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"With the from $100,000 from David burning a hole in his pocket, Leo headed to BJ's to meet with Stan, the real estate developer. As they talked, Greenlee and Jake entered the restaurant. Greenlee caught sight of Leo and staged a fainting incident to grab Leo's attention. Jake caught Greenlee in his arms, but whispered to her that he was on to her little scheme.

Across the restaurant, Laura asked Bianca for her help in getting Leo off of her mind. She mentioned that she planned to throw a party at her house while Brooke was away. Asked for advice in planning the party, Bianca shrugged and said that she might not be the best person to help. A trio of Pine Valley University students walked into the restaurant, one of whom immediately drew Laura's attention. In a previous encounter with the young man, Laura had gotten some pointers on how to score big with PVU's entrance recruiter. Laura took the hints and, according to the man, had earned admission to the university. This information, he said, was strictly confidential and hinted that he could be kicked out if anyone found out that he'd blabbed.

Jake tired of Greenlee's not-so-furtive glances at Leo and threatened to walk out on her. Greenlee continued to tease Jake about the fact that he still lived at home with his parents. Jake insisted that he'd been trying unsuccessfully for some time to find his own place to live. Greenlee's face lit up and she quickly ushered Leo out of BJ's. Leo, meanwhile, finished sealing his financial deal with Stan. Laura continued chatting with the three young men, but her attitude changed. Bianca became worried by Laura's behavior and raced over to Leo to ask him for his assistance. A worried Bianca explained that Laura had invited the three near-strangers to her house for a party. Leo asked Bianca why she thought that he would be able to help. Bianca explained that Laura was carrying on so irrationally because she was trying to get over the way Leo had dumped her.

Greenlee took Jake to her loft and walked him around. Jake scratched his head and mused that Greenlee was acting like she wanted him to buy the place from her. Actually, Jake was right on the money. Greenlee explained that she'd received an offer of sale from the owner of the penthouse in the building. Jake listened to Greenlee gush about the penthouse's spaciousness and "killer view." Jake smiled broadly and mentioned that he might opt to buy the penthouse. Greenlee became enraged and demanded that Jake not blow the private deal she'd been offered. Jake explained that buying real estate was not something that could be done spontaneously. "That's an urban legend," Greenlee fired back. She sighed deeply and told Jake to leave so that she could find someone who was serious about buying the apartment. "You are one of those people who never does anything from the guy," Greenlee grumbled. As she continued to rant, Jake announced that he would buy the loft. Greenlee was overjoyed and asked Jake to cut her a check as soon as possible. Jake tried to talk Greenlee into letting him get a mortgage, but Greenlee insisted that well-off Jake didn't need financing. Still ecstatic, Greenlee planted a kiss on Jake's lips and raced off to work on the next step of her transaction. A dazed Jake looked around his new home, pausing momentarily to gently touch his just-kissed lips.

Laura and her three friends headed back to Brooke's house. Leo and Bianca showed up a little while later and attempted to break up the party by voicing concerns. Laura, however, brushed them off and continued about her way. Laura put on some loud music and started to carry on some by dancing suggestively with the three young men. Bianca became worried and headed for the door. When the door opened, she found Leo outside on his cellular phone. Leo held up his finger to urge Bianca to be quiet. Leo revealed that he had called the police and pretended to be a neighbor reporting Laura's loud music as a nuisance. The cops showed up shortly thereafter and ordered Laura to turn down the music. When they learned that Brooke was out of town, one of the two officers asked for a number where Brooke could be reached. Laura panicked and feared that Brooke would fly back from the islands if the police called. Leo stepped forward and claimed that he was a neighbor who would take responsibility for Laura's actions. The police seemed to accept what Leo was saying and left him to watch over Laura. Everyone cleared out, except for Laura and Leo. Laura went upstairs and Leo called out to tell her that he was leaving. Suddenly, Laura whisked down the steps wearing a bathrobe. Leo asked her if she was going to go to bed. Laura shook her head and replied that she wasn't tired. With that, she leaned over and gave Leo a kiss.

At Chandler Mansion, house arrest was finally getting the best of Adam. As Mateo and Hayley arrived at the mansion, Adam was pitching a fit and fuming that he had enough playing of family board games for one lifetime. When Adam remarked that he was slowly going out of his mind, Mateo wittily replied that Adam's onset of insanity didn't look that slow to him. Barry arrived at the house and Adam immediately asked if his attorney had been able to get his house arrest lifted. Barry shook his head and Adam attempted to throttle him! Mateo managed to pry Adam off of his attorney. Barry did, however, bring with him some good news - finalized divorce papers. Adam again lunged at Barry, but this time he gave him a hug. It took barely a minute for Adam to announce that he wanted to marry Liza right then and there. Liza tried to protest, but Adam wouldn't allow her to voice his disapproval of the idea. Adam summoned his housekeeping staff and issued them orders on how to prepare for the wedding. Adam thought of just about everything --- from flowers to a string quartet. Liza headed upstairs where she grumbled to Marian that she didn't really like the idea of being rushed into a wedding. Back downstairs, Stuart and Mateo tried to calm Adam down and make him realize that he risked alienating Liza by forcing her to marry him on the spot. Liza later returned downstairs and Adam approached her to apologize for his irrational behavior. Adam figured that Liza hated him for forcing her to marry him so suddenly, but Liza surprised him by agreeing to go through with the wedding.

Time passed and the judge - the same one Adam had asked to marry him and Liza at the Crystal Ball - showed up for the ceremony. As planned, the flowers, orchestra members and family members gathered in the parlor of the mansion. Liza walked down the main staircase and joined Adam in front of a makeshift altar. When it came time to recite her vows, Liza flashed a smile to the judge and remarked, "I think I remember it from here." And remember Liza did - except for the "thee I wed," which drew a chuckle from Adam. "It is my honor and great relief," the judge teased, "to pronounce you..." Before he could finish, Liza and Adam individually added "husband" and "wife," respectively. All three then collectively sighed, "Finally!"

Almost immediately after the marriage was finalized, the guests started filing out. Stuart pulled his brother to the side and told him that he had a special wedding gift for him - an "illegal" one. Stuart smiled broadly and said that he would agree to switch places so that Adam could go somewhere special with Liza for their honeymoon. Adam was overjoyed and headed to the front door and bring in the guard stationed outside. Adam told the officer that he and Stuart needed to pull another switcheroo, but assured the officer that he'd be suitably compensated. To both Adam and Stuart's surprise, the officer announced that Adam was "under arrest.""

- Soap Central