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"Liza confronted Adam about the sperm switch. "Rape?" asks Adam in disbelief. "What would you call what you did to me," Liza accused him. "You exerted power over me. Liza said she was his victim. He spent millions on a sperm clinic juts for a five-minute switch? She angrily asked him. Adam tried again to convince her that what he did was proof of his love for her. Liza denied his act was an act of love, and was an insult to the child they lost. Adam called Colby a gift, not a replacement. Liza said she now sees why Adam has accepted Colby into his life. She shrugged off his touch. Adam reminded her of the wonderful life they have, and how much simpler it will be without Jake. He asked her how many times she has wished Colby were his. "In hindsight, never," Liza replied to a shocked Adam. Denying the truth of that, "The wish has come true," Adam said. "I am Colby's only father." "I wish that anyone were Colby's father but you," Liza told him, her face in torment. Her words struck Adam deeply and the pain and shock showed on his face. "You don't mean that," he pleaded. "Yes, I do. You are ruthless and manipulative and cruel." In tears, she turned away from him. Adam claimed he understood how she felt, but Liza angrily rounded on him accusing him of understanding nothing. "All I know is that I have to get Colby the hell away from you as soon as I can," she said through her tears of fury and disappointment. Adam tried to remind Liza of how things were before Jake entered their lives and demanded his paternal rights. Liza said she was willing to let Adam raise Colby , because she never knew happiness as a child and her only experience of happiness was when she fell in love with Adam. Adam said there's hope for them then. But Liza denied it - she was happy for the Martins to give Colby their family values, now Colby has just Adam for a father. How long would it have been before he had told Colby, she angrily asked him? The phone rang, and Jake told Liza he had left Colby at Tad and Dixie's and will pick her up later. Liza told him she needs more time, and when Jake asked about her confronting Adam, she told him she will talk to him later. She out down the phone and she and Adam locked glances. "Liza, " he pleaded, "Don't condemn me, give us a chance to work through this." I'm not promising you anything," she told him. "I need some time to think." She quietly told him she will sleep in the bedroom, he can find somewhere else. "I can stay?" Adam asked gently. She nodded, "Keep your distance." She looked as him, "I would have fallen in love with you, baby or no baby. _I never stopped loving you. If only you'd had faith. Adam, if only .... " The word trailed off and sadly she turned and walked upstairs, leaving a stunned Adam.

At Wildwind, David arrived to plead his case with Edmund for the post of head of the Andrassy Foundation. He said he has the qualifications, but that Alex had shot him down. David reminded Edmund of how he has helped him on numerous occasions, "You owe me!" David claimed angrily. Edmund told him Alex wouldn't be influenced by his recommendation. He questioned why David couldn't just let it go. "Because Alex would win," David replied bitterly. Edmund figured out that Alex and David knew each other before Pine Valley. "Our paths crossed, we were both interns in London," David explained. He accused Alex of refusing to forgive or forget, and explained that he dated a roommate of Alex's and "it ended badly", and now Alex blames him and won't forget it. David pushed Edmund for his help, and just as Edmund said he would think about it, Alex arrived and announced she had no intention of changing her mind. Edmund asked her why and she replied that David knew her reasons. Edmund mentioned the "falling out" they had, but Alex told him the man was responsible for her best friend's death. As they argued, Edmund learned that David got Alex's friend, Siobhan, pregnant and she died of a drug overdose. David disclaims any responsibility in the matter, saying she was a manic-depressive and he wasn't to blame for her death. The angry exchange is interrupted when Edmund got a phone call - Gillian had been in a car accident and was in the hospital. He rushed out, followed by David and Alex.

At Trevor's house, Hayley was silently waiting in the dark for news from Ryan when Trevor, Janet and Amanda return. As Janet took Amanda to bed, Hayley told Trevor of her fears for Ryan, in light of Mateo's feelings of rejection. She confessed to Trevor that she had allowed Mateo to believe that she and Ryan are sleeping together. Hayley made calls to everyone she could think of, no trace of Ryan. She told Trevor she had a bad feeling that Mateo may have found Ryan. Trevor called his former cop colleagues and asked them to watch out for Mateo's car. Janet was worried about how scared Amanda had been by what she said she saw in the woods. A sudden scream from Amanda's room sent them flying upstairs. Amanda allowed herself to be calmed down, but said that the witch isn't scared of the light, and told them about her dream - the witch grabbed her in the woods and threw her down the well. Outside the house, a shadowy figure was watching through the window. The phone rang- it was Axel, he had heard that Ryan has been brought in to the hospital. Hayley went flying out of the house. Trevor and Janet reassure Amanda that the witch isn't real. As they ascended the stairs, a shadowy figure lingers outside, then leaves a witch's hat and cape on the doorstep.

At the accident scene, Mateo fought his feelings as he watched the burning cables flash and crackle, nearer and nearer to the gas tank of the car that Ryan was trapped in. He thought back to the scene at Trevor's and thought, "It would be so easy, no witnesses, I could just walk away and Hayley would come back to me." Ryan stirred and called for help. Mateo backed away, as Ryan pleaded to him ... "Mateo, come back!" Mateo told him, "Hold on, I'll be back." Mateo returned later and with the help of a long branch, managed to hook the cables off the car, one by one, as they crackled and sparked. Gillian, meanwhile, still lay unconscious in the roadway where Mateo had dragged her. Mateo grabbed Ryan and hauled him out of the car, seconds before the sparking electricity cables reached the gas tank leak. The explosion threw them both off the ground. Sirens sounded and Mateo explained the situation to the EMTs.

Jake was called to an unusual emergency at the hospital. There he found Axel trapped with a large silver trophy jammed on his head. Axel had been emcee at a beauty contest, and the loser (a biker chick with five o'clock shadow!) had decided to crown the judge. Jake calmed Axel down with his promise of help, and called for a pound of butter, some Vaseline and a spatula. After the trophy was removed, Alex watched as Ryan was rushed in by the EMTs, unconscious. Mateo slowly followed, then Gillian was wheeled in, also unconscious. Jake barked orders to get Gillian prepared for surgery. As Jake jolted her heart back into life, Edmund, David and Alex arrived. Jake told David to stay away but allowed Alex into the ER to observe.

Hayley came running in, looking for Ryan. She saw Mateo and rushed up to him, "What have you done!" she cried at him. She ran into Ryan's room and the nurse explained that he had a concussion and a collapsed lung, and had been in car accident. Hayley whispered, "I thought he was in a fight," and realizing her mistake, she went out to look for Mateo. Too late, the hallway was empty."

- Soap Central