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02/19/1998 "Axel" Proposes

"Restraint wasn't easy in this situation. Edmund had just learned that Jim might be responsible for his wife's death and the attempted murder of his brother-in-law. He stormed towards the door of the apartment and prepared to hunt down Jim. Brooke chased after him and convinced him that violence was not the way to get Jim back. Jim might flee town or Edmund could end up in jail for pummeling the man. The important thing was the remain calm and convince Jim that they were not suspicious of him while, at the same time, they gathered more evidence that would directly tie him tot he plane crash. Edmund's reporter's eyes looked squarely at the facts: Jim tried to kill Mateo and Hayley. In was a safe conclusion that Brooke could be the next target. Brooke disagreed. If Jim killed her, he wouldn't get his hands on her money. Brooke vowed to make Jim pay for all that he'd done. Death, she snarled, was too quick. She wants Jim to spend the rest of his miserable life rotting behind bars.

Janet met with her Axel wannabe and told him that she wasn't sure that their last performance was convincing. Axel didn't see it that way, but he vowed that his next performance would convince the world that he was in love with Janet. Axel's ambition was a little overboard. They didn't have to convince the world that they were an item---they only had to convince Trevor. Speaking of Trevor, he entered the restaurant for his daily lunch. When Janet saw him, she lunged across the table and planted a kiss on the actor. Trevor wandered over to the table and asked them to keep their public displays of affection to a minimum. It didn't bother him, but he didn't want Amanda to stumble across the couple in a kiss. Axel tried to play the macho boyfriend as best he could, but his physical appearance detracted slightly from his performance. He insisted that he could kiss Janet anytime and anyplace he wanted to. Janet claimed that she had no idea that Trevor would be eating at the restaurant or she'd have refrained from kissing her lover. Her story didn't wash because Trevor had been eating at McKay's every day for over five years. Trevor tired of arguing with the pair and headed to a nearby booth. Axel decided that it was time to put the finishing touches on his character. He grabbed the vase off of the table and rose to his feet. As he clanged his knife against the vase, he asked that everyone give their attention to him. He told his fellow diners that he'd made a terrible mistake by letting Janet slip through his fingers a few years back. He refused to make the same mistake. Axel knelt before Janet and asked her to marry him. She looked around nervously before accepting his proposal. Trevor watched curiously, but his attention was diverted by bad news. He received a call telling him that Mateo and Hayley had been rushed to the hospital. He started to leave the restaurant, but Janet wanted his well wishes. He told her about Matt and Hayley and then snapped, "Have a great life." Axel celebrated his coup, but he found himself celebrating alone. Janet grabbed her coat and chased after Trevor.

Liza didn't know how to deal with her mother's presence. Marian babbled endlessly about how Liza still loves Adam. Liza knew that she had to act quickly to keep her mother from blowing what she'd worked so hard to do---convince David that she wanted Adam dead. She flashed her mother an evil glare and ordered her to keep quiet. Rather unconvincingly she told her mother that she'd rekindled her affair with Jake. She explained that she needed to keep the affair quiet for fear of losing out on a divorce settlement from Adam. Liza denied loving Adam and stated that her only interest in Adam was his bank account. Marian blinked several times as she tried to figure everything out. Liza referred to David as her confidant and asked Marian to keep the news of her affair with Jake on "the down low." Marian spoke of how wonderful it would have been if Adam had had an affair. Then Liza would have been in the clear to get half of Adam's assets. Liza ordered Marian to put that out of her mind and remain quiet. Marian nodded and left the room. David smiled assuredly and called Liza "quite the liar." Liza's eyes nearly popped out of her head, as she feared that David had figured out her scheme. Luckily for her she didn't tip her cards. The lies David referred to were Liza's omission of preferring Adam's death to a divorce settlement. Liza breathed a sigh a relief and went back on track with her plan. She noted that Adam was in a frenzied state now that Hayley was in critical condition. She surmised that the strain wasn't good for his health and felt that now was the time to strike if she wanted to kill Adam.

Adam called for Joe to hurry over to Hayley's chamber. Hayley's eyes fluttered gently and she woke from unconsciousness. She looked around, but didn't know where she was. Being enclosed in a glass chamber didn't help matters any. She turned her head to one side and noticed Mateo lying across the room in a similar chamber... only Mateo wasn't moving. She banged frantically on the glass and ordered that she be allowed out of her prison. The doctors scrambled to calm Hayley down before she hyperventilated and compromised her health. Joe and Allie explained what had happened, but it really made no difference. Adam pleaded with his daughter to remain calm. She finally agreed to settle down and get some rest. Joe wanted Allie and Adam to take a break as well. Allie had been working for many hours without a break and Adam needed to unwind before he suffered another attack. Both agreed to take walks around the hospital. Isabella arrived at the hospital and learned that while Hayley appeared to be doing okay, Mateo was still in critical condition. Palmer offered to accompany Isabella to the chapel, but she felt it was best for her to go alone. Marian offered her support Adam, telling him she knows how difficult it must be for him to see Hayley in such serious condition.

