Browse By Year



"The news that he could use Linden as a secret base for his government mission elated Mike, but he had little time to celebrate. He had anticipated being able to play catch up with Erica and see what she'd been up to during the last thirteen years. Erica, however, had other plans. She told Mike that she'd be leaving town for a few days to visit her daughter. Mike's face froze. He had never thought of Erica as a maternal figure. Erica told him about Bianca's battle with anorexia. Surprisingly Mike's snide remarks vanished. "If she has half of her mother's grit," Mike smiled sincerely, "she'll pull through." Mike liked the idea of having the entire house to himself. He didn't count on the fact that Jack would not be going with Erica. Mike refused to share the house with Jack. Erica smiled and stated that it would be good for Mike and Jack to get to know each other. Even though Jack's job as district attorney meant that he was on the law's side, Mike claimed that Jack could jeopardize his entire mission. Mike's agency, he said, doesn't play by the book like the district attorney's office. Erica agreed that Jack's presence might pose some unneeded problems and she assured Mike that she'd do her best to keep Jack out of Linden while she was gone.

Keith did not appreciate Dimitri's attempt to impede his investigation. Jack asked Dimitri to leave the room so that Keith could talk to Brooke and Edmund. Dimitri agreed---but not happily. Keith wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter. He asked Edmund how he felt about Jim. Edmund noted that Jim had killed his wife, nearly killed his daughter, tried to kill his brother-in-law and his wife, and kidnapped and attempted to kill him. It wasn't really a surprise that Edmund loathed Jim. Keith seemed uninterested in Edmund's tale of Jim's path of destruction. He looked past the points that he couldn't prove and focused on the matters that directly involved Edmund. Keith found it hard to believe that Jim would follow Edmund to a prison, clobber him on the head, and then chain him inside a sewer pipe. Edmund didn't know what he had to say to make Keith believe him. Keith also refused to consider that Judy Morton's death was not another jailhouse murder but, in fact, a hit arranged by Jim Thomasen. Edmund remembered that Jim had forced him to sign a "suicide note," but that failed to persuade Keith that Jim had kidnapped him. Keith explained that the typewritten note could have been typed by anyone. More importantly, the note had not been found. Brooke was aggravated by the implication that everyone was going out of their way to show that Jim was a bad guy. Edmund told Brooke to go home and rest. She agreed that a little rest would do her good and kissed Edmund goodbye. "You know that you can't leave town, right?" Keith asked of Brooke. Brooke made a sniffling noise and walked out of the room without offering a response. After Brooke left, Keith probed Edmund for details on his relationship with Brooke. Edmund stated that he and Brooke were close business associates and added that they were also very good friends. Keith was obviously hunting for hints of a more-than-platonic relationship.

Mateo told Hayley that he saw a blonde figure in his vision. He had assumed that it was Hayley, but when the figure turned around it was actually Brooke. Jake walked onto to sun porch and asked Mateo how he was feeling. Mateo told Jake that he wanted to read up on any information available on coma patients. Jake was at a loss. He said that there isn't much known about comas and that there are really more questions than answers. Mateo asked Jake if his erratic brainwave readings were normal for comatose patients. Jake scratched his head and took a deep breath. He explained that the readings were typical and atypical all at the same time. Usually patients experience increased brain activity just before waking up---but in Matt's case he'd experienced the increased activity throughout the duration of his coma. Jake was paged away before he could discuss anything else with Matt and Hayley. Hayley suggested that they keep a journal of all of Matt's recollections starting with his memories of the gallery vision. Mateo told his wife that he saw Brooke wearing a tan coat with a belt. He also remembered that she was holding a silver-plated gun. Hayley wrote everything down until Dimitri entered the room to check on Mateo's condition. The men made general chat about how they were feeling and how glad they were that Jim was out of the way. Hayley stepped in and commented that most victims of unkind circumstances try to eliminate all memories of their unpleasant encounters. Hayley, for instance, quickly trashed the nightgown she was wearing the night of the carbon monoxide poisoning. Dimitri stroked his beard and agreed with what Hayley had said. Dimitri then commented that Brooke would probably want to throw away the tan coat she was wearing the night of the shooting. Hayley and Mateo simply looked at each other in awe.

Dimitri and Jack feuded over what Dimitri saw as Jack's decision to harass Brooke about the shooting. Jack insisted that he was not trying to give Brooke a hard time---he was just doing his job. Dimitri made a snide remark about how Jack seems to enjoy roughing up the women in his life. Jack instantly knew that Dimitri was making a reference to his decision to prosecute Erica the previous year. Jack argued that the two situations were totally different. Jack admitted that he cares for Brooke but quickly added that she was not above the law. Brooke happened to have been walking by and completely agreed with Jack. Brooke, however, felt that all of the evidence would prove that she had to shoot Jim Thomasen. Jack received an urgent phone call from Erica and he raced off to find her.

