"On the yacht, Ryan approached Gillian who was sadly peering into the darkness of the sea. He yearned to take her pain away, but Gillian told him that it would take time and wondered why time was passing so slowly. Ryan suggested that they "get time back on (their) side" by setting their wedding date.
At WRCW, Mateo offered to go with Hayley to her meeting but she assured him it was a "woman to woman thing." She was walking out of the studio when Tad and Liza entered and asked her and Mateo for their help in "saving" Tad's marriage. Tad and Liza explained to Hayley and Mateo that David may have been the one to spike the punch with Libidozone. Hayley offered to help and Tad asked if she had a camera crew shooting the party that night. Hayley remembered that their main camera was near the punch bowl and Tad reasoned that it may have caught David in the act. Hayley told him that they had shelved the tapes and Tad and Liza left to find them. Alone, Hayley told Mateo that she wasn't going to help them look. She confided that she had a new life and a new person growing inside her and that she had to be somewhere. Mateo assured her that he understood and she left.
Tad, Liza and Mateo returned from their search empty-handed. Liza explained that the tapes may have been recorded over or they may have been stored in the editing bays. Desperate, the trio went to look.
At The Valley Inn, David continued to accuse Leo of blackmailing him. Leo was shocked but David angrily reasoned that Leo "learned extortion from Vanessa." He told Leo that his credibility was very important to him and that he didn't want his little brother spreading "two very nasty" rumors about him. David suggested that they go up to his room so he could "cut" him a check for his silence but Leo stopped him and told him that he didn't know him at all because he wasn't trying to blackmail him.
Upstairs in David's room, Leo still couldn't believe that David thought he was out for "blood money." David angrily sat down and reasoned that, between wining and dining his women and "keeping (his) business afloat," he would need $50 000. Leo became angry and asked him if heart surgery didn't hover somewhere around "half a mil." David snickered and told him that he was truly Vanessa's son. Leo loudly declared that he should win the Oscar for performing like a "cardiologist with a heart" but that he himself did a good job of playing the "fool brother" who was just trying to become close with his older brother. Angrily, he asked David how much he was worth to him. Enraged, David wrote Leo a check for $100 000 but Leo didn't take it. He told David that he was naive in thinking that he could ever have a relationship with his brother but David only replied that he wasn't "every brother's dream." Leo walked out of the room in disgust, but David followed him, gave him the check and demanded that he forget everything that he knew about him. Leo turned around, but David slammed the door in his face. Leo looked at the check, folded it and placed it in his pocket.
Ryan and Gillian agreed to marry on April 8, the day they had married before. Hayley suddenly knocked on the door and interrupted them. She came close to Gillian and offered her sympathies for her miscarriage. Gillian told her she was doing a little better but it was still painful for her. Hayley quietly told them that she couldn't imagine what they were going through which made it all the more difficult to share the news that she had. She assured Gillian that she wouldn't be upset if she wasn't "overjoyed" but that she wanted them to hear it from her first. "You're pregnant," Gillian sadly whispered. Hayley admitted that her pregnancy couldn't have worse timing but Gillian hugged her and told her that she was "truly happy" for her. They imagined what it would have been like for their two children to grow up together. Leo crept up to the door and listened as Ryan asked Hayley if she was going to tape the birth for "Wave." Hayley asked him if he still had his copy of the tape from the yacht party, which may incriminate David for spiking the punch. Ryan admitted that he didn't know where anything was since Leo moved in. Upon hearing his name, Leo entered and asked them what was going on. Hayley asked him if he could look for a tape of her and Mateo that was somewhere on the yacht and described it as being in a white case. They split up and Leo looked behind the bar. "Little brother's watching," Leo whispered, as he pulled the tape out of a box.
Later on, Ryan, Gillian and Hayley returned to find Leo reading a magazine. He told them that he had forgotten to look for the tape and Ryan went behind the bar and took the box. He rifled through it until he found the only tape with a white case. Hayley took it, hugged Gillian and told them she would call them once they looked at.
