
"Erica was in the dinning room of The Valley Inn waiting for Jackson. Roger was at the bar and decided to walk over to Erica's table and place his drink with the cigar in it in front of her. He apologized to Erica for being rude and offered to buy her a drink. She told him that she was waiting for a friend. Roger said maybe some other time. Roger then asked her if he could sit with her until her guest arrived. Erica asked Roger if he was sure that was his last cigar. Roger sat down and Erica apologized to him for over reacting about him smoking in the dining room. Roger told Erica to never regret being a woman of conviction. He told Erica that he was trying to instill that into his daughter. Erica asked if it was working. Roger said that he was trying to give her some guidance but she was not interested. Erica said that she knew what he was talking about because she had a teenage daughter also. They toasted to their daughters. Roger told Erica that he was in town to visit with his daughter. He said that he was hopeful that she would lean on him. He called her his "little baby." Roger asked Erica about her daughter and she told him that she had learned a lot from her daughter. Erica waved at Jack as he entered the door and Roger excused himself to go back and sit at the bar. Erica asked Jackson how his dinner was with Bianca. Jack told Erica how Bianca told her all about Sarah and her mother and how Erica helped the two of them reconcile. Erica told Jack that she was really surprised how Sarah's mother reacted when Sarah told her mother that she was gay. Erica told Jack that she could not have gotten through any of this without Jack's help. Jack told Erica how proud he was of her and Bianca. Erica told Jack that the best thing she could do was to let Bianca grow and then she could live her life to the fullest. The waiter brought a piece of cake to Erica and she and Jack commented on how large it was. Jack said that he wished he could stay and help her eat the cake but he had a hearing to get ready for. After he left, Roger rejoined her at the table. She asked Roger if he would like to join her for a piece of cake and he accepted. Roger asked Erica if Bianca was close to her father. Erica told him that Bianca's father died a few months ago. Roger told Erica that he and his wife just separated and wanted to know if she had any tips for a single parent. Erica told him to always listen to his daughter. Erica admitted that she was just getting used to what her daughter was saying instead of what she wanted to hear. Roger said that he loved his daughter but he was concerned that the divorce would devastate her. After a few more moments of talking, Erica excused herself and said that she had to get home to see Bianca. After Erica left, Roger was told that his cab was waiting on him to take him to the airport. Roger told the desk clerk that he had decided to stay a little longer and for him to get him the best available suite.

Ryan and Gillian were in the car waiting for Greenlee to return with a tow truck and an ambulance. Ryan was going to leave the car and look for Greenlee until Gillian yelled out in pain. He tried to comfort her and keep her warm. Gillian was telling Ryan that she was so cold. He asked her if she remembered the time he was cold and she comforted him. They were in the ice shack and they were on the run from the police. He told him how she kept him warm by wrapping her body around his after he got out of the water. Ryan assured her that he was not going anywhere. Greenlee came back into the car and she told Ryan that the gas station was closed but she used the pay phone and called a tow truck and an ambulance. They could hear the ambulance siren in the distance. Jake was on duty at the hospital when a call came in stating that they were bringing in a woman in her first trimester of pregnancy who had severe abdominal pains. Jake did not know at the time that it was Gillian they were talking about.

Dixie was in her house, in the dark, looking for Leslie's body with a flashlight. She saw the blood on the floor but could not find Leslie. Tad came up behind her and touched her shoulder. When he did that, Dixie screamed and threw the flashlight. Tad tried to calm Dixie down and told her that everything was all right. She ran into his arms but told him that everything was not all right. Dixie told Tad that Leslie was there and she was trying to kill her. Dixie said that Leslie's hands were around her throat and she was trying to strangle her. She also told Tad that Leslie turned the lights off at the circuit breaker and when she tried to call the police, the phone battery was dead. Tad told Dixie that he was going to turn the lights back on but Dixie did not want him to leave her alone. When he got the flashlight, he shined it on Dixie and saw the blood on her hands and was really concerned that she was hurt. Dixie told Tad that the blood was not hers, it was Leslie's because she hit her in the head with the flashlight. Tad shined the flashlight around the room and asked if Leslie did all that damage. Dixie thought she had killed Leslie but when she turned around she was gone. Dixie told Tad that she could still be in the house. Tad assured her that Leslie was gone. Tad asked Dixie to explain what happened. She proceeded to tell him that the roses she received were not from David, they were from Leslie and there was a tarantula in the box. She told Tad that David took the tarantula away. Then she said that Leslie came to the door and pretended to be injured but she was faking. Dixie told Tad that Leslie was extremely dangerous and would not stop until she got what she wanted and that was Tad. Tad said that he would call the police and that Leslie would go away for a long time. He told Dixie that she was his entire world and he would not let anything bad happen to her. They hugged each other. The police came and questioned Dixie. They offered to police the neighborhood and see if they could find her. Dixie told Tad that she was glad he was there. Tad told Dixie that he wished he could have gotten there sooner. Dixie asked Tad if he found Junior and he said that Junior was at Brooke's. Brooke called Tad and said that when she went to check on the boys in their beds, Junior was missing.

