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"Asleep in the bed she once shared with Adam, Liza dreamt that Colby was crying. She woke from her sleep and called out to her daughter that she was on her way. Then she realized that Colby was staying with Jake. She sadly bowed her head and walked back towards the bed. Adam burst into the room and told Liza that he'd heard her cries. Liza told Adam that she missed her daughter terribly. She wanted nothing more than to race over to Myrtle's house and bring Colby home. She knew, though, that her needs could be misconstrued and Jake could somehow use it against her in the custody battle. Adam promised that no judge would ever take Colby away from Liza. Liza tilted her head to one side and jokingly asked Adam if he planned to bribe another judge. "I learned my lesson," Adam smiled. Liza thanked Adam for agreeing to postpone their divorce. However, she reminded Adam that once her custody battle was over, the divorce proceedings would be back on. Liza asked Adam how he'd heard her call out to Colby. "I was in the nursery," Adam replied. Liza found it odd because the nursery was empty. "I feel close to Colby [in the nursery]. Even if she isn't there," Adam explained somewhat bashfully. It was clear that Liza was touched. Liza admitted that she's felt badly for Adam in recent weeks because she knew that he never saw Skye and Hayley when they were babies. Adam pouted his lips slightly and commented that it was probably too late for him to ever have another chance at being a father to an infant child. Liza turned her head to avoid contact and muttered that she supposes Adam's right. Adam told Liza that he would help her anyway he could --- and do whatever he had to --- in order to help her retain custody of Colby. Liza looked at the stuffed elephant Adam was toting and smiled warmly. She told him that the animal was Colby's favorite. Adam chuckled and remarked that Colby would be in for a big surprise --- literally ---when she saw her first real elephant. Liza grinned and said that Colby would probably pull on a real elephant's trunk the same way that she plays with her stuffed animal. "Of course she will!" Adam chirped. "She's my d---." Adam and Liza both fell silence. Liza was pleased that she and Adam could have a civil conversation, but she felt compelled to remind him that she was going to seek out a divorce. Adam rose to his feet and told Liza that he was fully aware of her intentions. He bid her goodnight and went on his way.

"Don't send me back!" Karen pleaded. "You can't. I won't go!" Alex took the young girl into her arms and carefully asked her who "he" was. Karen either refused or was unwilling to part with the man's identity. Alex praised her patient for finding the strength to talk again and promised her that she'd done everything in her power to keep her in the hospital. As she told Karen that she needed to find the strength to talk more about the person who was hurting her, Alex realized that she and Karen were in nearly identical situations.

Edmund typed away on the computer, but the "Access Denied" screen flashed every time he tried to retrieve information about Geoffrey Ashford. Alex returned to her office and told Edmund that she feared Karen was being abused by her father. She also confessed that Karen's case was hitting a bit too close to home. Edmund told Alex of his investigation and the mysterious error messages he was receiving. They both agreed that there must be a connection between Alex's sealed medical records and Geoffrey's mysterious biographical information. Edmund told Alex that he only knew that Geoffrey was married, had two children, and was "declared dead." Alex repeatedly referred to herself as a murderer. Edmund, however, was nearly certain that Alex had acted in self-defense. Alex's mind continued to race a mile a minute. Edmund instructed Alex to go back to the lodge and get some rest. Alex nodded and said that she needed to check on "Cassandra" before heading home. Edmund's eyebrows rose as he asked Alex why she'd referred to Karen as Cassandra. Alex laughed and said that she must have mixed up names. It was then that Edmund told her that Geoffrey's daughter was named Cassandra. Alex's face grew concerned and she told Edmund that they needed to find Cassandra. "She's dead," Edmund replied. Alex's face turned ghostly white. She fainted into Edmund's arms and both she and Edmund tumbled to the floor.

