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"The board's decision to hold Jake's hearing in the morning threw a monkey wrench into Allie and Jake's plan. Allie was ready to throw in the towel, but Jake remained optimistic. He decided that their plan could--and had to---proceed as planned. Liza worried that David might not show up to kill Adam. Jake smiled and said that with a little encouragement from Allie, David would be there in a second. Allie paged David and he returned her call quickly. He didn't know whose number he was calling and he was startled to hear Allie's voice at the other end. She told David that she had no one to turn to and that she needed to see him immediately.

Janet prepared to tell Trevor "the truth" about her an Axel, but her explanation was postponed by Tim's sudden appearance. Tim told his father that Amanda was going to be spending the night at Carrie's house. Trevor walked with Isabella to the chapel to say a few prayers. While they were gone, Janet thanked Tim for looking out for Amanda. Some big brothers are bothered by "kid sisters," Janet commented, but Tim wasn't that way. Tim chalked it up to a sense of duty. Stuart joined the pair, but he didn't get to speak to them for long. Jake appeared and pulled Stuart aside to tell him that the timetable for their plan had been changed. Stuart was ready to go, but there was one big point he wanted to verify. He asked Jake how he planned to inject him with a lethal dose of medication and not end up dead. Jake explained that the drug was replaced with a harmless saline solution. There was one more thing that Stuart had to---he had to make sure that Adam stayed away from Chandler Mansion. Janet and Tim continued their small talk, both speaking softly and haltingly. Tim noted that he hadn't seen Janet at his house lately and hoped that he wasn't the reason for her absence. Janet avoided the truth by blaming her scarcity on her work. Tim mentioned that he's going to be getting his driver's license in a few weeks. Janet reminisced about her first car, but silenced herself when she realized that she was babbling. Amazingly, Tim stated that he had wanted to call Janet on several occasions. Janet was taken aback. Tim said that he wanted to thank her for believing that Natalie had saved him from the thugs. Janet firmly believed him and told him that she believes that Natalie is still watching over all of them. Trevor returned and the chat session stopped. Tim allowed the pair some privacy. Trevor asked Janet again if she was serious about accepting Axel's proposal. Janet nodded. Trevor was furious and told Janet that she shouldn't wait for him to congratulate her.

David told Hayley that it was time to remove Mateo from the hyperbaric chamber. Hayley's face dropped. She refused to allow the doctor to give up on saving Mateo's life. David's announcement was very poorly worded. He rephrased things and explained that the carbon monoxide had been removed from Mateo's blood and that the chamber was no longer needed. In short, removing Mateo from the chamber would not kill him---there was nothing more that the chamber could do. David insisted Hayley allow a nurse to take her to her room so that she could rest. Hayley argued that she was fine and wanted to stay by Mateo's side. Adam arrived with a wheelchair and told Hayley that he'd take her anywhere she wanted to do. Hayley demanded to be taken to Mateo's room. Adam nodded. When Hayley was wheeled into Mateo's room, she threw a fit because Mateo was not in a private room. The second bed signaled that in time another patient would be sharing the room with her husband. Adam smiled slightly and informed her that the second bed was for her. Hayley instantly knew that her father had pulled a few strings to arrange for the special room. She gave him a big hug and thanked him for being there for her. Hayley refused to even think that Mateo might not pull through. Stuart dropped by briefly to give Hayley a present---a piece of artwork that he'd made. Hayley thanked him for the work and proudly showed the item to Matt. Hayley suggested that her father return home to get some rest. Adam refused, saying that he planned on spending the night in the room. Stuart liked the idea, knowing that if Adam stayed in the room he would be able to foul up Jake's plan. Hayley agreed and turned in for the night. Stuart left and Adam curled up in a chair. David dropped by to check on his patients and was surprised to see Adam trying to get comfortable in a chair. He pointed out that hospital visiting hours were over and suggested that he go back home. Adam agreed.

