
""Upstairs", Jesse was searching for Gillian. He discovered her in a room full of 'guests' and asked them all to leave. They disappeared and were replaced by Natalie, Cindy and Travis. Gillian told them that it looked like a group therapy session and was surprised to find out that they all felt she needed counselling. She pointed out that she needed to get back to Ryan and said smugly that since she was Hungarian royalty, she could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Jesse just shook his head and the others smiled. Gillian didn't understand why she couldn't go back to Ryan. Trying to help her understand, they all took at turn at speaking. Cindy told Gillian that she had problems 'crossing over' too and thought that Stuart would be lonely. She added that things turned out fine for him, that he met Marian, who made him happy, and she was the one he was supposed to be with. Natalie stepped in and explained to Gillian that Trevor had ended up marrying Janet, Natalie's sister, after Nat was gone. Janet needed help and it was because Natalie wasn't in the picture, that Trevor was able to help her. It was then Travis' turn. He told Gillian that when he died suddenly, he left behind Bianca, who needed him very much. Bianca knew how much Travis loved her, even though he was gone, and it was because of his love, that she became wiser and stronger. Gillian stopped him and told them all that she was sorry that they had problems dealing with their deaths in the beginning, but she wasn't them, and she wasn't about to give up on going back. Jesse told her that it was time for her to let go. Gillian told them all that she wasn't going to listen to them anymore and stormed out. She ran into a person who explained that he was the father of someone she knew very well. "Who?" she asked. "I'm Tad's daddy, Ray Gardner," he replied, "pleased to meet ya," as he checked her out. Gillian asked him if he could help her get back to Pine Valley. He told her that if he helped her, maybe she could help him. Gillian told him that she would do anything to help him. He told her that he had been trying to get into the room she had just been in, but 'they' wouldn't let him in. He leaned closer to her and told her he had to get in 'there' and proceeded to tell her what he needed her to do. Jesse appeared and Ray said in an angry tone that Jesse didn't know how to stay out of his business. Jesse replied that Ray just didn't know when to quit. Gillian jumped in and said she wanted to help Ray, but Jesse explained that Ray was where he was supposed to be; he had made Tad's life a living hell when he was on earth and now it was pay back time. "You're in Hell?" Gillian asked Ray. "Don't listen to this jackass, missy," he replied, "I'm here to help you." Jesse, with a wave of his finger, made Ray disappear. Gillian was upset and asked Jesse why she couldn't find anyone "upstairs" who could help her. She ran off. Jesse looked up and pointed and said "you know, you;'re gonna have to upgrade that bonus you were going to give me, cuz this one......EEEEEEE."

At S.O.S., Gabriel was hard at work, when Anna came in and wanted to talk. She was about to ask him what had happened at the party when Rosa and Mateo walked in. They were discussing loudly what she did or didn't do at the party. They stopped when they realized that Anna and Gabriel were there. The phone rang and Mateo walked off to answer it. Rosa stood there and stared at Gabriel. She excused herself to get ready for work, leaving Gabriel and Anna alone. Anna asked Gabriel what had happened last night and why he had turned over the buffet table and walked out. Gabriel, staring at the door, didn't answer. Marcus arrived carrying a bouquet of flowers. Rosa saw him come in and ran over and kissed him. Anna noticed that Gabriel was watching them kiss and asked him if his outburst last night had anything to do with Marcus and if he was interested in Rosa. Gabriel became agitated, asked Anna if she expected him to hide his feelings like everyone else did and then added that he wasn't like everyone else and she should just 'deal with it.' Marcus and Rosa were still in an embrace when Mateo re-entered the room. He saw them and in an attempt to pull them apart, threw a bunch of menus on the table which made a loud noise. Marcus and Rosa turned around and Rosa pointed out the flowers that Marcus gave her. Mateo asked her to go in the back and do some inventory. She left but remained within an earshot of them. Marcus kept referring to Mateo as Mr Santos and was quick to point out that he cared about Rosa and would never hurt her. Mateo explained that Rosa was stubborn and terribly naive and didn't want her taken advantage of. Before Marcus had a chance to respond, Mateo asked Marcus if he knew who Matea was. Marcus seemed confused about the question and answered that yes, he was Rosa's brother. Mateo told him that wasn't what he meant. He was a guy, just like Marcus, and understood what a guy Marcus' age wanted. He added that he knew Marcus was trying to 'snow' him and told him to give it a rest. Marcus agreed. Gabriel asked Anna if she knew anything about Marcus and added that Marcus had 'dead' eyes; there was nothing going on behind the eyes. Mateo walked away and Marcus stood staring menacingly at Gabriel.