Alone, Gillian confessed to Ryan that she had been jealous when she found out about Hayley's pregnancy, but that she was happy for her. Ryan assured her that life would work out for them in time. Leo came in with a plate of hot wings and Ryan asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up. "Sponge off you," Leo replied. Gillian jokingly suggested that they adopt Leo once they got married, but Ryan suggested a dog instead. Leo asked about their marriage plans and Ryan asked him to be one of his groomsmen. Leo was "honored" and accepted.
Dixie stopped by Brooke's with some of J.R.'s snorkeling gear and thanked Brooke for including him on her trip to the Caribbean. She called J.R. down and asked him if he had spoken to Tad. He coldly told her that he knew they were getting a divorce. Dixie told him they were separating, but J.R. became angry. He barked at her to stop calling him "Junior" and to save all of the "I love you's for someone who cares." He stormed back upstairs and Dixie sunk to the floor. Brooke put a hand on her shoulder and Dixie confided that she wished there was something she could do to help him. Brooke told her that she had to get David out of her life. Dixie told Brooke that her life wasn't any of her business but Brooke advised her that it was, since Jamie was also being affected. She told an exasperated Dixie that she couldn't throw her life away just because Tad made a mistake and reminded her that they re-married "for better or for worse." Dixie replied that it wasn't her fault that Tad betrayed her but Brooke informed her that they betrayed each other and that the whole family shouldn't suffer because of it. Brooke explained that this situation was like her dilemma with Jim Thomasen but Dixie scoffed at the notion that she could compare David with Jim. "They could be twins," Brooke replied. Dixie couldn't see any resemblance between a man who took part in child pornography and a "hero" like David, but Brooke reminded her that Tim was the "hero of Flight 149." She informed Dixie that she heard the rumors about David spiking the punch with Libidozone, but Dixie coldly told her that it was Leslie's doing. She told Brooke that anything that Tad said about David had no truth and went to walk away. Brooke wondered what she was "missing" and asked Dixie why she would throw her life away for David. She reminded her that David slept with Gillian then blackmailed her and tried to kill Adam at the hospital. Dixie suddenly turned around and asked her why she was saying those things. "Is it because Tad chose me over you?" she grilled. Brooke approached her and calmly told her that Tad chose her because he loved her and wanted to be with her. She assured Dixie that she only wanted the best for her and her family and stated that David was "poison."
A knock came on David's door and he yelled at the person to go away. When he recognized Dixie's voice, he ran to the door and opened it. David declared that he needed her and hugged her, but Dixie remained motionless. She told him she had just visited J.R. and that he didn't want to talk to her or see her and admitted that she and Tad were taking the steps toward getting a divorce. As she turned around, David quickly smiled and told her that was the reason why she was "shaky." He admitted that she was glad he had come to her, but Dixie only replied that he was part of the problem and that they needed some space between them. He asked her if someone had turned her against him because he saw "fear" in her eyes. Dixie admitted that she always feared the way he made her lose control and that she needed time to think things through. He admitted that she gave him strength but that she could take as much time as she needed, as long as she came back to him. David asked Dixie if she cared for him. Dixie assured him that she did and the pair embraced. She quickly pulled herself away, grabbed her coat and left.
J.R. descended the stairs at Brooke's and the two sat down for a talk. J.R. asked Brooke if his mother was going to be okay and regretted yelling at her. Brooke assured him that Dixie was going to be fine and that everything would work itself out. J.R. wished that it was last year at that time, when he and Jamie had gone snowboarding with Tad and Dixie. Brooke comfortingly told him that there would be happy days ahead but J.R. was resigned to the fact that his mother chose "some dirt bag over (him) and Tad." Brooke promised him that his parents loved one another and their love would enable them to find their way back to each other.
Hayley returned to WRCW to view the tape with Liza, Tad and Mateo. They admitted that their search had been "a bust." She popped the tape in, but was surprised to see Leo's copy of "The Galactic Wars" instead.
On the yacht, Leo sat in darkness watching the tape from the incredibledreams.com party. "Come on brother. You better be on your best behavior," Leo whispered. The camera suddenly zoomed in on someone dropping a flask in the punch bowl and pulled out to reveal that David was the culprit. "I got you right where I want you," Leo smiled."
- Soap Central