"His wife missing, Mateo set out to find Hayley and make her understand why he'd kept Raquel a secret from her. When he finally tracked down Hayley, he told her that it wasn't like her to "cut out on problems." Hayley countered by noting that it wasn't every day that she learns that her husband really isn't her husband. Hayley explained that her decision to find a quiet place wasn't her way of running and hiding. It was, however, the only way she could avoid Ryan's feeling sorry for her and Gillian's constant sarcasm. Mateo tried everything he could think of to show his wife, uh Hayley, that he loved her. He claimed that Raquel meant nothing to her, a statement that didn't exactly help his cause. Hayley had one burning question that she needed answered: Why did Mateo take her to the cove in which he first made love to Raquel? While he later admitted that he had thought of Raquel when they returned to the cove, Mateo said that he knew that the cove would provide Hayley with an out-of-the-way spot to elude Lee Hawkins. Hayley thought about the cove and realized that it was the perfect place to hide. Even though he'd thought about Raquel, Mateo didn't feel a need to tell Hayley about his first wife. "I wanted to be with you," Mateo said softly. Hayley embraced Mateo and told him that she understood. They both agreed that something had to be done to get Raquel out of the picture---and bribing her wasn't the answer. Mateo decided that he had to go to the Pine Cone Motel to confront Raquel. Hayley wanted to help too, so she offered to head to her Uncle Trevor's house and ask him for legal advice.
Tad roughly removed the priceless artwork from their protective cylinder. Either he didn't care or he forgot that the paintings he was tossing across the room were worth a mint. On one of the paintings, Tad found what he'd been searching for: a fake canvas backing. With a little help from Dixie, Tad peeled back the canvas and found the secret Nazi list. The list reeked of authenticity. At the top of the parchment was a small swastika and an "SS." The list mentioned the names of several well-known Nazi operatives. Palmer's face dropped. He turned his back and slowly walked away from the artwork he'd gone to such lengths to protect. Palmer realized that he'd been an unwitting pawn in the Nazi's grand scheme. By supposedly "saving" the paintings from destruction, Palmer had kept their list of top informants hidden from world authorities for decades. "I was a fool," Palmer grumbled. The beauty of the paintings blinded him, Palmer said. "I betrayed my comrades [and] my entire country," he sighed. Dixie assured her uncle that no one would judge him by his actions. Palmer didn't believer her. Without such much as a final parting glance, Palmer ordered Tad to get rid of the paintings. Dixie asked for a few moments alone to speak to her uncle. Braden and Tad gladly obliged. In private, Dixie told Palmer that Tad had arranged for a deal in which he would not receive any jail time---provided that he turned over the paintings. Palmer was thankful that he wouldn't have to spend time behind bars, but he feared that things wouldn't be as easy as they sounded. He was certain that Opal would never take him back. Dixie tried to convince him that he was mistaken, but it did little good. Tad returned to the room and announced that he had to take the paintings to the authorities. Dixie informed Tad that she was going to lag behind for a few days while she helped her uncle come to terms with a few things. She thanked Tad for once again keeping his promise. They looked at each other with puppy dog eyes, but Tad knew that he had to be going.
