"Dixie and Tad arrive at the boathouse to find it swarming with police and Adam and Liza talking to Derek. Dixie demands to know what's going on and Adam tries to gently tell her that the police think Junior took a rowboat out onto the lake and the rowboat capsized. We want to drag the lake, Derek explains. Dixie will not believe for one minute that her son is drowned at the bottom of the lake. First she's in denial, Junior knows better that to take a boat without permission, she insists. Then she turns on Adam, yelling at him that's it's all his fault that Junior ran away in the first place and that he's a terrible father. She starts crying and turns and hugs Tad. Suddenly, she hears someone ask, "Mom, are you okay?" and looks up to find Junior standing there. She hugs him close to her and lets out a deep breath.
Everyone is obviously very relieved to see Junior is safe and unharmed. But when Adam apologizes to Junior for trying to force him to go to boarding school and tries to hug him, Junior flinches as if he's scared of him. Adam is devastated, but Liza is able to convince him to back off for a while and let Junior recover from the ordeal he's just been through. Tad and Dixie tell him that Jamie said he was at the mausoleum and they ask why he wasn't there when they went to look for him. He even left his backpack behind as if he rushed out in a hurry. "I saw Ray Gardner", he tells them. Tad tries to convince him that it was just a bad dream, there's no way it could have been Ray, but Junior is insistent. It was Ray, he tells them, and he kept saying he was my father and nothing I said could convince him he wasn't. Tad gives Junior a big hug and promises that he won't ever let anything happen to him. Adam, who is standing nearby, watches them, jealous of Tad's close relationship with his son.
Mateo was surprised to see Ryan at Trevor's with Hayley, but did not make a big scene. Instead, he asked Hayley if there was anything at all he could do to help. Hayley didn't say much and Mateo told her to call if she needed anything and headed out the door. Hayley paused for a moment, then ran after him, calling for him to wait. She told him how much she appreciated his coming there and wanting to help. Mateo told her that he would be whatever she needed him to be. But she didn't get a chance to take him up on his offer, since just at that moment they heard someone inside exclaim loudly, "They've found him?." Racing back inside, they find Janet on the phone with Liza, who tells them that Junior has been found safe and sound. Everyone is very relieved. Ryan heads off to work, Hayley heads for a meeting and Mateo stays behind to talk to Janet. I have bad news for you, she tells him. Janet has looked at his books and if he wants to buy Hayley out, the only way he can afford to do it is by selling his second condo. Mateo is hesitant since he bought the condo for his son to have a home near him. But considering that Max is now living in Texas and considering all that Hayley gave up for his sake, he agrees to the idea.
Mateo heads back to the condo and when he gets there, he sits and remembers all the good times he had with Max. His memories are interrupted by Tina, who arrives at the front door with all her things, ready to move in. This is just temporary, he informs her, as soon as he finds a realator the condo is going up for sale. Tina doesn't seem too bothered, in fact, she's glad in a way that her landlord threw her out. Sometime it takes life to give you a shove to try something new and get on with your life. Mateo agrees, his "ex-es" are getting on with their lives and he thinks it's time for him to do the same thing.
At the TV station (while Junior is still missing), Scott is busy faxing out pictures of Junior and talking to people who are searching for him. Greenlee arrives with breakfast and offers her help. Scott is suspicious of her motivation, but agrees to let her stay. He mentions that he also has to edit the video he shot of Hayley the night before and Greenlee lends a hand with that. When Ryan arrives with the good news that Junior's been found, he takes a look at the finished tape and likes it a lot. He has Greenlee bring a copy to Liza's office and he and Scott sit down to watch the original. Scott isn't sure that Ryan should let Liza see the tape without getting Hayley's permission first, she could really throw a fit when she finds out. Ryan realizes that, but thinks that some risks are worth taking. As they are watching the video, Hayley walks in and sees part of it. "What the hell is that?", she asks."
- Soap Central