Junior was in the park sitting on a bench and smoking a cigarette. He saw David coming up the walk and he crushed the cigarette. David said hi to Junior and Junior told him that his name was now J.R. David told Junior that it was kind of late for a kid to be out and Junior told him that he wasn't a kid. David said that he was sorry he was upset with him about the flowers. David told him that he didn't send the flowers. David told Junior that he was sorry his friendship with his mother upset him. Junior told David that he wasn't friends with his mom, he was sleeping with her. Junior told David that Tad told him about the two of them. Junior told David to go to his house because his mom was probably waiting for him. David told Junior to go home and talk to his mother. Junior told David to leave him "the hell alone." David walked away and left Junior in the park.

Leslie was in the emergency room but not for treatment by any of the hospital staff. She wormed her way into one of the emergency room cubicles and broke into a medicine cabinet. She took a bottle of liquid marked Hydrate and put it into her purse and then walked out of the room.

Dixie started to explain to Tad that David did not send her the flowers. Tad started to tell Dixie about Junior and the conversation that they had when the doorbell rang. It was David and he wanted to know what went on tonight because of all the police cars out front. Dixie told David that Leslie broke in to their house and tried to kill her. Tad asked David why he was there and he said it was because of Junior. Dixie asked David if he saw Junior tonight. David said that he just left him at the park and he was going by the name J.R. now instead of Junior. Tad asked David why he didn't bring him home. David said that was not an option. Dixie asked David how Junior seemed and David told her that Junior knows about them. Dixie said that Junior seemed upset the last time she saw him but wanted to know how he found out. David looked at Tad and asked him if he wanted to tell her or should he. Dixie turned and looked at Tad with disgust in her face. Dixie asked Tad if he did that to get back at her. Tad went to grab Dixie and she pulled away from him. Tad told Dixie that when Junior asked him about his mom and David, he just told Junior to go and talk to his mom. Tad said that Junior figured it out and he didn't tell him. Dixie started to leave and said that she had to go and find Junior but Tad grabbed her arm and stopped her. She told Tad to let her go and Tad reminded her that she could not go looking for Junior alone. Leslie was still out there someplace. David told Tad and Dixie that he would go back to the park and bring Junior home. Tad told David that there was no way Junior would come back with him. David left and said that he was going to look for Leslie. Tad told Dixie that he would never ever do anything to come between her and Junior. Tad then told Dixie to come with him and they together would go and find Junior.

Gillian was wheeled into the emergency room. Ryan was right beside her looking around for a doctor. Ryan started calling for a doctor. Jake turned around and spotted Ryan and yelled out Gillian's name and then ran to the stretcher. They rushed Gillian into the room for an examination.

Greenlee was in the waiting room outside Gillian's room crying. Tina was walking by and saw Greenlee and asked her if she was OK. Greenlee showed Tina her shoes and commented "$500 of suede road kill." Tina looked at Greenlee and said "You are upset over a pair of shoes?" Greenlee replied, "I am a material girl!" Tina asked her if it was a rough night. Greenlee said "You have no idea!" before rising to her feet and stomping off.

Jake was getting Gillian ready for a pelvic exam and was waiting on the ultra sound machine. He also requested to have the operating room on standby. While the other doctor started the pelvic exam, Jake pulled Ryan aside and asked him what happened to her before she got sick. Ryan told Jake that she was OK and then doubled over in pain like she was having a cramp. Ryan also told Jake that when they started to walk, Gillian passed out. Jake was yelling at all the nurses to get the OBGYN doctor and the sonogram machine into the room NOW. Gillian yelled out in pain and Ryan ran to her side. The machine started beeping and the other doctor ran to Gillian's side only to find out that her blood pressure was dropping. From her pelvic exam, the doctor told Jake that the fallopian tube may have ruptured and they needed to get her into surgery now. Jake just stared at Gillian and kept repeating, "Oh my baby, Oh my baby." Ryan grabbed his arm and asked him what he was waiting for. The doctor told Jake that Gillian had major bleeding and she had to go to the operating room now. Ryan started to sign the consent papers for her surgery and Jake grabbed them and said that she was still his wife and he would sign the papers. He signed them and they wheeled Gillian out of the room. As Jake passed Ryan, Ryan grabbed his arm and told Jake that if anything happened to Gillian because he held back, it would all fall back on him.

Junior sat alone on a park bench. Two of his schoolmates appeared and asked him if he was ready to go to a rave. Junior told them that he changed his mind and needed to get home instead. The two boys left - after one made a remark about it being past Junior's bedtime --- and Junior went back to the park bench. Unaware of things around him, Junior did not know that Leslie was approaching him from behind. As she got close to him, she grabbed him and put a cloth over his mouth and nose. Junior struggled to break free, but as he inhaled the liquid on the cloth... he passed out."

- Soap Central