At Dixie's, Derek and Dixie were reviewing the note. Derek told her that it was just a scare tactic and nothing for her to worry about. She told him that whomever wrote the note was making threats and she wondered aloud if it was Officer Sweeney. Derek tried to put her mind at ease by telling her that Officer Sweeney had been questioned and Derek didn't feel that it was he who was making threats. The phone rang, and it was Tad asking how she and JR were. He could tell from her voice that something was going on. As Dixie was talking to Tad, there was a knock at her door and an officer entered asking Derek if he still wanted a guard posted outside. Tad asked why Derek was there. Dixie hesitated and then told Tad that she had received a threatening note about JR. Tad freaked out and Dixie told him that he had to calm down. Tad ended their conversation and headed back to his cell. He turned around and asked the officer that was with him if he knew Officer Sweeney. The officer said he did and Tad asked him to call Sweeney and tell him he wanted to see him. The officer chuckled and said "ya sure." Tad then told the officer that he should tell Sweeney that Tad was ready to confess. Sweeney arrived and was let into Tad's cell. Sweeney said to Tad, "so you want to confess, to me. You want to appeal to my forgiving side." ."No," Tad said, "I want to appeal to the side that cares about the truth; the side that made you want to become a cop in the first place." Sweeney asked Tad if he knew what the best part of being a cop was, the best part was, as he removed his revolver and pointed it in Tad's direction, was using firearms. Sweeney then asked Tad to explained how he murdered his boy. Tad asked him to put down the gun but Sweeney refused. Tad told him that he understood how he felt; Tad had 2 sons and if anything happened to either of them, he would do absolutely anything he had to to help them. He added that he did not kill Sweeney's son but would help him find out who did. He thought that perhaps the person who supplied drugs to the younger Sweeney had killed him. Sweeney stepped in and told Tad that his son did not use drugs. Tad replied that maybe he didn't do drugs, but he did sell them; he sold some to JR. Sweeney grapped Tad, put the gun to his head, told him he was a lying bastard and he was going to kill him, like Tad had murdered his son.

Ryan was asleep on the couch in Liza's office and Mia walked in and stood over him. He woke up and she then confronted him about accusing her of cheating. She grabbed him by the collar, pulled him up and demanded an apology. He pushed her away and asked her if she was 5 years old and wanted to take him out to the playground and punch him in the stomach. She punched him hard and again asked for an apology. He replied that he knew she was cheating; he knew a grifter when he saw one. She went to hit him again and he grabbed her and held her in a headlock. She got out of the headlock and threw him to the ground. He then flipped her and ended up sitting on her, holding her arms. Just then Marian walked in and announced that she had asked him to take care of her, not kill her. They jumped to their feet and Mia questioned why Marian had asked Ryan to 'take care of her.' Marian tried to explain but Ryan jumped in and demanded to know what was going on and how Marian knew Mia. Marian avoided his question and asked Mia why she hadn't left town. Mia explained that she had run out of money and asked for more. Marian replied that she was out of her mind. Mia then turned to Ryan and asked him if he was ready to hear the whole dirty story. To keep her quiet, Marian handed her a cheque and asked her to keep her mouth shut and leave town. Mia told her that she would keep quiet but had no intention of leaving. Marian asked Ryan if he could keep his promise to her and get rid of Mia. Ryan started asking questions about Mia, and Marian again asked Mia to keep quiet and leave. Marian walked out and Mia grilled Ryan as to why he was taking money to get rid of people. She asked him if his wife knew how he brought home the 'bacon.' Ryan stopped her and told her to never mention his wife again. Jesse and Gillian appeared and Jesse told Gillian that he knew she was going to end up in Pine Valley again. Gillian wondered what Mia was doing with Ryan again. Mia asked again what happened to Ryan's wife and he told her to get out. She pushed for more and asked him if his wife was gone. Waiting for a reaction, she then asked if his wife was dead. He said loudly, "get away from me." Gillian, at that moment, knew that Ryan could feel her presence. Mia didn't understand what he meant and told him that she wasn't any where near him. He replied that he was thinking about someone else and he could smell her perfume. Mia, obviously feeling bad for Ryan, told him that she understood what it was like to lose someone; in fact, she added, she had recently lost someone also; on June 25. Ryan stood there and stared at her and told her that was the day he lost Gillian. Mia pulled money out of her pocket and handed it to Ryan and told him that he was right; she had cheated and now they were even. During their conversation, Gillian kept asking Jesse repeatedly to get Mia to leave. She then turned to Jesse and asked him if it was Mia who was supposed to be with Ryan.