At Linden House, Jack dropped by with a present for Erica: blueprints for the new house they planned to have built. Erica loved the design, but her mind was elsewhere. She told Jack that she'd been wearing his engagement ring on a necklace until she had a chance to tell Bianca about the engagement. There was no time like the present to break the news to Bianca. Erica called her daughter down to the livingroom and prepared to break the news. Bianca was more interested in going riding with Dimitri than hearing big news. When Erica told Bianca about her plans to marry Jack, Bianca's face dropped. She obviously wasn't thrilled by the announcement. Erica tried to get her daughter excited about becoming a family and moving to a new house, but nothing enthused the young girl. She forced a smile and claimed that she was happy, but Erica knew better. Dimitri arrived a few minutes later and Bianca couldn't wait to get out of the house. Jack and Erica were left to wonder why Bianca wasn't happier by their announcement. Erica wondered if the thought of moving from Linden scared her. Jack encouraged Erica to ask her daughter what was bothering her, but Erica didn't think it was necessary. She blamed Bianca's poor attitude on her disease. Before anorexia had taken hold of her daughter, Erica claimed that Bianca was the perfect daughter. Jack reminded Erica that Bianca wasn't always perfect. A few years back, Bianca caught Jack and Erica in an intimate moment---while Erica was still married to Travis! Bianca took two of her dolls, which she named Erica and Jack, and set them on fire. The ensuing blaze almost completely destroyed Linden.

Dimitri cut his riding excursion with Bianca short after Bianca disobeyed his orders about racing Maximillian. Bianca used the crop to whip the horse and make him go faster. When Dimitri asked her to stop, she ignored him. Dimitri could tell that Bianca was agitated and asked her if something was bothering her. Bianca dodged the question. She claimed that she was in a great mood because she'd received great news---her mother and her Uncle Jack were going to get married. The sarcasm in her voice disagreed with her supposed glee. She bad-mouthed the notion of being a bridesmaid again and worried that she'd be shipped back to Seattle like a piece of luggage when it was time for the honeymoon. Bianca stormed out of the lodge and waited for Dimitri to take her back to Linden.

Allie ordered two glasses of scotch to help with her plan to push David over the edge. David knew full well that Allie never drank anything other than a glass of beer. She took a swig of scotch so that her breath would smell of alcohol and dumped the remainder of the booze in a plant. When David arrived, Allie transformed herself into a drunken, pitiful mess. She told David that she saw Jake and Liza walking hand-in-hand. Not only that, but she also saw Jake kissing Liza. She explained that Jake was the one who initiated the kiss, dashing her hopes that Jake was right when he said that it was Liza who was pursuing him. She asked David if Liza was prettier than her and demanded to know why Jake would choose Liza over her. David claimed that Jake chose Liza because they have a history together---much like he and Allie. Allie convinced David that his sympathy was endearing him to her. Just as David thought that he'd won Allie over, Allie stated that she wanted to give Jake a second chance. David stewed over her decision and tried to talk her out of it. Allie told him that she wanted to splash some cold water on her face and left the table. David picked up his cellphone and called Liza. He told her that as soon as she's finished killing Adam, she needs to call him so that he can sign the death certificate himself.

Dimitri returned Bianca to Linden, but Bianca scampered directly to her bedroom. Dimitri told Jack that he wanted to talk to Erica about something. Erica was out of the room, so Dimitri spoke to Jack instead. He told Jack about the incident while riding and claimed that Bianca seems to be bothered by the engagement. Erica overheard the latter part of the discussion and demanded some answers. Bianca walked halfway down the steps and asked Dimitri if she could go riding again in the morning. Her vision blurred and she lost her balance. Had Jack not been there to catch her, she would have tumbled down the steps.

Liza arrived at Chandler Mansion to set up for the big performance. Scott headed upstairs to install a video camera. He was clueless as to what was going on, but Liza assured him that no one would get hurt. Winifred proved to be a kink in Liza's plans. The house was supposed to be empty, but Winifred was still there! Liza asked her why she hadn't gone to the movies with her cousin. Winifred frowned as she explained that her cousin had fallen ill. Liza grabbed a fistful of cash from her pocket and ordered Winifred to go to the movies. That still left unanswered the question of why Liza was in the mansion. She told Winifred that she and Adam had gotten back together. Winifred was overjoyed and left the mansion with a smile on her face. Once the coast was clear, Jake, Allie, and Stuart entered the house and readied for their parts in the scheme. Liza ordered Stuart to change into Adam's pajamas to make the scene as authentic as possible. Stuart wanted to wear his own flannel pajamas, explaining that David doesn't know what Adam sleeps in. Then, with the group gathered around, Adam returned home and demanded to know what was going on."

- Soap Central