Browse By Year



"To repay Tad and Dixie for allowing her to stay with them, Becca served up a delicious home-cooked breakfast. Dixie assured Becca that she was not intruding. Becca didn't even impose by sitting at the breakfast table. Instead she allowed Tad, Dixie, Junior, and Jamie to enjoy the food she'd served up. From out of nowhere Jake plopped down in a spare chair and started shoveling pancakes into his waiting mouth. This would be the boys' last breakfast at home for a while because after breakfast they'd be heading off to camp. As Jake munched, he flashed pictures he'd taken at Liza and Adam's wedding. Tad and Dixie examined every picture but couldn't help but notice that every picture was of Colby. Jake smiled proudly and muttered that he'd get pictures of the bride and groom at the next wedding. The unexpected visitors continued to grow in number as Scott dropped by to ask Tad if he could use WRCW's editing room for his documentary. Tad promised to help out, but he and Dixie were both concerned that Scott would have troubles getting people to talk about their breakups on film. Becca offered to make another batch of pancakes for Scott, but Scott declined when Becca informed him that she would not be eating because she had to take the boys to camp. Scott looked at Junior and Jamie and uttered the one magic word that makes boys of all ages beam: convertible. Scott offered to drive Becca and the boys to camp---and of course the boys were all in favor of the idea. "Alone at last," Tad purred after the group left. "Well... almost." Tad turned to Jake and told him to "get out." Tad, of course, was only toying with his brother---but Jake wanted to continue enjoying breakfast. Eventually, he did agree to hit the road and Tad and Dixie settled down for a little one-on-one time. Tad hoisted Dixie into the air and slowly carried her towards the bedroom. He got all of three or four steps when the phone started ringing. Tad vowed not to answer the phone, but he to when Adrian's voice sounded on the answering machine with urgent news about Opal.

"You'd actually send them away?" Hayley asked half in shock and half in jubilance. Mateo spoke softly and explained that he didn't actually plan on having Raquel and Max move away from Pine Valley. This was more of a venue change involving moving Raquel and Max to another apartment complex. Hayley was concerned that Mateo was forgetting about Max's needs. "Max is not the only equation here," said Mateo in a misguided attempt to use mathematics in the conversation. Hayley admitted that she'd dreamt about the day that Mateo would tell her that he'd put her needs before those of Max and Raquel. At the same time, however, she felt horribly for feeling that way. "The person who has to disappear is me," Hayley said. Mateo urged Hayley to think things over before jumping to a decision. Max wandered into the room and told his father that he was ready to fix the window he'd broken. Again, Max failed to acknowledge Hayley's presence. Matt urged his son to say good morning to Hayley. It did little good as Max mumbled his usual, unenthusiastic greeting to Hayley. Mateo knew that he had unfinished business with Hayley, so he asked his son to run to the playground and play with one of his friends. Mateo looked into Hayley's eyes and said that he could forget about fixing the window for now. Hayley shook her head. Too much of their life has been about forgetting of late---forgetting about having a baby or forgetting about getting married. Mateo stepped forward and tried to console Hayley, but she pushed him away. "Please don't," she said to Mateo's advances. "Max is your first-born. He needs his father. You couldn't survive without Max anymore than you could survive without..." She stopped, but Mateo quickly filled in the missing word," You." Hayley told Mateo that she loved him and that she wanted to be with him, but she knew that sending Max and Raquel away was not going to solve anything. Mateo nodded his head and told Hayley that he respects her decision even if he doesn't really understand it. Hayley continued packing her bags. She became extremely sentimental when she came across the card she'd given to Mateo to tell him that she wanted to start a family with him. Hayley and Mateo both reached out for her suitcase, their hands brushing. They were drawn closer and shared a short, gentle kiss. Mateo put his hand on his lover's waist and tried to pull her towards him, but Hayley resisted her urges and pulled away.