Tad dragged Camille to the gallery so that she could talk to Stuart about what had happened to her mother. Stuart smiled and was glad to see Camille again. Camille easily tired by the small talk and asked Stuart to get the point. Stuart explained that he'd promised Adam and Joy that he would not talk about what had happened so many years ago. Adam entered the gallery and encouraged Stuart to tell the truth. Camille rolled her eyes and snapped that Stuart would not tell the truth while his evil twin lingered in the shadows. Tad pleaded with Stuart to tell the truth and finally Stuart agreed. Stuart confirmed that Joy had not been killed; she had posed for a "death" photograph in a pine box. After the photo was snapped and Lee saw the body, Joy was taken to the bus depot and sent on her way to parts unknown. Tad wondered why Joy would agree to have her photo taken in a coffin. Stuart bowed his head and said nothing. Adam prodded his brother to finish the story. Stuart's face became animated with emotion as he told Camille that he had observed Joy being beaten by Lee. At the time Stuart didn't know how to handle the situation, so he went and got Adam. Adam confronted Lee and "punched him really hard." Stuart isn't one to talk badly about someone, but he couldn't hold back his personal opinion of Lee: "Your dad was mean to the bone." Camille grunted and told Stuart that she didn't believe his story. At Joy's "funeral," Stuart had placed a bouquet of camellias on the coffin. He didn't realize until that moment why Joy had become so emotional upon seeing the flowers. Camille had been named after the flowers, Joy's favorite, and she knew that she'd probably never see her daughter again. Camille couldn't listen to another word. She turned and ran out of the gallery. Adam wanted to chase after her, but Tad asked him to "let her go." Tad followed Camille back to his house. There Camille again blasted Tad for believing the Chandler Brothers' account of what had happened. Tad said that he understood what Camille was going through, but she didn't believe that he knew anything about "family betrayal." Tad asked Camille to trust him and told her that he could prove that he knew what she was feeling... but only if she listened. Back at the gallery, Stuart tried to comfort Adam. Adam commented that Joy had spent her whole life believing that he had been responsible for her mother's death. Now, her entire world had fallen apart. Stuart realized that there was a bright spot to their problems---Joy might still be alive. They both agreed that finding Joy would be their top priority.

At Enchantment, Erica told Janet that she needed to contact the actor she'd hired to play Axel Green. Janet was confused and asked her why she needed a second-rate actor. Erica explained that she needed Axel to pretend to be a stalker. Janet raised her eyebrows and she definitely wanted to ask more about Erica's plans, but some questions are better left unasked. When Albert arrived, Erica gave him some background information on her supposed stalker and begged him to help her. Jack showed up a short time later and grabbed Albert by the collar. He started dragging him out of the office and asked Erica to contact security. Erica jumped in an claimed that "Axel" was not a danger to her. Erica, Janet, and Albert took turns telling the story about Axel's unwitting stint as a stalker. They claimed that Axel had been the one who'd been browsing through the photo album at Linden.. How'd he get in? He used Janet's keys to enter the house in the hopes of finding an old poetry book. While he was there he let his admiration for Erica get out of check and he started paging through the photo album. Things were going along quite smoothly until Janet refered to Axel as her fiancé. Jack's head snapped back and he took a long, hard look at Axel. Axel offered to invited Erica and Jack to their wedding, but Janet suggested that the couple might too busy to attend. Erica told Jack that she didn't want any charges being filed against Axel and with that the pair left the office. Jack asked Erica about Janet's engagement and choice in men. Erica shrugged and commented that she cannot account for Janet's taste in men. Now that the stalker problem had been handled, Erica told Jack that there would be no need for him to stay at Linden while she was away. Jack smiled and told his love that he was going to wait at Linden until she returned home. Erica's eyes widened and she thought quickly to come up with another excuse to get rid of Jack. She told him that she believe in "propriety," and told Jack that she doesn't think that they should be living together until after they're married. Jack wasn't happy by the comment, but he reluctantly accepted Erica's decision. Jack slowly walked out of the office. Erica opened her compact and adjusted her make-up. When she looked up from her make-up, Mike was standing in front of her. Erica let out a muffled shriek and demanded to know how Mike had gotten past security. Mike smiled and hinted that it was all part of the spy business. Erica told him that she'd managed to get Jack out of Linden. Mike leaned over to kiss Erica, but she quickly covered his mouth with her hand and pulled away. Mike explained that he wanted to give Erica a goodbye kiss because by the time she returned from her visit with Bianca, his mission would be over and he'd be long gone. Erica decided that a little kiss wasn't the worst thing in the world, but she was surprised by the passion in the exchange. Erica bid Mike farewell and made her way towards the airport. Mike leaned against Erica's desk and commented that when Erica returns, he'll be waiting for her.

Brooke returned to Edmund's room and asked him how he was feeling. While she visited with him, she received an urgent phone call from Dixie. Somehow Jamie had been involved in an accident and injured his wrist. Brooke hung up the phone and told Edmund that she had to go to Pigeon Hollow to be with her son. Edmund reminded her that she'd been advised not to leave town. Dimitri entered the room and offered Brooke use of his private jet. Using the jet, he explained, no one would ever know that they were missing. Brooke liked the idea and she and Dimitri filed out of the room and headed for the airport. In the hallway, Keith observed the pair leaving and had an undercover officer follow them."

- Soap Central