Dimitri sat at a table in the bar section of The Valley Inn. As his meeting ended, Dimitri noticed Jack walking by in a huff. A few seconds later, Erica scurried over to his table and asked if he'd seen Jack. Dimitri barely gotten the words "to his room" out of his mouth before Erica dashed off. When Jack arrived outside his room, he found an uninvited-and unwanted-guest. Jack rolled his eyes and wondered if his horrible night would ever end. Unbeknownst to either Kit or Jack, Erica was lurking around the corner. Kit told Jack that she wanted to talk to him and get to know him a little better. Jack wanted nothing to do with Kit. Kit begged Jack to undergo a DNA test so that they could find out the truth once and for all. Jack's anger started to boil over. He warned Kit that she'd better leave before he forgets that he's the "district attorney and [commits] a serious crime on [her] person." Kit got the hint and hurried off. A few seconds later, Jack heard a knock on his door. He called out and told, who he believed was Kit, to leave him alone. For some reason, Jack still opened the door---and he came face to face with Erica. Erica told Jack that she was unwilling to let things end on such a bad note. "I'm finally ready to commit," Erica smiled. Jack was cold and told Erica that he didn't want to hear any more of her explanations. Erica shifted her weight to one leg and smiled slightly. She knew that Jack was angry at her and that he was speaking irrationally. If that's what Erica believed, Jack said he felt exactly the opposite. Jack claimed that it was "a relief" to finally be over Erica. He likened it to fighting "tooth and nail" for something---and then when finally getting the object one one's desire, realizing that you really didn't need or want it. "Why are you saying these terrible things?" Erica gasped. She dared Jack to look her in the eyes and tell her that he no longer loved her. Jack couldn't do it. He knew that he still loved Erica but that didn't mean that he wanted to be with Erica. "I'm over you," Jack stated calmly. "You are incapable of the kind of love I need." The bitter truth continued. Erica, Jack said, was an addiction. He concluded his arguments by saying that he could no longer "eat, sleep, and drink Erica Kane." Erica touted her ability to change into a woman that Jack would want to love. Jack shook his head. "No, you can't," he replied. Jack told Erica that she is not capable of change. She is who she is---and said that there was nothing wrong with that. Hurt and backed into a corner, Erica had to lash out. She accused Jack of secretly dating the "bleach blonde" she'd seen outside his door. Jack chuckled slightly and told Erica that her assumption was typical behavior for her. "I don't hate you," Jack said in spite of Erica's unwarranted tirade. "I wish you the best---just not with me." He asked Erica to leave before she embarrassed herself any further. Fighting back tears, Erica left the hotel room.
Downstairs, Dimitri flagged down Kit on her way from Jack's room and asked her to join him for a drink. Kit obliged and told Dimitri that her latest run-in with Jack had gone badly. Dimitri smiled and said that he out in a good word for her with Jack---but realized that it mustn't have done any good. Dimitri hoped that Kit would someday know the feeling of being a part of a family. He explained that Edmund and Maria had made him feel loved. Kit delicately asked how Maria had died. Dimitri explained the condensed version of the tale. Kit nodded understandingly and said that she now has a better understanding of why Edmund "is the way he is." Kit suddenly came up with a brainstorm and dashed off. Moments later, Erica stomped over to the bar and ordered a "Virgin (Bloody) Mary." Dimitri slowly approached and asked Erica if she was okay. Erica turned and rested her head on Dimitri's chest and began sobbing.
Across the room, Kelsey waited for Ryan to arrive. Beaming from ear to ear, Kelsey had great news for Ryan. She told him that somehow an affiliate station in Duluth, Minnesota had gotten a copy of her weathergirl audition. They liked her so much, they hired her without even giving her an interview. Kelsey was psyched about leaving Pine Valley behind her and said that she would continue her education at a local college. Kelsey had never submitted her tape to the station and wondered how they'd obtained a copy. Ryan bowed his head and sheepishly admitted that he'd been the one to send the tape. Since Ryan had done something nice for her, Kelsey wanted to return the favor. She urged Ryan to give Gillian a second chance. Gillian, she said, was not the type of woman to put herself out by telling someone that she loved them. If she said it, which Gillian had, she must mean it. Kelsey gave Ryan a hug and told him that she had to run back home and back her bags. Soon after Kelsey left, Gillian strolled into the room.
Things at the Dillon House were slowly altering from their normal route. On a usual day, Harold would never given table scraps. Janet caught Amanda feeding Harold from the table and said nothing. In fact, she gave Harold some of her food too! Tim knew that something was up and told Amanda that she could play his new pinball game in order to get a few minutes alone with Janet. Tim got right to the point and asked Janet to tell him the truth about what the vet had said. It took Janet a long time before she could spit the truth out. She even did her best to minimize the negativity of the news, saying that Harold could simply be getting old---or suffering from cancer. Tim hoped that there was something that they could do to help Harold, but Janet told him that there were no guarantees. Later, Hayley arrived at the door and told Janet that she needed help in getting a divorce.
Meanwhile at the Pine Cone Motel, Raqueli's eyes lit up when Mateo called to her through the thin green motel door. She told Mateo that she'd be with him in a minute and then checked herself in the mirror to make sure that she looked her best. Raquel let Mateo into her room and listened carefully as he told her that they needed to talk. Raquel smiled coyly and told Mateo that they'd done enough talking. She slowly walked up to him and planted a kiss on his mouth."
- Soap Central