Jack met Brooke at The Valley Inn for breakfast. Jack brief Brooke on his investigation into Vanessa's past. In short, he hadn't found squat. Brooke smiled and told Jack that she no longer needed him to go after Vanessa because "something wonderful turned up." Suddenly a voice sounded and announced that "Mrs. Cortlandt" wanted to speak to all of the diners. Opal, with Adrian and Belinda just a few steps behind her, smiled gleefully as she addressed the crowd. She stated that she'd just gotten a dose of incredible news and wanted to share her happiness with everyone. She raised her hands in the air and proclaimed that she would pick up the tab for everyone's breakfast. The trio walked across the room and joined Brooke and Jack. Belinda explained that Opal's happiness was tied to a huge win in court. A judge had given Opal sole custody of Peter. Palmer was allowed to see his son, but only on supervised visitations. Brooke had even more good news for Opal. She informed her that Erica was en route to Brazil for reconstructive surgery. Opal's eyes lit up when she learned that Erica had apologized for treating her friends poorly. Opal was thrilled that "the she-devil" was finally out of Erica's life. That, of course, being Vanessa. Opal claimed that she was "flying so high" that nothing could bring her down. She may have spoken a bit too soon. "Uh oh," Brooke mumbled as she look towards the doorway. Opal turned and saw that Palmer had entered the dining room. She rose from her chair and scurried across the room stating that the special of the day was "stuffed crow." Opal and Palmer bickered back and forth about the day's events in court. Palmer informed his ex-wife that he'd already filed an appeal. Opal recognized Palmer's companion as a member of Cortlandt Electronics' board. She smiled broadly and advised the man that if Palmer was trying to buy his vote, he should hold out for something better than breakfast. Palmer warned Opal that he would make her life miserable if she tried to cross him again. Opal remained surprisingly calm until Palmer a "tacky, overteased, low-class piece of trash." Opal grabbed a tray from a passing waiter and tried to smoosh a plate of eggs in Palmer's face. Luckily, Adrian happened to be standing by and grabbed the plate away from Opal before she could do any damage. Adrian had just gotten off of the phone with Tad and told him that Opal wanted to celebrate her court victory with him. Tad declined, but he changed his mind when he learned that Opal and Palmer were squaring off. He sadly told Dixie that their romantic time would have to wait until later. Opal rejoined her friends, but she only warmed her seat for a few minutes. "My day just keeps getting better," she cackled when she noticed that Vanessa had filed into the dining room. Jack smiled broadly as Opal waltzed across the room. Opal pulled up a chair at Vanessa's table just as Vanessa placed a call to the hospital. She'd asked to speak to David and was stunned to learn that her son had flown off to Rio de Janeiro. Opal took pleasure in knowing that Vanessa had been cut out of Erica's circle of friends. Vanessa, however, claimed that she'd simply forgotten that Erica had been scheduled for surgery. Opal shook her head and ordered Vanessa to stop the games. She grinned as she warned Vanessa that it would only be a matter of time before she was run out of town. Palmer suddenly appeared behind her and ordered her to stop "assaulting" Vanessa while she was having her morning coffee. "Tea," corrected Vanessa. Opal was surprised that Palmer had come running to Vanessa's rescue. Opal returned to her table and asked her friends to join her back at Cortlandt Manor. As Brooke and Belinda walked past Vanessa and Palmer's table, Belinda stopped and couldn't help but stare. "Isn't that a match made in hell?" Belinda quipped. Brooke replied, "Don't stare or you'll turn into a pillar of salt." Palmer apologized profusely to Vanessa for the way she'd been treated by Opal. Vanessa stated that she'd endured worse. Palmer shook his head and asked himself why he'd ever gotten involved with Opal in the first place. Vanessa stated that mistakes build character, but said that she'd all but given up on the notion that she'd ever find a soulmate. Palmer smiled slightly and said that he still believes that there's someone out there for him---and for Vanessa too. In the lobby, Hayley approached the front desk and asked for a room. When asked her name, she replied, "Hayley San---Vaughan. Hayley Vaughan." The man behind the desk asked her if she knew how long she'd be staying at The Valley Inn. "Ya know, I'm not sure." Tad walked by and greeted Hayley with a smile. He wiggled his eyebrows at the thought of Hayley and Mateo using The Valley Inn as a spot for a romantic getaway. He felt horribly when Hayley informed him that she was "checking in solo." Tad asked Hayley if she wanted to talk, but Hayley assured him that she'd be fine. Tad then told her that she could call him any time she needed someone to talk to. Hayley was still waiting for her room key when Opal and friends filed out of the dining room. Opal approached and asked Hayley where her "hunk of a husband" was. Tad tried to shush his mother, but it didn't work. Hayley finally got her room and raced away. "Oh, Mama," Tad sighed. "How's your other foot taster?"

Dixie cleaned up the breakfast table, but as she was clearing the dishes she suddenly felt a flash of pain. A plate dropped to the floor and Dixie clutched her chest. She braced herself against the sofa and closed her eyes. She knew that something was very wrong and determined that she needed to have someone check her out. Shortly after she left, Scott and Becca returned. When Becca saw a plate on the floor, she knew that something was amiss. Scott offered to stay with her until they found out if everything was okay. While they waited, Scott asked Becca if she would be the "star" of his documentary. Becca initially declined, but Scott urged her to take some time to think it over.

In an attempt to teach his son some responsibility, Mateo had Max scrape the windowpane clear of broken glass. He drifted off as Max toiled away. Max knew that his father was unusually distant and asked him if he'd done something to make him sad. Mateo shook his head and said that he'd made himself sad.

Across town, Hayley unpacked her bags in her hotel room. She clutched a photograph of her and Mateo and burst into tears.

Dixie arrived at Pine Valley Hospital and asked to see the Chief Resident on duty. While Dixie was waiting in the emergency room waiting area, Jake happened upon her. When asked why she was there, Dixie created a lame excuse about meeting with several cardiologists. Since she'd "fired" David, Dixie said that she needed to audition new doctors. Jake knew that patients didn't meet with cardiologists in the emergency room. Dixie had even more to explain when a nurse informed Dixie that the Chief Resident was tied up and couldn't see her. Instead, she suggested that Dixie talk to Jake. Dixie rose from her chair and started to walk away. She didn't get very far before she suffered a dizzy spell and collapsed into Jake's arms."

- Soap Central