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"At Brooke's house, Laura and Leo were kissing when Leo suddenly pulled back. Laura asked "What?" and he replied "Nothing". Laura told him not to cut and run like he usually does, and called him "an emotional cat-burglar". Leo replied that he needed a minute to think so Laura recapped the evening's events for him: how he got rid of the boys and sent Bianca away and then came back alone for her. Leo said he just didn't like the way those "frat boys" looked, but Laura thought it was cool the way Leo looked after her. He asked her what she was doing upstairs with Nathan and wanted to know what kind of party Nathan had wanted. Laura ignored Leo's question. Leo asked what made her want him tonight, and insinuated that maybe she had some help - perhaps by drugs. Laura insisted that she thinks Leo is cool and that maybe she's been too hard on him lately. She went to the stereo and turned on some sexy music and told him they were both consenting adults. "What's wrong with doing something for fun and not forever?" she asked Leo. Laura began dancing very seductively and dropped her robe. She rubbed up to Leo, who responded to her every move. They danced and kissed deeply but then Leo stopped and pulled back, telling Laura not to rush things. She told him she wasn't rushing anything, that they'd been teasing each other for months. Leo reminded her that she'd made a good case against him for being the worst guy around. She said she was over that but Leo still backed away. Laura couldn't believe that euro-trash Leo could have scruples and told him she'd still respect him in the morning. He said he just couldn't do this and Laura told him to just say it, say he didn't want her. He couldn't say that but said he couldn't help but wonder what had happened upstairs with Nathan. She yelled at him to get out but then they both heard a noise in the driveway. Laura ran to the window and exclaimed "It's my mother!". Leo ran to hide while Laura pulled on her robe just as Brooke walked in the door. Brooke looked around the darkened room, heard the sexy music and saw her disheveled daughter and demanded to know what was going on. Laura told her that she'd had some friends over and she was just cleaning up. Brooke found Leo's keys on the end table. Laura asked if she'd come back to check up on her but Brooke insisted that she trusted her daughter and that she honestly had forgotten her and the boys' passports. Brooke seemed to sense that Leo had been at the house and reminded Laura that just a few hours ago she'd been crying about Leo, saying he was "all wrong" for her. Laura said she'd changed her mind but Brooke repeated something Laura had said earlier, that she wanted "more than charm and a dazzling smile." Laura said she remembered and all the while Leo was listening to the conversation. Brooke told Laura that she knows there's a lot of pressure on young girls, but Laura said "Not from Leo!". Her mother told her that she wants more for her daughter and Laura ssured her that she'd be fine. Brooke finally picked up the passports and said goodbye. Leo came out of hiding and Laura told him she was sorry he had to listen to her conversation with Brooke. Leo started to leave, telling Laura that she deserved someone better than him. She told him she meant what she had said earlier, about "this" not being forever. "Let's just see where tonight takes us" she said to Leo. But he insisted on leaving, saying Laura just wasn't herself. Then he asked that she do him a favor, "Make sure what ever you 'didn't' take tonight is gone before your mom gets back. I don't want her to think it was from me". And he walked out, leaving Laura standing at the door in her negligee.

