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"Edmund's question was met with avoidance from Jim. Jim turned his head and looked up at Edmund. Jim claimed that he was about to ask Edmund the same thing---why was he at Mateo and Hayley's apartment. Sitting down next to Jim, Edmund was quick with an answer. He reminded Jim of an upcoming feature in Tempo on Generation X entrepreneurs. Jim didn't explain why he'd dropped by initially. He claimed that he'd dropped by and found the door unlocked. Finding it odd that that the couple would leave the door unlocked, he decided to investigate. Edmund recalled that he'd heard glass smashing only after he'd called out to Hayley. Jim, for some unknown reason, chose that moment to explain why he'd dropped by the apartment. He explained that he'd had a fight with Mateo over his engagement to Brooke and wanted to drop by to apologize. He continued his tale, explaining that the window in the couple's bedroom was jammed and that the only way to let some fresh air in was to smash the window. Jim smiled proudly as he noted that had he not arrived when he did Hayley and Mateo surely would have died. Edmund advised Jim not to pat himself on the back too much because Hayley and Mateo might not pull through. Edmund rose to his feet and walked away. Fearing that Edmund might be going to Brooke's, Jim raced to the phone in an attempt to beat Edmund to the punch. Brooke, however, was nowhere to be found.

David managed to stabilize Mateo's condition, but it was too soon to tell if the young man had suffered any permanent brain damage. Allie left the emergency room and headed to the staff lounge. If she wanted time alone, she wasn't going to get her wish. David, whistling loudly, entered the room. Allie watched him walk around and wondered how he could go from life saving miracle worker one moment to pompous and arrogant the next. David referred to himself in glowing terms, praising his God given talent to snatch patients from the jaws of death. Allie was quick to note that outside the hospital walls David was another regular person. He lectured her for sleeping with Jake and insisted that when Allie wasn't around Jake and Liza were sleeping together. Allie refused to believe him.

Too many questions prompted Adam to order Tad out of his house. Tad didn't budge. He demanded that he be clued it to what happened to Joy so that they could find the woman once and for all. Adam looked at the sketch of the mystery woman in awe. It was as if someone had turned back the hands of time. He told Tad that the woman he'd seen couldn't have been Joy because his sketch was a sketch of what Joy looked like over twenty years ago. Tad cocked his head and wondered if Adam was hallucinating again. He remembered the photo he'd seen in Joy's room at the Pine Cone Motel. He described the photo to Adam: Joy standing in front of a barn wearing a summer dress. Adam knew of the photo. In fact he even knew what color dress Joy was wearing in the photograph. Tad listened in disbelief as Adam informed him that he was the one who'd snapped the photo of Joy. Again Tad couldn't believe that the woman hadn't aged in the twenty years since the photo was taken. Adam also said that he was the one who's given Joy the inscribed necklace. It was gift, a "celebration of [Joy's] life." Tad could tell from the look on Adam's face that he'd loved Joy very much. Out of breath, Liza stumbled into the room. She told Adam that there'd been a terrible accident and that Hayley and Mateo were in the hospital.

Tad left Chandler Mansion and headed over to Myrtle's boarding house. Tad told his brother that, as promised, he'd been keeping tabs on Adam. He had one concern: He still wanted to know what exactly Jake was up to. He asked his brother point-blank if part of his plan was to make Adam think that he was going crazy. Jake was caught off-guard by the question and noted that Adam had almost died after someone administered the wrong medication. He wasn't about to make him question his sanity on top of that. Tad commented that the old expression "if these walls could talk," had taken on an air of truth at Chandler Mansion. Tad told Jake about the mystery woman that both he and Adam had seen. Jake suddenly realized that Adam might not have been hallucinating at the Crystal Ball as he'd previously thought. Tad pulled his sketch from his pocket and showed it to Jake. Tad wondered why he was so drawn to this particular woman. He bragged that he'd had his fair share of beautiful women. Jake responded that some might say that Tad has had more than his fair share. Tad decided that there wasn't a ghost of a chance that he'd ever find the mystery woman. Jake, remembering the woman that had dropped by to find a room, told his brother that the woman was definitely not a ghost.

When Liza and Adam arrived at the hospital, Adam wanted to take quick control of the situation. He offered to have the top specialists in the country flown in to treat Hayley and Mateo. Joe claimed that those measures were not necessary. Adam wanted to know truth about his daughter's status---would she pull through. Joe was almost certain that Hayley would survive, but it was possible that she would suffer from "impaired mental ability." Adam was allowed into the room to see Hayley. Tears formed in his eyes as he saw his daughter sleeping in her "glass coffin."

Outside the room, Palmer and Joe discussed the inappropriateness of pushing Jake's hearing back. Palmer didn't want to seem like he was trying to punish Jake, but he worried that delaying the hearing would tarnish the hospital's image. Adam exited the room and told Joe that Hayley was still unresponsive. Palmer offered his best wishes to Adam for his daughter's speedy recovery. Unused to seeing Palmer being nice to him, Adam accused Palmer of hovering around to gloat over his misfortune. Palmer replied that the sins of Hayley's father do not extend to Hayley herself. It was a nice way to say that Palmer was concerned for Hayley but could really care less about Adam. As no one had contacted Isabella Santos, Palmer sent his driver to pick her up and bring her to the hospital.

Jim continued to make it look like he was concerned for Mateo and Hayley's health. He pulled David aside and asked for the latest prognosis. Adam joined the two men in conversation and thanked David for calling in favors to secure the second hyperbaric chamber. After David left, Jim made sure that he told Adam that he had been the one to find Hayley and Mateo. Adam thanked Jim for saving his daughter's life. He returned to the room where his daughter laid motionless. As he tried to rouse her from unconsciousness, something critical happened.

Brooke dropped by Mateo and Hayley's apartment unaware of what had happened. AS she walked around the apartment, a noise from another room startled her. A fireman entered the room and told her that there'd been an accident and that Hayley and Mateo were rushed to the hospital due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Brooke's face fell solemn. As she asked how the accident had occurred, Edmund arrived. The fireman explained that the accident appeared to be just that---and accident. Any number of things could have happened from a bird's nest blocking a vent to a faulty valve on the heating system. Brooke's eyes closed slightly as she asked if there was any evidence of tampering. The fireman shook his head and went back to finish his investigation. Brooke's question signaled that she had doubts about the nature of the "accident." Brooke dodged the question, stating that she didn't want to drag Edmund into her problems. Edmund argued that Brooke's silence might lead to Isabella Santos having to bury another child. Brooke took a few steps away from Edmund and fought back tears. She confessed that Jim might have been responsible for the crash of Flight 149. Before Edmund could jump to his own conclusions, she recounted the loan shark story. Edmund didn't find the story credible and wanted to know how Mateo and Hayley had gotten mixed-up in the matter. Brooke told Edmund about the couple's investigation and their encounter with the thugs in New York. Edmund wondered why Brooke would get engaged with Jim knowing what kind of creep he is. She explained that agreeing to marry Jim was the only way she could buy herself some time to do more investigating. Until now, Brooke was unaware that Jim had been the one to "find" Mateo and Hayley. When Edmund told her that he'd found Jim in the apartment, suddenly Brooke's world started to crumble. Edmund surmised that had he not arrived when he did, he doesn't think that Jim would have called 911. Edmund asked Brooke if she now believed that Jim was guilty. "Beyond a shadow of a doubt," she replied."

- Soap Central