Allie tracked down David and told him that Joe needed him to review Mateo's latest cardiogram. Once David was gone, Allie asked Liza how she was handling the situation. Liza told Allie about how Marian had overheard her discussion with David. Liza really seemed bothered by having to lie to her mother. Allie put her arm around Liza and offered her support. Liza worried that their plan wouldn't work. To date they had no indication that David was even contemplating getting involved in killing Adam.

At Brooke's, Phoebe slept peacefully in her wheelchair. As she slept, a dark shadow loomed over her. Phoebe must have detected the presence because she woke from her sleep and let out a soft shriek. She looked up and realized that Jim had created the shadow. She laughed at her folly and bopped Jim with a newspaper. She told him that he'd startled her, but downplayed her fear. Jim explained that he was still trying to find Brooke. Phoebe had no idea where Brooke had gone, but Jim didn't believe her. Jamie burst into the house and raced over to his great-aunt. They pair talked about school and other things. Jim cleared his throat and noted that there were two people in the house. Sternly, he asked Jamie "Don't I at least rate a hello?" Jim must have realized that he sounded angry and tried to soften his appearance. He sat down with the youngster and offered to help him with his homework. Jamie wondered why the man was so interested in him. Jim smiled and whispered that he and his mother had a secret---a good secret. Jim smiled shyly as he announced that he wasn't good at keeping secrets. As Brooke returned home, she heard Jim tell her son that they were going to be getting married. "You might as well start calling me daddy," Jim beamed.

Marian met with a scruffy looking gentleman named Dirk, a professional paparazzi of sorts. Dirk was known for being able to snap photos of cheating spouses. Marian told Dirk that she wanted him to take pictures of her daughter's husband having an affair with another women. The assignment was a piece of cake for the man. He chuckled as he asked who the other woman was. Marian pulled back from the table and replied, "You're looking at her."

In the hospital's chapel, Isabella found herself questioning her faith. She knows that God has a plan for everyone, but her shoulders began to ache from the burden she's been carrying. She' seen her husband and her eldest daughter killed. Now she faced burying another child. Palmer listened at the doorway as Isabella announced that she cannot handle any more pain. Palmer walked slowly towards Isabella and took her in his arms to provide her with comfort. Opal opened the door to the chapel and saw her husband holding another woman. Instantly she feared the worst. She swallowed hard and silently walked away.

David informed Adam that Hayley was well enough to be sent to a regular room. Adam still worried for his daughter and he began to work himself into a frenzy. "Unless you want us to open a Chandler wing for your entire family," David said, ordering Adam to calm down. David ordered a nurse to take Adam's blood pressure and to check his vital signs. A nurse took Hayley by the arm and tried to lead her to her hospital room. Hayley refused to leave without her husband. She pulled away from the nurse and ran to her husband's side. She knocked on the chamber softly and told Mateo that he needed to wake up. Mateo did not respond. Hayley knocked again, this time a little harder. "Mateo, baby, you have to wake up. We have to go." The nurse tugged on her arm and told her that she had to leave. Hayley flailed her arms wildly and refused to move. Adam demanded that the nurse stop harassing his daughter and offered to pay one hundred thousand dollars so that a cot could be set up in the room for Hayley. The scene was far too emotional for anyone to handle. Tears flowed freely from Liza, Allie, Joe, and Adam. Even the cold heart of Dr. Hayward seemed moved by the display. Liza couldn't hold back. She wanted desperately to hold Adam and comfort him. She knew that she couldn't or Allie and Jake's plan would fail. She raced out of the room. On her way out, she bumped into Edmund. She gave him a quick update, but she couldn't hold her emotions back any longer. She burst into tears and ran away. Edmund picked up his cellphone and placed a call. "I need to speak to you," he told an unknown person on the other end. "It's critical." After Liza composed herself, she returned to the emergency room area. David tapped her on the shoulder and told her that she'd dropped something. He handed her a brown paper bag. Liza shook her head and said that she was sure that she didn't drop anything. David insisted that the bag belonged to her. Liza reached out and took the bag. She opened it up and looked inside. David had come through for her---he'd given her the medication that she'd requested to help kill Adam. Back inside the room, Hayley broke down into tears. She begged Mateo to open his eyes. A loud beep sounded as the lines on Mateo's monitors went flat. Hayley asked what was going on. Joe put his hand on her shoulder. His face was calm, but his mouth and eyes drooped. He shook his head slightly from side to side. Mateo was no longer enveloped by the darkness of unconsciousness... he was moving towards a bright light."

- Soap Central