Browse By Year



"Greenlee arrived at Pine Valley Hospital looking for Jake. Obviously she was upset with Erica for ordering her around. Alone in the lunchroom, she took out her cell phone and called Erica. Upon getting Erica's phone mail, Greenlee told her their arrangement wasn't working out. Erica was not living up to her expectations as an employer or human being. She joined Enchantment to learn cosmetics and since that wasn't happening, she quit! Visibly pleased with herself, Greenlee put her cell phone away. Just then Jake came into the room for lunch. Greenlee immediately launched into detail of her bad day. Jake humored her by telling her she was much too good to put up with any kind of hassle. He guessed she quit. Greenlee wanted to know why he thought that. She had worked very hard all day for "the sadist." Jake said, "And you couldn't handle it!" He also added that this was the first job she ever had and the first time she had to work at anything. She denied that and said that she demanded respect from people. Jake wanted to know when she earned that respect. Then he smiled and said that it must be her magical nose for perfume that did it. He reminded her that she had planned on dazzling Erica with her brilliance and make her re-evaluate her contract. Greenlee complained that Erica was trying to crush her by having her run all over town doing errands. Jake said Erica was just testing her and that she had failed that test. He told Greenlee she was lucky she still had the check from her grandfather. Trying to lay a guilt trip on him, she said that she had had a horrible day and came there to talk to someone who cared. Jake reminded her he was her roommate - not her shrink. Feeling snubbed, Greenlee said she wouldn't say another word. Without hesitation, she continued to tell Jake that not only did she not quit her job, but she also told her grandfather to hold her weekly checks. She was going to make it on her salary from Enchantment. She wanted to know what he thought about that. Getting up to get a cup of coffee, Jake replied that he was not her father and it was not his job to stroke her for things she should have learned in grade school. He felt she was acting childish with all her whining and moaning. She asked him if he wanted to see "childish" and with that she grabbed the catsup and squirted it right in his face! He stared at her for just a second before he dipped his hands into his chocolate pudding and rubbed it all over her face. Just as Greenlee screamed, Joe Martin walked into the room and demanded to know what was going on. Jake apologized to Joe for the food fight. Joe handed them tissues, then shook his head and left. Greenlee laughed and said, "Gotcha!" Jake told her he was glad she stuck it out with Erica. He was proud of her and wished her the best of luck. After Jake had gone, Greenlee told herself she'd prove Jake wrong. Suddenly she realized she had quit her job. She rushed from the hospital hoping to get to the phone mail message before Erica did.

At Wildwind, Robin told Anna that she was Hpositive and that she really needed her right now. Anna comforted Robin and told her everything would be all right. She told Anna that she had known she was positive for a few years now. She was on the "cocktail" to prevent her from getting full-blown AIDS. Robin didn't want Anna to worry. Having had a good life, she felt lucky that she had Anna back now. Just then Edmund entered the room. He told Robin he was glad she came and that they could be together again. Keeping Anna alive was his top priority now, so he hoped Robin wasn't upset that he didn't tell her that her mother was alive. Anna explained that they just wanted to keep Robin out of harms way. Robin had met Alex today and said that it was certainly a day full of surprises. Edmund decided it was time to leave so Anna and Robin could catch up on everything. After he left the room, Anna made some tea. She then proceeded to tell Robin how hard Maria's death had been on Edmund. His second love didn't end well, either. It seemed there was always sadness in Edmund's eyes. Anna felt it was a shame because Edmund was such a good guy. Robin asked if Anna was in love with Edmund. Anna smiled and said that due to the shape of her mind lately, being in love with Edmund was impossible. Robin thought she could sense it in the way they looked at each other. Anna explained that it was Alex Edmund was in love with. Anna began to reminisce about the last time she had seen Robin. Robin had been 16. Then it was Robin's turn to reflect on her past. She said she had been lonely after her parents had "died", but that Uncle Max took good care of her. She had good grades and had never been in any trouble until she met Stone. Anna asked if Stone was the one (HIV). Robin nodded. Then she asked where he was now and Robin replied that Stone was dead. She had loved him very much. Robin went on to say that Stone had lived on the streets. He was a runaway. He had had a girlfriend who used drugs. When he got really sick, he tried to push her away, but she was too much in love by that time. Robin had been with him when he died. She felt very lucky that she had been in love with such a beautiful person. If she had to do it again, she wouldn't do anything different. Anna caressed Robin's face and told her she was sorry for not being there for her. Robin was glad Anna was back. Now maybe they could be a family. Anna was pleased at the thought. She felt they had lots of years ahead of them to catch up on what they missed. Edmund returned and wanted to know if Robin had a cell phone. He explained that security found out there had been a call made to England from Wildwind. It had been scrambled and they needed to find out who made the call. There obviously was someone on the grounds they were uncertain of. Anna then told Robin she could not stay there. It was much too dangerous and she would have to leave - now. Disappointed, Robin argued that she had just found her mother again and didn't want to leave. Anna assured her that once they found out who was chasing her they would get together again. Robin needed to leave to be safe. Anna promised she would come to Paris in two weeks and they would be together again. She would never leave her again. Robin finally agreed to go back to Paris. Before leaving, she gave Anna her bracelet. They tearfully embrace and say goodbye. Then Robin left with Edmund. After they were gone, Anna paced the floor and then burst into tears.

