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"Tina's apartment is in chaos as she tries to prepare dinner for Adrian. The doorbell rings, and there's Adrian, bearing a huge bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates and a jazz album. Tina is overwhelmed and invites him in. He takes one look around the place and realizing Tina is not too organized, offers to return later. But Tina tells him to stay, and offers him a drink, while admitting she realizes the place looks like "a swap meet hit by a hurricane!" Taking a rather well-cooked mystery item from the oven, she tells him it's chicken-fried mahi-mahi. She looks so down that Adrian takes her in his arms and tells her that maybe they are both trying to hard. As they dance, they kiss and start undressing each other. Clearing room on the couch, Adrian draws her down with him and they make love. Afterwards, he tells her he loves her, and she reciprocates.

At SOS, Leo and Greenlee are on a computer, while Erica enters with Bianca. Erica tells her this is the "in" place to be. "It's very bright!" Bianca comments. Bianca waves to Leo, then as they sit asks her mother why she hadn't mentioned Leo as her house guest. She reassures Erica that Leo doesn't bother her, she likes having him around. Jack joins Erica and Bianca, and chats with her while Erica trots off to try and call David. She is very upset that she cannot reach him and leaves a "Call me, it's a matter of life and death!" message with his message service.

Meanwhile, Greenlee has made a few changes to Scott's Victor-Virgin Web site. "I bow to you, oh mistress of online revenge," Leo chuckles. Becca walks up, and Leo and Greenlee convince her that Scott is behind the web site. Leo says they can catch the little weasel, but need Becca's help. She is shocked that it was Scott, but agrees to help.

Oblivious to Erica's attempts to reach him, David is checking on a computer screen Dimitri's progress. He is excited by what he sees and calls Alex. Together, they see that there is increased brain activity and an improved heart rate for the "clinical study" case from Stanford. Then David's pager beeps.

Meanwhile Dixie is with Dimitri in his hospital room nearby, trying to encourage him to be optimistic. She tells him that another neurologist has been brought in, and Dimitri is furious when he guesses that it is Alex. Dixie runs to get David. When he enters Dimitri's room, Dimitri has removed his connections to the monitor and is out of bed. He grabs David by the throat and curses at him! David admits that Alex is the other neurologist but promises that she has no idea who the patient is. Meanwhile, Alex panics when she sees the monitor flat-line. Dixie is caught in the middle, between trying to reassure Dimitri and allay Alex's suspicions about the mystery patient. On David's return to his office after calming Dimitri he tells Alex that the doctors at Stanford have disconnected the monitoring devices because of the patient's good progress.

At the loft, Scott is gloating about the success of his plan, with Becca believing Leo responsible for the humiliating web site. As he logs onto the web site, he gets a nasty surprise! The opening message now reads, "Victor has not conquered! The Virgin has conquered Victor!" He is trying to grasp what has happened, when a happy looking Becca and Leo enter, arms entwined. "Becca and I want to thank you for backing off," Leo announces, adding that it's given Becca the chance to realize that she loves him as much as he loves her! Leo spins a story to Scott about how Becca had been furious at first about the web site, "But I explained I was so in love ... and she forgave me," he smiled. Scott is astounded! Then he exclaims to Leo, "You louse!" Then turning to Becca, he angrily said, "Leo didn't make that web site!" Then he realizes he's trapped! "This is a scam." he accuses Leo. "You set me up!" Becca asks him if he did it, and he reluctantly confesses, with Greenlee smiling in the background to see her plan work. Scott tries to make excuses for what he's done, saying he lost his mother and then his dad, and was scared of losing Becca too. Becca told him he has to try to let his heart mend after Stuart's death. "But you'll be doing it without me," she tells him sadly, and leaves with Leo. "Well, you blew it!" Greenlee tells Scott. He retaliates by accusing her of being on the prowl for Leo - "You, the walking mattress!" he snarls at her.

Finally, Erica gets a return call from David. "What do you want?" he asks her angrily. "I want to SEE you!" she whines, and she wants him to come NOW to join her and Bianca at SOS. David tries to explain that he is too busy. Erica hears Alex's voice in the background, and starts off on one of her pouty tirades, to the distress of Bianca, who takes off for the restroom. Erica realizes that Bianca doesn't need the stress and goes to apologize. "I just want to spend every hour of every day with you," she smiles at her daughter. Bianca tells her she just came in to redo her lipstick - by Enchantment, of course. After Erica goes back to their table, Bianca angrily wipes off the lipstick and mutters to herself, ""Every hour of every day? We'll see about that!" Becca and Leo return to SOS, and when he kisses her, she happily lets him, as Greenlee glowers in the background.

Meanwhile, Dixie is still trying to reassure Dimitri that his prognosis is improving. "Soon you'll be able to show yourself to those who love you," she says. That upsets Dimitri, who angrily leaves his room. As he rounds a corner, he sees Alex, sad at the thought that she could have saved Dimitri if she'd had more time."

- Soap Central