Greenlee was on the phone to her building's super, who told her that the offer on the penthouse was accepted. Greenlee was thrilled and then put Jake on the phone to discuss his buying of the loft. His cell phone rang and Greenlee answered it, telling the caller he was busy and not to bother him. When Jake got off the other call he asked if his phone had rung. Greenlee told him it had and that she took care of it. He asked who it was and she told him a Dr. Trobridge. Jake got irate and yelled at her, then called the other doctor back. After his phone call Greenlee told him to lighten up. She told him that he thinks he's indispensable but that he really isn't. Jake asked her if she always goes on the attack when things aren't going her way. She barked back at him that just because he went to med school doesn't mean that he knows everything. They finally cooled off a bit and she wanted to go celebrate the purchases the two of them just made. Jake agreed but said he needed to go out to his car to get his checkbook. Greenlee told him to leave his cell phone but he said no way. He left to get his checkbook and very soon there was a knock at the door. Greenlee thought it was Jake but when she opened the door it was her father. She told him she didn't want to speak to him but he walked on in the loft. He told her how much he treasured her and that he came over to spend time with her, to check up on her. Greenlee told him she knew that he'd canceled on her to go out with Erica. He stammered a bit and then said he was guilty but had an explanation. Roger said he did it for her -- to protect her from Erica. He explained that Erica isn't Greenlee's biggest fan and that he was trying to "run interference." Greenlee's father told her not to underestimate the power of gossip and that he was trying to convince Erica that Greenlee isn't as bad as Erica thinks she is. Greenlee didn't quite buy that, but Roger insisted that he's a lonely man who'd be lost without the love of his daughter. As he was declaring this, Jake walked back into the loft. Roger turned and looked at Jake, saying he didn't know Greenlee had company. He left Greenlee and Jake to finish their deal and Jake wrote a check to Greenlee for the loft. Greenlee looked very sad and Jake asked how she was. She told him she was "fine - really." Greenlee asked about their celebration dinner and Jake said they'd do it soon. He saw no reason to rush since that they were going to be neighbors. Greenlee told Jake she knew she was crazy to trust her father, but stated that he's the only dad she has and that she just has to give him another chance. She told Jake that she knew her dad was a "creep, fake and phony" just like her. "He's doing the best he can," Greenlee said, but Jake questioned this. She argued that no one is perfect, including himself. She then told Jake that he was a "self-righteous, boring, humorless do-gooder." Jake took offense to this and started to list Greenlee's downfalls. But she beat him to the punch, saying she knew she was a "vain, self-centered little snot." She asked Jake "Don't we have to accept each other for what we are?" Jake was taken back and didn't quite have a comeback. He said he needed to go home and tell his parents that he was moving out.

Adam laughed at the policeman who threatened to arrest him. He thought the man was joking but he was most serious. Stuart reminded the man about the last time he and Adam switched places but the cop played dumb. Adam thought he was just trying to cover his tracks so he handed the cop a wad of money. The officer began reading Adam his rights and they all realized the man was fully intent on sending Adam to jail. Liza walked in yelling "NO!" Adam told the officer that Stuart had nothing to do with this, that he should just arrest him. Stuart insisted that he was part of the crime and should be arrested too. The officer told Liza that Adam tried to bribe him and still pretended that he hadn't switched the ankle cuffs for Adam previously. Liza got desperate and grabbed the police radio from the cop. He threatened to arrest her too and began losing his temper. He yelled for everyone to step back and then said he'd just take Adam to jail and everyone else could stay here. Liza said she was going wherever her husband was going and slapped the cop. He arrested her for assaulting an officer.

At the jail, Adam was sent to the male prisoner ward and Liza was sent to the female prisoner ward, much to their dismay. As the cop took Liza away, Adam turned in his cell and muttered "Some honeymoon".

Back at the Chandler Mansio, Hayley and Mateo discussed possible solutions for this nightmare with Stuart and Marian. Marian suggested a jailbreak, but Mateo sighed that they were not in the movie "The Great Escape." Hayley agreed that they should help her father and Liza. Stuart offered to change places with Adam if they could figure out a way to get Liza out. Mateo disagreed with this plan and said he had another plan. He called Derek Frye and when he showed up, Matt offered him a chance to show that "not all cops are heartless badges."

Back at the jail Matt, Hayley, Marian and Stuart visited Adam to show their support. Adam was very despondent and told them all to just take his honeymoon for him. He said the jet was waiting; they could all fly to the Caribbean and stay in the private cabin. Instead, the group announced that they had surprise for him. In walked Liza and Derek. She told Adam that thanks to Derek she would be spending her wedding night with her husband. Everyone smiled at the newlyweds as Adam held Liza's hand through the cell bars. Derek wanted to know why they were always getting in trouble on the wedding days. He brought in some sparkling cider and champagne glasses, saying it was the best he could do. After raising a toast to the couple, everyone filed out of the cellblock. Hayley stopped Mateo and told him that maybe they should take up her father's offer of the jet and cabin in the Caribbean. Matt enthusiastically said "Let's go!" and they left the jail together. Adam and Liza gazed at each other through the cell bars. He lifted his glass to her promising not to make the same mistakes, to which Liza replied "Just new ones!" with a smile. Adam toasted his new bride saying "To the love of my life!" and Liza lifted her glass saying "And to mine"."

- Soap Central