""You said you loved me," Gillian gasped as she fought off tears. Liza took pleasure in seeing Gillian and Ryan's reactions as they learned that they'd been had. Liza referred to Ryan as "a crook" and to Gillian as "a fraud." She showed little remorse in pairing the two together and appeared visibly annoyed by their claims that they were victimized. Ryan begged Liza to help him get himself out of the mess, but Liza refused. Liza told him that she had "real problems" to deal with and left the office. Again it seemed that Gillian could have dealt with not marrying into money as she once again asked Ryan if he really loved her. Ryan stated that he only had five minutes to convince Gillian to marry him and said that he had to say that he loved her in order to convince her not to marry Scott. Ryan claimed that Liza had caught him dipping into the petty cash and threatened to have him arrested. The truth, of course, remained hidden. Gillian felt that everyone had gotten something out of the deal but her. Scott, she sighed, was spared from a loveless marriage and Ryan got to stay out of jail. Ryan quickly noted that Gillian got her green card. He insisted that no harm had been done. Gillian didn't see it that way and quickly ran out of the office.
At Pine Valley Hospital, Allie told Jake that she was sorry that her situation had caused a rift between his parents. Jake assured her that she hadn't caused any problems and told her that his family had been through far worse problems than this. An alarm sounded and Allie mused that it must be her cue to vacate the premises. Jake told her that it sounded more like the fire alarm than a call to the guards. Camille walked down the corridor past them and asked herself what she had done. She walked to onto the sun porch and took a seat at an empty table. Tad saw her at the table and assumed that she'd been following Adam. Camille no longer exhibited outward signs of anger and resentment. In fact, she'd made a complete turn around. She looked at Tad with tears and her eyes and told him that she was "so sorry." She told him that she'd been so sure that Adam was responsible for her mother's death... and now, well, she was very confused. She explained that every time she reads her father's letter she finds it impossible to believe that he could have beaten her mother. Tad assured her that it wasn't her fault that she'd been misled. "I don't know anything," Camille sobbed. She told Tad that she often feels like running away from her problems. Tad invited her to join him in Shangri-La. Camille seemed puzzled by Tad's offer, but she accepted.
Gillian returned to the hunting lodge and plopped down on the sofa. "Damn you, Ryan," she growled. Ryan, whose mind had been flooded with memories of the night he and Gillian made love for the first time, arrived a short time later. Ryan apologized to Gillian for allowing her to find out the truth about his financial status. It was an awkward apology to say the least. He took a few-second pause before clarifying his statement. He explained that he had not anticipated the truth coming out so soon; he figured that they'd have at least a few months of pseudo-bliss. Gillian was now even more enraged because she realized that Ryan had no intention of telling her about his scam. Gillian flipped out and began smashing everything in her sight. She tossed a crystal candy dish at Ryan. Luckily he dodged before it smacked into his head. Her tornadic rage destroyed everything in her path. As she flung another crystal dish at Ryan, he asked her if her tirade made her feel any better. "No," Gillian roared. "Because I keep missing [you]!" Gillian ran out of ammunition and Ryan was able to sneak up behind her and grab her. He tried to calm his wife down, but his attempts failed. Gillian accused him of "spousal abuse" and ordered him to release her. When Ryan refused, Gillian picked up a glass of water and tossed it over her shoulders and into Ryan's face. Her action allowed her to slip away from Ryan. She raced out the door, but Ryan dried his face and followed in hot pursuit. Ryan eventually caught up to her, grabbed her, and picked her up. He carried her back to the lodge where Gillian accused him of "playing [her] like a lollipop." Ryan grinned and said that she probably meant "like a sucker." Gillian told Ryan that their marriage was over. Ryan reminded her that she'd be deported the minute the marriage was nixed. Gillian called herself "resourceful" and insisted that she could find a way out of her problems. Ryan agreed that Gillian was resourceful. Her best resource, he noted, was him. "Face it princess," Ryan sneered. "You're stuck with me."
