Browse By Year



"It was still hard for Tad to believe that Camille/B>'s mother had died at Adam's hands---literally! Tad refused to help Camille haunt Adam, but he vowed to help her get to the truth. The way Tad saw it, Adam wasn't the kind of guy to bludgeon someone to death. He told Camille that Adam has been known to buy entire companies just so that he can fire one person. It became apparent that Tad wasn't going to help "the mystery woman." She remarked that Adam might have honed his revenge tactics since his days in Pigeon Hollow. Camille threatened to bolt and Tad had to physically restrain her. He grabbed her shoulders and became temporarily engulfed in the woman's beauty. He quickly removed his hands and assured Camille that he would help her learn the truth. He again stated that it was possible that the story Camille's father had written was not entirely accurate. Tad brought new light to a very cloudly subject. Camille never knew how her mother obtained the much-cherished locket she'd been carrying around. Tad informed her that Adam had given it to her---and that Adam had taken the picture that Camille had displayed at the Pine Cone. Suddenly the locket lost its significance. Camille dropped it to the ground and told Tad that he could have it. Tad offered to talk to Stuart and get the truth about Joy. Camille worried that Stuart would lie to protect his twin brother, but Tad guaranteed her that Stuart wouldn't lie. Before leaving to track Stuart down, Tad made Camille promise that she would "go haunting" while he was gone. He turned and took a few steps away before stopping. Tad informed the former "ghost" that his house would be empty for a few weeks while his son was out of town and extended an offer for Camille to stasy with him. She accepted promised that she wouldn't leave.

Liza found Stuart toiling over a stack of papers. She told Stuart that she knew what happened the night of the sting. Stuart lowered his head and apologized for fouling things up for Marian. He knew that Marian wanted to sleep with Adam not him. He referred to himself as "a stale beer" while Adam was toasted as "vintage champagne." Liza help boost Stuart's esteem by letting him know that Marian enjoyed every moment in bed with Stuart. Stuart was under the impression that Marian knew that she hadn't slept with Adam. Of course, she was wrong. Stuart wanted to be the one to tell Marian about the mix-up, but he wasn't sure how to go about it. Liza offered to do it for him, but the two never came to an agreement. Stuart hoped that clearing the air would lead to a reconciliation between his brother and Liza, but Liza told him that he shouldn't hold his breath. Adam, she sighed, wanted a divorce even more than she did. Stuart shook his head and insisted that Adam still loved Liza. Liza told Stuart about Adam's accusations that she is trying to make him go crazy. She asked Stuart to tell her more about Joy, but Stuart refused to part with even a morsel of information. Later after Liza left, Tad entered the room and demanded Stuart to tell him everything that he knows about Joy.

As Kelsey touted her scheme to get Gillian booted, the temperature in the office must have shot up by a least a dozen degrees. Ryan tried to get Kelsey to be quiet, but Kelsey kept babbling away. She slowly twirled around to see what Ryan was staring at---and froze dead in her tracks. Scott was standing in the doorway and he'd heard every word of Kelsey's confession. He ordered her to follow him back to his office. While they were gone, Ryan tried to put the moves on Gillian. He claimed that environmentalists across the country would be up in arms over Gillian's deportation because she is a rare "natural resource." Scott wasted no time in tearing into Kelsey. He wanted to know what provoked Kelsey's decision to call the INS. Kelsey weakly commented that she was trying to protect Scott from Gillian's tyrannical ways. She explained that seeing Scott in bed with Gillian made her fearful that Scott would wind up married to the princess. Scott argued that he doesn't have to marry every woman he sleeps with and was peeved by the insinuation that having sex had made him lose a few brain cells. Finally, he told Kelsey that it wasn't Gillian who had hurt him---it was her. She was supposed to be his friend, but she'd been lying to him about the deportation plot for days. Kelsey begged for a chance to right her wrings, but Scott told her that she couldn't do anything to help. He, however, could. Scott stormed out of the office and headed back to find Gillian. When he got there, Ryan was just about the kiss Gillian. He'd told the young woman that if she were to be deported, he would fly to Hungary to make sure that she didn't get bored. He also claimed that Gillian would tire of married life with Scott. The pre-empted kiss gave way to a major announcement from Scott. He told Gillian that he'd decided to marry her to help her stay in the country.

Brooke returned home and started to tell Phoebe about Jamie's sendoff and the headaches that Jim had been giving her. Before she could get to far into the conversation, Phoebe begged Brooke to take her for a short stroll. Brooke decided that it was too cold outside, but she agreed to open the windows and allow her aunt to get some fresh air. Phoebe picked up her cane and motioned towards the table. Brooke walked in the direction of the table but so nothing out of the ordinary. When she followed her aunt's gesture to get down on the floor, Brooke found the bug. Brooke instinctively knew that Jim had planted the bug. The two women engaged in some overly exaggerated conversation about what a wonderful man Jim is and how everything will be right once Brooke is able to marry him. Sitting in the darkroom at Tempo, Jim listened to the conversation and was pleased with all of the nice things that were being said about him. Edmund and Dimitri entered Brooke's house without warning and told her that they had more bad news about Jim. Brooke waved her hands and told Edmund that she didn't want to here any of his negative comments. She quickly grabbed Edmund by the arm and led him over to the bugged table. Edmund mouthed the word "bug" to Dimitri and Dimitri quickly jumped into the conversation to make things more believable. He told Brooke that he'd told his brother to keep his nose out of her affairs. Edmund came up with the savvy idea to tinker with Jim's bugging device. He put a portable stereo by the bug and had Phoebe a statement that she wanted to listen to her favorite opera program. With the music blasting, Edmund, Dimitri, and Brooke were able to go to the far side of the livingroom and talk business. Through a secret contact, Dimitri was able to get more information about the explosives that downed Flight 149. The investigators hadn't found any wiring, timing devices, or detonators with the plastique. In short, a bomb did not bring down the plane. What it meant was that the unstable plastiques had been inadvertently set off---the plane was not intentionally brought down. Brooke realized that Jim had been responsible for the crash, for her months of pain, for Maria's death... Dimitri informed Brooke that the FBI had created confidential files on every passenger and crewmember on the doomed flight. The files were supposed to help them find the culprit. Jim, however, already had a file even before the crash. Jim had been a suspect in an arson and insurance fraud case in Trenton, New Jersey. A long time friend of Jim's, name Judy Morton, saw her business burn to the ground. In the basement of the burned building investigators founds explosives---the same explosives that doomed Flight 149. Judy was sent to a prison somewhere in New Jersey after she failed to cooperated in turning evidence against Jim. Edmund surmised that Judy was afraid of Jim. Dimitri told Edmund that he'd try to find out where Judy was being held and Email him the information.

At Tempo, Jim tired of listen to Phoebe's arias and decided to go poking around Edmund's office. He hacked into his computer and pulled up some files that Edmund had written on Jim. As he poked around, Dimitri's Email came through with Judy's location. The message told Edmund the woman's name, where she was being held, and what her sentence was. Jim wondered how Dimitri had found out about Judy. He was unaware that Brooke and Edmund were outside the office."

- Soap Central