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"At the hospital, Gillian remained in the emergency room waiting area while Ryan fetched the car. Nearby, Jake kept a continual watch on his soon-to-be ex-wife. Each time Gillian looked over at Jake, he simply stared at her without saying a word. When Ryan finally showed up, Gillian told Ryan that she was okay. Ryan wanted to know what Jake had talked to her about. She told him that Jake had wanted her to take some more tests. She told Ryan that she had just forgotten to eat and talked him into going out for a cheeseburger.

Dr. Martin saw Gillian leaving with Ryan, and he asked Jake what Gillian's diagnosis was. Jake told his dad that she was pregnant and was carrying his baby. Joe told Jake that if Gillian were pregnant, the father would be Ryan. Jake told his dad that he had heard Gillian and Ryan talking, and they had said that they had always used protection. Jake told Joe that when he and Gillian had made love on the yacht, they had not used protection.

Dixie was lying awake in David's bed after making love to him. She told him that she should leave, and he told her that the roads were impassable. She told David that she should not be there. She said that she might be needed. David said that he needed her. Dixie told him that she didn't know who she was; nothing was making sense.

David told Dixie that she had given herself to him completely. He begged her to give herself permission to be that person. Dixie was telling David that it wasn't real. David told Dixie that she needed to live the life she wanted to; nobody could do that for her. He asked her if she was happy, and she told him that it was just the moment. David looked at her and told her that he loved her. Dixie asked David how long it could last, and he replied, "Forever."

Duffy remembered Bud's words when Bud had reported that Arlene was going to the yacht and would be wearing a red coat. Duffy saw the person in the red coat on the yacht and fired his rifle at her. A shot rang out from Duffy's rifle, and Vanessa and Hayley both fell to the ground. Vanessa was shot, but Hayley was not. Hayley, still pretending to be Arlene, said aloud that the shot had been meant for her. She got up and ran.

Derek walked outside, looking for the shooter, and he found Vanessa lying on the ground. He called for both police backup and an ambulance. Palmer and Mateo disobeyed Derek's orders to remain inside and walked down the deck toward Vanessa's motionless body. Mateo left to try to find Hayley. All Vanessa could say was, "Hayley... Arlene... Hayley..." and then she passed out. No one understood what she had said.

Meanwhile, "Arlene" darted into the room while everyone else was outside, and she said that if they wanted to play rough, she would show them rough and then went up the stairs. In the process, the little bell she wore around her neck fell to the ground. Derek told Liza and Marian that they could leave, but Adam and Mateo were asked to remain behind. Mateo asked why Derek wasn't out looking for Arlene. Derek said that he had his men on it, but there was no indication that Arlene was on board or that Arlene was even responsible for the shooting.

Just then, Mateo found the necklace that Arlene had stolen from his condo, and he made the assumption that Arlene had Hayley. Derek asked Mateo why Arlene would kidnap Hayley. Mateo told Derek that Hayley had tried to kill Arlene. Mateo said that Arlene wanted revenge and that the bullet that had hit Vanessa had been meant for Hayley. Adam tried to explain why Arlene was trying to kill everyone, but Derek wasn't buying it. Mateo left and told Adam to call if he heard anything.

Derek walked out with one of the police officers. Adam went outside to make a phone call to Duffy. He got the answering machine and said that if Duffy was the one that had fired the shot, he had hit Vanessa Cortlandt and not Arlene. Mateo listened while Adam spoke, and he said that he wanted some answers also. Mateo wanted to know who had fired the shot. Adam told Mateo that Duffy had fired the shot.

Mateo asked Adam why Duffy had shot at Arlene. Adam told Mateo that he had told Duffy he would double Duffy's fee if Duffy got rid of Arlene. Mateo told Adam that he was going to talk to Derek because that would be his best bet in trying to find Hayley.