In Tad's cell, someone was lying on the ground, chained to the bed, with the gun beside them. The other person, wearing the uniform, walked out of the jail cell. Dixie entered and saw who she presumed was Tad, lying on the floor. She was about to call his name, when a hand covered her mouth. It was Tad. Tad told her to be quiet and explained that Sweeney had pulled a gun on him, they struggled and Tad knocked him out. Dixie wondered why Tad was wearing the uniform and Tad explained that he was going to get out of jail this way. Dixie tried to dissuade him by telling him that the cops already thought he murdered someone, now he had added assault. Tad replied that he had to protect his family, no matter what. Tad left and shortly after Derek appeared. He went into Tad's cell and found the unconscious Sweeney. Before he had a chance to ask Dixie what had happened, she told him that Tad wasn't there when she arrived. Derek ran off to put an APB out on Tad and to get an ambulance for Sweeney.

Marcus and Rosa were looking at the flowers and Mateo walked in the room and took Marcus aside again. He asked him if he understood where he was coming from. Marcus understood. Mateo suggested that he leave as Rosa had worked to do. Marcus walked outside and in frustration, threw his arms in the air. Rosa appeared and asked Mateo if he had thrown Marcus out. Mateo replied that he told Marcus Rosa had work to do and suggested he leave. Rosa asked if he was trying to ruin her life, he nodded and replied that that was his main goal. They discussed Marcus some more and Mateo took her into the kitchen to cook breakfast. Outside S.O.S., Marcus was sitting down thinking about Mateo when Shannon appeared and told Marcus over and over that she was the girl for him and not Rosa, or 'convent girl', as she called her. Marcus grabbed her and told her to shut up or he would shut her up. Mateo was tied up with a phone call so Rosa took her cell and went outside to call Marcus. Marcus was still standing there staring at his hand which appeared bruised. Rosa was surprised to find him there and he explained that he didn't want to leave, even though Mateo expected him to. He told Rosa that Mateo was only looking after her and he promised that he would never hurt her. They kissed again as Shannon, who had been hit in the face, looked on, sadly.

Anna and Gabriel were talking and Anna told him that they were family and she wanted to help him work through his feelings. She then asked him if he was interested in Rosa. Changing the subject, Gabriel said he needed to get back to work. He walked away. Mateo entered the picture and Anna thanked him for helping Gabriel. Gabriel found the note Marcus had given Rosa with the flowers. It read, "Rosa, I think I'm falling in love with you, Marcus" Gabriel crumpled up the note. Outside S.O.S., Rosa was telling Marcus that he shouldn't be mad at Mateo. Gabriel walked in on their conversation and noticed blood on Marcus' hand. He asked what had happened. Marcus asked Rosa to go inside so he could talk to Gabriel alone. Marcus told Gabriel that he wanted him out of his face and if he didn't get out of his face, he would put him down, "like the dog you are," he said. Gabriel told him to stay out of his way and Marcus walked away. Gabriel heard crying and walked around the corner, but only found a scarf with blood on it. Back inside S.O.S. Tad ran in and told Mateo that he was in trouble and needed a place to hide."

- Soap Central