Bianca opened the door to Laura's hospital room. Upon seeing Leo talking to Laura, Bianca hesitated at the door. Leo told Laura he could not imagine his life without her. Laura told Leo she loved him and that she had since the very first time she saw him. She took Leo's hand in hers and kissed it. This hurt Bianca and she turned and left the room before they could see her. Laura was embarrassed that she had kissed Leo's hand. As Laura praised Leo, he told her he wished he could be the person she thought he was. Laura felt that if Leo had feelings for her now, it was only because he felt sorry for her. He liked how bravely she was handling things. Knowing how she felt about him, he'd be a fool not to love her back. Laura was terrified to ask him, but wanted to know if he still loved Greenlee. He said he still had feelings for her. Laura asked him again if he was in love with Greenlee. He hedged the answer saying that when you can't trust someone, you have to call it quits. All he and Greenlee ever knew how to do was hurt each other. Laura felt love was being able to say or do anything and they would love you as long as you live.

Bianca walked into the stable at Wildwind followed by a security guard. She wasn't happy that he had followed her, but he explained that it paid to be extra careful. After the guard was gone, Bianca began to cry. Looking up, she saw Gabriel standing in the doorway. He walked into the room and picked up a blanket and began folding it. Bianca introduced herself. Making small talk about their names, Bianca told Gabriel that his name was from the Bible - the angel Gabriel. Gabriel said he was not an angel. Bianca then turned her attention to the guard dog. She began to pet and talk to him. As she stroked the dog, she told Gabriel he didn't need to fear her. Gabriel bent to pet the dog and replied that he was not afraid of her.

Outside Laura's room, Brooke and David discussed Laura. David felt Laura must be disappointed that the heart hadn't been compatible. He told Brooke Laura's name had been moved to the top of the waiting list for a heart transplant. He explained that Laura had pneumonia and needed a heart soon or complications would get more serious. Brooke wanted to know if Laura was running out of time. David felt with a transplant, Laura would live. At this point, they had done everything they could do; the rest was in "God's hands" now. Brooke asked David if he believed in God. He said yes. She said God took her first daughter and she didn't know why she should believe He would come through this time.

Leo rubbed Laura's neck as they discussed a trip to the Grand Canyon. Brooke came into the room and asked if she could have a minute alone with Laura. After Leo had gone, Brooke told Laura she was going to be completely honest with her. Now that Laura had pneumonia her condition was worse. Brooke explained that David said there was every reason to hope. Laura wanted to know if Brooke was giving up hope. No, Brooke wasn't giving up hope. She believed Laura would get well. Laura felt there would be a miracle. She had so much to live for and was not going to give up without a fight. Brooke told Laura she would get the first available heart. David had assured her that once she had the heart the prognosis was great. Laura felt that all the love from the people in her life would save her. Best of all, Leo loved her and that would be the best medicine in the world. Brooke smiled and touched her hair.

Outside Laura's room, Brooke approached Leo. She told him she was grateful for what he had done for Laura. He said he really wished he could love Laura because she's such a great girl. He would do what he could for her because he cared for her very much. Turning, he saw Greenlee standing behind him. She had obviously heard what he just said. They looked at each other for a moment, and then Greenlee turned and walked away."

- Soap Central