Leo and Greenlee arrived at Sounds of Salsa. Before entering, Greenlee looked around to make sure that Ken was nowhere in sight. At the bar, Tina congratulated Hayley on her engagement. "It was always you he wanted," the waitress smiled. Mateo wandered over just as Tina was leaving. Hayley toyed with the idea of playing matchmaker for Tina and Adrian. Then she thought about how she'd lied to arrange a meeting between Ryan and Gillian and quickly stopped talking. Mateo looked over his soon-to-be wife's shoulder and noticed that Ryan was walking into the club. Adrian waited at a table near the back of the club for Rae. Rae arrived with high hopes of finding a lead to her daughter. Adrian told the talk show therapist that he'd managed to find some of Lyle Wedgewood's financial records. In those records, the attorney had a listing for a $10,000 donation from Daniel Faulkner, Rae's wayward husband. Rae was determined to learn more and hinted that breaking into Lyle's office might be her next course of action. Adrian warned her against the idea, but Rae didn't want to back down. Rae walked away from the meeting claiming to be on her way back to Myrtle's boarding house. Adrian sensed otherwise and followed after her. At their table, Greenlee told Leo that she hoped to have Ryan in her arms very soon. She figured that once Gillian and Jake were married, Ryan would have no one to turn to but her. Greenlee laughed to herself and asked Leo why he hadn't talked her out of using Ken to make Ryan jealous. Leo reminded Greenlee that while he hadn't stopped her he had stopped Ken. Greenlee thanked Leo with a peck on the cheek, a kiss Leo would later describe as "stimulating." Tina dropped off some complimentary drinks as her way of praising Leo's actions in saving "a woman" from being raped. Greenlee made Leo swear that he would never tell anyone --- especially Ryan --- that she was the woman he'd saved. Across the club, Ryan and Hayley briefly discussed Jake's plans to sue for custody of Jake. Both agreed that the decision was misguided, though Hayley suspected that Jake was trying to take Colby away from Adam rather than Liza. Greenlee and Leo wandered over to talk to Hayley about some show ideas. Leo claimed to be an expert on European nightclubs, the proposed topic for an upcoming show. He and Hayley stepped away and Greenlee got what she wanted --- time alone with Ryan. Greenlee told Ryan that getting him alone was all part of her plan. She claimed that she wanted to tell Ryan that she respected the way he didn't want to toy with her emotions and said that she wants to remain friends with him. Ryan smiled and told Greenlee that they were already friends. When Hayley finished up with Leo, she told Mateo that she wanted to help him clean up. Mateo rolled his eyes and told Hayley that she was not a worker at the club. Hayley licked her lips and said that the sooner things were cleaned up the sooner they could go back to his place. That was all Mateo needed to hear. Within seconds he was announcing that it was the last call for drinks. Ryan sat alone at the bar and fantasized that Gillian had entered the club looking for him. In his dream, Gillian told him that he was the love of her life. More than that, Gillian said that she was not going to marry Jake. In an instance, the dream faded away and Ryan was once again alone at the bar.

Adrian found Rae struggling to pick the lock to Lyle's office. After scolding her for disregarding his warnings, Adrian pushed her aside and picked the lock himself. Inside the office, the pair found very little in the way of furniture. There was a desk and chair and a few papers, but no computer and not much of anything else. Rae poked around a journal that was inside Lyle's desk. After paging through the book, Rae found a page with Daniel's name, her name, and a line drawn to another, unfamiliar name --- Fannie Battle. Before either could react, the door to the office swung open. Derek and another police officer stared them down. Derek recognized both Adrian and Rae, but that didn't stop him from telling them that they were both under arrest.

Jake sat down beside his fiancée and asked her about her dream. Gillian concocted a story that she'd dreamt that someone interrupted their wedding. Jake wondered if the person in Gillian's dream was Ryan. Gillian dodged the question. She asked Jake if he would hate her for keeping a secret from him. Jake puckered his lips and told Gillian that he knew all about her secret. In jest, he said that Gillian had probably gotten tipsy and danced around naked in a Parisian fountain. Gillian's eyes widened. "It was Monte Carlo --- how did you know?" she gasped. Jake couldn't help but laugh. When the laughter subsided, he remarked that he wished he could have been there to see the show. Colby started crying and Jake left the room to tend to his daughter. Gillian walked over to the desk and reached for a sheet of paper. On the paper she wrote a full confessional to Jake telling him the truth about Colby's paternity. Gillian mentioned that Adam knew the truth all along, that Liza found out later, and that she learned just before her automobile accident. Jake returned to the room and Gillian was forced to tell Jake that the paper contained some wedding notes. Jake fell asleep on the sofa, but Gillian was too wired to get any rest. She placed the letter on Jake's chest and gently stroked his cheek. She slowly walked towards the door, stopping once to turn around and take a final look at her slumbering lover. Gillian took a deep breath and walked away."

- Soap Central