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"At WRCW, Ryan tried to hustle another businessman into advertising on WRCW. He appeared to be successful, but his pressure tactics took a back seat when Gillian wandered into his office. Ryan quickly got off the phone and turned his attention towards the young woman. Gillian claimed that she was looking for Scott, but Ryan thought otherwise. He implied that she wanted to pick up where things had left off in the hunting lodge. Gillian rolled her eyes and touted Ryan's overactive imagination. She smiled coyly and told him that his fantasies of making love to her are all that he'll ever have. Ryan didn't as much as bat an eyelash by Gillian's sharp words. He insisted that she still desired him and that it would be only a matter of time before she ended up in his arms.

Down the hall, Kelsey dropped by to talk to Scott about Mateo and Hayley's accident. She found herself babbling endlessly and felt like a fool. She blamed her lack of composure on her desire to be more than friends with Scott. She worried that her confession in Ryan's hotel room would alter her friendship with Scott. Scott assured her that things between them were still "cool," and that he didn't hate her for speaking her mind. At the present time, Scott feels unable to get involved in a long-term relationship. He left the door open for things between him and Kelsey to heat up at some point down the road. Kelsey gave him a hug to thank him for being some understanding. As they embraced, Ryan and Gillian entered the office. Gillian put a picnic basket on the desk and announced that she'd picked up some gourmet delicacies for her and Scott. Ryan and Kelsey left the duo alone and retreated to another office. Gillian accused Scott of avoiding her since the fiasco at the hunting lodge. She insisted that she'd prepared the romantic evening for Scott and that Ryan ruined it for them. Scott said that he believed Gillian's story, but he didn't bow to her seduction. He told her that he had a busy night ahead of him and asked Gillian if he could get back to work. Gillian took the rejection rather well and offered little resistance. On her way out of the station, she dropped by Ryan's office. She plopped her picnic basket down and told Ryan that he and Kelsey could enjoy the meal. Then, with a smiled etched on her face, Gillian sashayed out of the office. Ryan and Kelsey both agreed that Gillian was definitely up to something. Scott wondered by a few minutes and told Kelsey and Ryan that he was going to head home to study for a big exam. He invited Kelsey to join him in the morning. Kelsey agreed and after Scott went on his way, she jumped for joy over what she perceived as a date with Scott. Ryan quickly noted that it was only a study session. He also reminded Kelsey that Gillian was still in the picture. "Never underestimate a woman with an accent," he stated.

Scott returned home and tossed his knapsack on his bed. For some reason, his bed moaned in pain as the heavy sack hit the mattress. The covers rolled down and Gillian smiled broadly at Scott.

Tad and Adam entered the cabin and realized that someone had been living there. No one was there now, but it looked like the inhabitant could return home at any minute. Adam didn't buy into Tad's explanation. He believed that Tad had gone to extreme measures to make it look like someone was living at the cabin. Tad looked around and found a bag on a nearby chair. He rummaged through its contents and came across the photo he'd seen in the Pine Cone Motel. Adam instantly recognized the photo and announced that the woman in the photo was, in fact, Joy. Adam recalled taking the picture of Joy. His mind whirred into overdrive as he recalled that Joy didn't want to pose for the picture because she couldn't smile. He also remembered that Joy had a large bruise on her neck and that he asked her to cover it up with her long, flowing blonde hair. Tad and Adam both agreed that the woman haunting Chandler Mansion was not a ghost. Tad wanted answers and demanded that Adam tell him everything about Joy. Adam refused, prompting Tad to announce that he was going to hunt down the mystery woman and get answers from her. Adam noted that Tad had no idea where he could find the woman. Tad did some quick math and realized that the woman could be Adam's daughter. Adam sighed deeply and said that the woman could not be his daughter because he'd never been intimate with Joy. In fact, Joy had no children. Tad thought long and hard for another explanation. Why would an unknown woman want to gaslight Adam? Not knowing that her hideout had been penetrated, the mystery woman walked along the path to the cabin. She over heard Adam and Tad's voices and tried to find a hiding place. While she was scampering for cover, she knocked something over. The thud was audible inside the cabin and Tad and Adam went outside to investigate. The woman dashed off with Tad and Adam following closely behind.

Liza claimed that her shaking hands made it impossible for her to give Adam the lethal injection. David grabbed Adam's arm and found a vein. He told Liza that it would be simple for her to inject the medication. Announcing her strong fear of blood, Liza feared that she'd hit an artery. She begged David to help her kill Adam, but David refused. Liza tried everything in her power to get David to do the evil deed, but nothing worked. She informed him that if Adam did not die, he'd never get Allie. David stated that he is a doctor---someone who saves lives, not takes them. Liza reminded David that he'd nearly killed Adam once before by giving him the wrong medication. Finally, David cracked. He argued that his administering of the wrong medication was different because he was standing by with the antidote. "So you did it to frame Jake," Liza snapped. David nodded his head, saying that it was easy to frame an oaf like Jake. David found it difficult to believe that as much as he loved Allie, he was unable to kill for her. Allie walked slowly into the room. David looked at her and then at Liza and then back at Allie. He demanded to know what was going on. Allie claimed that she wanted to see how committed David was to winning her back. It was at that moment that David knew that he'd been set up. He tasted the supposed lethal drug and realized it was a harmless saline solution. Liza smiled and announced that she was not about to let David kill her husband. David went on the offensive, claiming that he needed to frame Jake to prevent him from making mistakes in the future. Allie begged David to speak to the hospital board and proclaim Jake's innocence. There was no way that David was about to do that. Liza told the doctor that he'd better---or she'll be forced to show the board "the tape." David looked on in amazement and asked what tape she was referring to. Jake walked out of the bathroom and waved a tape in David's face. Stuart broke his silence, sitting up in bed and stating that doctors are supposed to help people, not hurt them. David was embarrassed that he'd been unable to differentiate Stuart and Adam. Jake talked down David's observation skills, which led to an all out verbal assault from David. David called Jake an incompetent fool, one who he'll never understand how Joe can accept as a child. Jake demanded that David appear a half-hour before the board hearing so that they could rehearse his statement or risk having the tape shown. David snatched the tape away from Jake and ripped out the tape. He smiled smugly as their proof had been destroyed. Liza calmly stated that they had many, many more copies of the tape, copies that she'd have no problem distributing to everyone in town if David doesn't appear at the meeting. David vowed that he wasn't out of fight yet.

Downstairs, Marian and Dirk slipped into the mansion to prepare for their photo shoot. They overheard voices and realized that they'd have to wait for everyone to leave. Dirk worried that they could be waiting for hours. Marian told him to keep quiet, reminding him that he gets paid by the hour. Back in the master bedroom, Stuart yawned and stated that he'd taken some of Adam's tranquilizers to help him relax for his performance. The other agreed to let him sleep and filed out one by one. Now that the coast was clear, Marian and Dirk headed upstairs."

- Soap Central