She held it out like a sword and threatened to stab Dimitri if he didn't back away. Dimitri insisted that he had no intention of harming Gillian. He explained that he'd been riding and saw a car near the lodge and wanted to make sure that no one was breaking into the lodge. Gillian didn't believe her cousin's tale. After all, the last time they'd seen each other Dimitri tried to kill her! Dimitri had to laugh at his irrational behavior, but his laughter made Gillian even more uncomfortable. He asked her to put down the poker and listen to him. He apologized for acting so cruelly and begged for Gillian's forgiveness. Dimitri sat down on one of the chairs and remembered all the happy times he'd had in the lodge. He stood up and helped Gillian pick up the bag of groceries that she'd dropped. When he saw the contents---oysters, caviar, and paté ---he knew that Gillian was planning a romantic evening. Gillian smiled coyly and told her cousin that she was a woman now and could have romantic evenings if she wanted to. Dimitri hoped that some of the magic he'd experienced at the lodge would still be there for Gillian. They two finally mended fences and shared a hug. Dimitri wished Gillian "good hunting" before leaving.

Hayley was surprised, to say the least, to see Jim at the door. She asked Brooke if she'd been expecting Jim to drop by. Brooke rose to her feet and called Jim's appearance a "pleasant surprise." Mateo knew that something had to be said in order to prevent an awkward silence from engulfing them. He congratulated Jim on his engagement. Of all the things he could have said, this was the one he should have avoided. Jim puckered his lips and expressed his desire to marry Brooke---if Hayley and Mateo don't blow his plans sky high. Nervous glances were exchanged, as it appeared that Jim was about to fly off the handle. Mateo stepped in to mount damage control, apologizing to Jim for acting irresponsibly. He explained that he felt compelled to find a reason for his sister's death. Mateo's foolish behavior, Jim growled, could put them all at risk. Hayley announced that she would be dropping her part of the investigation. That pleased Jim, but he waited for Mateo to say something. Mateo flat our refused to drop his investigation. Brooke walked towards him and told him that she wants to live happily with Jim and that a continued investigation would make that impossible. "Do it for me," she said softly. Reluctantly, Mateo agreed to back off. Jim extended his hand to Mateo and thanked him for cooperating.

In the supply closet, Jake thanked Liza in advance for helping with the next phase of the scam against David. Allie opened the door and slipped inside. She told the pair that David had just entered the staff lounge. Liza knew that it was show time and headed off to work her magic. Allie and Jake shared a kiss. Allie expressed her desire to end their mission quickly so that she and Jake wouldn't have to hide in the supply closet. As they kissed, Joe entered the supply closet. Allie got extremely nervous and announced that she had to leave to "do that thing." Jake waited for a lecture from his father. He claimed that he and Allie were "consulting." Joe's stern expression indicated that he wasn't going to fall for Jake's horrible lie. "When your mother and I used to 'consult' in the supply closet," Joe commented, "we used to put something in front of the door."

In the staff lounge, Liza tried to offer her apologies to David for accusing him of a serious crime. She explained that she'd been talking to her lawyer about divorce plans just before he'd arrived in her office. David accepted the peace offering. Liza explained that the divorce was taking longer than she expected and that it was draining her emotionally. She expressed a need for love, not just a large hunk of cash. David wondered what Liza sees in Jake and asked her point-blank about it. Liza explained that she couldn't live without Jake just as Allie entered the lounge. She demanded to know why Liza, who wasn't an employee, was in the staff lounge. Allie's face voiced her displeasure at seeing Liza. She told Liza that she knew all about her plans to seduce Jake, but informed her that her plans weren't going to succeed. The conversation turned extremely bitter. Liza accused Allie of not being able to give Jake what he really needs. Allie wondered how Liza could know what a mean really needs considering she's lost three men---Tad, Jake, and now Adam. Adam, Liza sneered, like the others want her back. "Maybe on your back," Allie snapped. Liza took Allie's insult and turned it against her, implying that Allie couldn't satisfy a man in bed. Allie slapped Liza for the comment setting off a huge catfight. The two women clawed and scratched at each other until Joe and Jake entered the lounge and broke them apart. Joe demanded an explanation for the fight, but no one spoke up. He issued Allie a warning for fighting and stormed off. Liza looked at a gash on her arm and demanded that she be given medical attention. Jake was concerned for Liza and held her hand as he checked the severity of the wound. Allie didn't like the goo-goo eyes between Liza and Jake and demanded that Jake step away. Later in the supply closet, Jake and Allie were again caught kissing by Joe. Joe figured out that the fight in the lounge was staged, but he still did not appreciate the display of violent and issued Allie a stern warning never to let it happen again. Back in the lounge, David patched up Liza's wound. Liza complained that Allie was too annoying and making her reconsider her devotion to Jake. She milled the idea of returning to Adam, but David didn't want her to do that. He reminded her that she had said she couldn't live without Jake and told her that he'd think up a plan to allow her to get Jake once and for all.

Kelsey donned silk lingerie spotted with multi-colored hearts as she waited at the Valley Inn. She sat by herself for a long time and began to think that her plan to get Scott to show up had failed. When a knock sounded at the door, she crossed her fingers and hoped that she'd find Scott on the other side. She did. Over at the lodge, Gillian waited anxiously for Scott to arrive. She had no idea that Scott was across town. When the door opened and Ryan walked into the lodge, Gillian's face dropped.

Jim and Brooke returned to the Valley Inn. Brooke apologized for making things so complicated by telling Mateo about the loan shark. Jim told her that everyone makes mistakes and that she should not worry about it any more. He asked her if she'd told the kids about their engagement. Jim wanted to plan their wedding and suggested that they get married in February. February is just about halfway over and Brooke knew that they wouldn't have time to plan an elaborate wedding in a few short weeks. Jim suggested that they elope, but Brooke didn't like that idea either. She was trying desperately to push the date back as far as possible. She decided that she wanted to get married in Phoebe's garden. Since the flowers even close to blooming, she decided to set the date in June. Jim accepted the date. Brooke gathered her things and said that she wanted to go talk to Phoebe about the date and dashed off.

Mateo and Hayley wondered if Jim had bought their lie about giving up on the investigation. Hayley praised Mateo for playing everything so smoothly. His decision to cave in when Brooke asked him to do it for her was convincing. They both agreed that they'd jump back on the case in the morning. The couple kissed and made plans for Valentine's Day. Their passion and love for each other made them the happiest couple in the world. They wouldn't have been so happy had they known that Jim planted a bug in their apartment and had overheard every word they'd said."

- Soap Central