Jake and his dad, Joe, were still talking about Gillian and Ryan at the hospital when a nurse approached them and said that a gunshot victim was on the way in. Greenlee ran into the emergency room and went up to Joe. She told him that she had heard on the radio that there had been a shooting on the yacht, and she wanted to know if Leo had been injured. Joe asked her if Leo had been on the yacht, and she told him that he was supposed to have been en route to New York City.

When the ambulance arrived, Greenlee saw Vanessa and realized that she was the one who had been shot; she had to get in touch with Leo and tell him. She dialed Leo's phone number, and when he answered, he told Greenlee that he didn't want to talk to her. Leo told Greenlee that he was on his way to New York and that she wasn't on his list of things to do. He hung up on her. Greenlee called Leo again, and he started to hang up on her again, but he told her he would give her five seconds, and it better be good. Greenlee told Leo that his mother had been shot. Leo's voice showed his concern, but he warned Greenlee that she'd better not be lying to him.

Joe and Jake tried to get in touch with David to let him know that his mother had been shot, and they needed him in the ER. Jake called David's cell phone, but David was out of the room. Dixie answered the phone. Jake told her that it was an emergency, and he needed to get in touch with Dr. Hayward. Dixie tried to disguise her voice, but Jake recognized her anyway. Jake asked Dixie what was going on. Dixie couldn't speak.

David returned to the room, and Dixie handed over the phone. Jake reported that Vanessa had been shot and that David's expertise was needed at the hospital. David told Jake that he was stuck at the Sleepy Hollow Inn -- a statement that drew a great deal of concern from Jake -- and that the bridge back to Pine Valley was impassable. Jake told David that he'd dispatch a helicopter to fly David back to the hospital. Dixie got dressed, and she and David left to go the hospital.

Adam raced into the hospital and told Joe that he needed to talk to Vanessa. He wanted to ask her if she knew anything about Hayley. Joe told Adam that she had a life-threatening injury and was not up to talking to anybody at that time. Palmer approached Adam and wanted to know what he was up to. Palmer told Adam that if anything happened to Vanessa, it would be on Adam's head.

Joe walked out of the emergency room, and Palmer approached him to find out about Vanessa. Dr. Joe told Palmer that she was stable and ready for surgery, and they were waiting on the best doctor they had. Just then, David and Dixie entered. David went to Jake and asked how the patient was. Palmer saw Dixie and David walk in, and he asked Dixie why she had been with David.

Dixie hugged her Uncle Palmer and told him that she was sorry about Vanessa, but David was going to take good care of her. Palmer didn't like David and told Dixie that there was no way David would be taking care of Vanessa. Dixie tried to stand up for David and told Palmer that David was the best cardiologist around, and he would take good care of Vanessa. Palmer agreed and told David not to let her die.

Ryan and Gillian returned to the yacht and wanted to know what had happened because there were police all over the place. Mateo told Ryan about the letters that Arlene had sent to everyone and about the party she had planned by inviting everyone. Mateo told them that Arlene had a plan and wanted revenge. Mateo told Ryan and Gillian that someone had fired a shot, Vanessa had been injured, and Hayley was missing. Mateo said that he needed to go and find Hayley. Gillian told Mateo that she had seen Arlene earlier in the night, and she had not been alone.

"Arlene" was out by the yacht, watching the police. A stranger approached her and asked her what she was doing out there. "Arlene" told him that she was just watching. The stranger asked her if she knew what was going on, and "Arlene" told him that they were looking for Hayley, and they would not be able to find her because she was gone. She introduced herself to the stranger as Arlene.

David walked out of the ER, and Leo walked up to him and asked about Vanessa's condition. Leo pleaded with his big brother to save their mother's life. Leo, Joe, Jake, Palmer, and Dixie were all standing around David when he said that Palmer was right -- he was not the right person to operate on Vanessa. Joe told David that he was the best cardiologist around, and he was the only one qualified to do the surgery.

Again David refused, citing the hospital's rule that a surgeon could not operate on a family member. David told Joe that there was another doctor that could do the surgery, but that doctor said that he had never taken on such a difficult surgery. Leo approached David with tears in his eyes and asked if David was going to let their mother die."

- Soap Central