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11/14/2000 Bianca Overhears Erica & David

"Gillian made dinner (Grandma Kate's meatloaf) at the Martin house. When Gillian went into the kitchen to get coffee, Joe and Jake spoke about how Gillian and Jake are together again and how lucky Jake is that she came back to him. They also spoke about Libidozone and the risks involved, including Jake's ability to practice medicine. Tad arrived and told them that David was going to be run out of town on a rail. Tad told them about all the nurses at the hospital and Joe wanted to know what any of it had to do with Tad. Just then Dixie showed up and said that it was between her and David. Dixie told Tad that he keeps putting the wrong spin on things. He accused her of being in denial and of defending David, Dixie asks him about what would happen if they took this to court. She said that she responded to David and there was so sexual harassment. Joe told Dixie that she us wrong and that David is still responsible and that it is also the law. Joe told her the law is on her side. Dixie doesn't want to do this and asks Tad to let it go. Tad told her he couldn't. Dixie goes outside and Gillian follows her. Dixie and Gillian talked outside about David and Tad's reaction to the situation. Dixie told Gillian that Tad wanted to punish her. She told her how she looked forward to seeing David, working with him and how she wanted to kiss him, twice. Gillian told her that David was an evil man and he wanted her to do the things she did. Dixie said she is a bad wife and Gillian told her she is only human. Jake told Tad that the nurses could take care of David without Dixie suing. Tad told him that she had to do it, to prove to him she was sorry. He also said "Don't tell me the hero of Chechnya isn't half the man he is cracked up to be". Joe had to jump in and separate his sons and Tad apologized. Jake just looked at him and left the room. Tad told Joe about his problem with Dixie. Tad asked, "How come it had to be someone like David? What is wrong with me?" Joe told Tad that Dixie and Tad should just learn to live with it for as long as they are married. Joe told Tad to forgive Dixie, to forgive without forgetting. Joe reminded Tad how many times Dixie has forgiven Tad his mistakes over and over again and that Tad should look in his heart. Dixie came back inside and Tad told Dixie he didn't know what to do. Dixie took his hand and said they could go home.

Erica and David were in his room and she was pulling him to the bed. Leo, Bianca and Laura were looking for Erica at the hotel and were told that she had gone upstairs to David's room. They were outside, unbeknownst to Erica and David, and decided to knock on the door. Not knowing who was there, Erica was determined to get rid of whoever was there. David stopped Erica from opening the door (she was only dressed in his shirt). When no one responded to the knocks on the door, Bianca became worried and wanted to go get the manager to open the door. Leo shouted to Erica, asking if she was okay. She told him to go away, that she was fine and started to call out David's name and how he was the best. When Bianca heard that, she became embarrassed and decided she wanted to go home. David and Erica made love and afterwards, while she was lying there David checked her pulse and asked her how she felt. She said she felt terrible. She couldn't believe that she had done this. "I was shameless. I couldn't keep my hands off you. Why? Why do I keep coming back to you?" David said it was an attraction. Erica told him it was more than an attraction. She felt like she was drugged. David asked Erica if they made love because she was drunk. Erica said she didn't feel like herself. It had to be more than just wild passion. She got dressed and told David she was leaving. Erica opens the door and there was Vanessa, ready to knock. Erica pushed her aside and called her a "fat cow". Vanessa said Erica was probably upset because she found out what has been going on. She accused David of being with Erica and thinking of Dixie. David tried to shut the door on Vanessa, saying that Erica had it right, but she pushed her way in. She told him she wasn't surprised by these events. She came by to tell her that Palmer was happy that David was dropping the charges against Jake, and that Vanessa wanted a favor. Vanessa wanted David to tell Palmer that she was responsible for talking him into dropping the charges. Before she left, she couldn't help but needle David about Dixie one last time. David reached for the phone and called Gordon (the lab tech at the hospital) to get more Libidozone. David told Gordon he needed more and to make it a stronger batch. He told Gordon not to ask so many questions, he needed it for further research. David picked up his invitation to the party and said that it was going to be a "great party."

Leo, Bianca and Laura went back to Erica's house and Leo was telling the girls a story about Vanessa and a jockey. He tells Bianca that it is totally normal to get weirded out about catching your parents making whoopie and that it was just a case of bad timing on their part. Laura and Leo still want to show the pictures to Erica and they talk about how sexy they are. Bianca gets upset and shouts that they should stop taking about sex and leaves the room. Leo and Laura about Bianca having to find Erica in bed with David and Laura accuses Leo of having to make a joke at the end of all his personal stories. Laura told Leo about her birth mother, how she was alone after she died and that Brooke had adopted her. Erica arrived home and Laura left. Erica asked Leo to please keep what happened at the hotel just between them but Bianca came in the room and told Erica that she was with Leo outside of David's room and heard it all. Erica tried to laugh it all off as a joke that came off badly and Bianca told her it was okay, that everyone was entitled to a personal life and went upstairs. Erica told Leo she had a tremendous headache, needed some aspirin and a bath and went upstairs. Leo said to himself, "women."

In the mausoleum at Wildwind Edmund told Dimitri that he loved Alex and he wouldn't let her go. Alex told Edmund that they should tell Dimitri the truth. She told Dimitri that Edmund has been suffering. Dimitri accuses Alex and Edmund of sleeping together. Alex asked Dimitri if that's what he thought. She accused Dimitri of not trusting her. She told Dimitri about Edmund's hallucinations of Alf and Dimitri asked when it had started. Edmund explained how he wanted to kept quiet and Dimitri apologized to Edmund. Dimitri said he understands about Edmund being upset and Alex tells him they'll do everything they can to help. Dimitri even told Edmund that they would take care of Sam and Maddie while he was recovering. Edmund asked if they wanted to lock him up. "You'll have to kill me first," Edmund said. Edmund asked Alex if she could kill the feelings they had so easily. Edmund told her he just can't not love her anymore. Dimitri told him how he wants to make it right. Edmund told him how he can't trust them anymore. Edmund told Alex it would be easier if she could just hate him--how it would be easier to just hate her, too, and he left. Dimitri and Alex continued to talk and Dimitri told Alex Edmund could be very dangerous and that she should stay away from him. Alex couldn't believe it. Dimitri told Alex about the time Edmund was angry about finding out that they were brothers and how he kidnapped Erica. Alex told Dimitri she doesn't want Edmund to think she was afraid of him and asked that Dimitri stop worrying --- Edmund poses no danger to her."

- Soap Central