Tad took Camille back to his house, which seemed a far cry from Shangri-La. In many ways, though, Tad felt that his house mirrored the perfect would he used as a comparison. Tad said that magic had engulfed his house ever since he saw a mysterious woman lurking on his front lawn. Camille smiled and noted that Tad's life had been anything but magical since she first appeared. Music played in the background and Tad asked Camille to dance with him. Camille said that she wasn't much of a dancer, but she agreed to glide around the patio with him.
Back at the hospital, bystanders were just beginning to realize that the alarm meant that someone was trapped in the elevator. Adam yelled through the still-closed metal doors and asked if the people in the car could hear him. Stuart heard his brother's voice and called back that he and Marian were stuck. Adam assured his brother that help was on the way. Something in Adam's voice, however, worried Stuart. Adam, who liked to be in control of everything, was powerless to help him. Adam hollered orders at everyone around him hoping that someone would be able to extricate his brother from danger. Liza arrived on the scene unaware that her mother was in danger. Adam took a look at her and immediately blasted her for allowing her mother to get trapped with Stuart. Adam figured that Marian had arranged for the elevator to get stuck so that she could have her way with Stuart. The elevator dropped again. This time the drop was only a matter of inches, but it must have felt like miles to Marian and Stuart. Jake and Joe arrived on the scene and offered to help out. Jake used the emergency phone to call down to the elevator. Marian got on the phone and was more than just a little nervous. Liza tried to help calm her mother down, but it didn't work. A maintenance man appeared with what should have been the answer to everyone's problems. Should have. He had a key that would have unlocked the metal doors and allowed entrance to the elevator shaft, but for some reason the key didn't work. Joe decided that they could wait no longer and alerted the fire department. Inside the elevator, Marian longed for a martini. Not many people carry around liquor in their pants pockets, so Stuart offered Marian a mint instead. As the two ate their mints, Marian feared that this would be their last meal. Marian felt bad that Stuart's final moments would be spent with her, "a dried husk of a woman." Stuart didn't like the way Marian was talking about herself and told her that she was a "very nice" woman. Marian couldn't understand how Stuart could be so sweet. She thought that he'd be furious with her for sneaking up on him in bed. "You made me feel alive," Stuart explained. Marian still feared that she wouldn't make it out of the elevator alive. Stuart assured her that they would, but stated that even if they didn't he would "die a happy man." Marian asked Stuart if he would mind holding her to help ease her jangled nerves. He took her in his arms and held her against his body. Adam's blood pressure continued to rise as no one seemed able to help him. He finally apologized to Liza for insinuating that Marian was somehow involved in the incident. He asked Liza if she'd dropped by the hospital because she wasn't feeling well. Liza explained that she'd gone head to head with Camille and feared that she might try to harm him. Adam was moved by Liza's concern. Liza told him not to be too overcome by emotion, noting that if someone gets to murder Adam---it'll be her! A loud grinding noise sounded in the shaft. Marian and Stuart laid down on the floor fearing that the elevator might plunge. Their fears came true. The elevator suddenly dropped. Marian and Stuart's screams came to an abrupt end and everyone feared the worst. Joe ordered Jake to assemble a trauma team just in case those fears became reality. Allie stepped to the plate and asked if she could help. Joe answered with a resounding, "no." The maintenance crew still struggled to get the doors open. Allie told Liza that she could probably lower herself into the car from another floor. Liza worried that her friend would put her own life at risk by attempting such a feat. Allie insisted that time was of the essence and Liza reluctantly gave her the go ahead to attempt the feat. Allie ran to another floor and was able to lower herself into the car. Marian and Stuart were sprawled lifelessly on the floor of the car. Allie called out to Marian and Marian responded, most likely unintentionally, with a groan. Stuart, however, made no movements and uttered no sounds."
- Soap Central