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"Ryan refused to believe that his father was dead. Chris reluctantly confessed that he was a federal agent working undercover in Pine Valley. Ryan seemed skeptical, but Mia fully believed what Chris was saying. Chris explained to Ryan that his father had been a well-known, but hardly successful, drug dealer. The news didn't come as a surprise to Ryan because he'd already heard that tale from Adam. Chris continued, saying that Ryan's dad had been killed during a scuffle when he'd resisted arrest. Later, Ryan paged through the information that Adam's investigators had collected and found some information that didn't gibe.

Greenlee insisted that she'd been set up by Laura and claimed that she was not stalking Leo. As Greenlee tried to explain herself, the police arrived. Brooke had called the judge who'd heard Greenlee's case and had an arrest warrant issued. As Greenlee was being hauled away, she told Leo of a letter she'd written that would prove that Laura was losing it. Leo headed to the boathouse, where he was unable to take his mind off of Greenlee. Susan, meanwhile, urged Laura that she'd better find Greenlee's letter before Leo -- or the wedding would be off.

Greenlee was repulsed by the idea that she'd have to wear standard-issue prison clothing. When she finally accepted the fact that she'd have to wear the bright orange jumpsuit, she realized that the zipper on her gorilla suit was stuck. Greenlee plopped down on her cot and reflected on some of the romantic and happy times she and Leo had shared. When she looked up, she found Leo standing outside her jail cell.

Due to his weakened state, Jesse was unable to prevent Leslie from clobbering Tad. He was likewise of little help when Leslie used duct tape to tie up Tad. When a pair of girls from the Pine Valley High School band dropped by to peddle "Rheshey" candy bars for new band uniforms, Tad tried to call out for help. Leslie snatched a wad of cash from Tad's wallet, bought a candy bar, and beamed proudly that she had played the triangle in the band. The girls seemed skeptical, and Leslie chased them away. Jesse managed to sneak out of the house while Leslie had the door open.

Jesse showed up at Sounds of Salsa and tried to get through to Dixie. Dixie was only mildly receptive to his presence, so Jesse resorted to knocking over a wine glass onto Dixie's outfit. Dixie returned home and found her living room in shambles. Dixie thought that J.R. and his friends had destroyed the place, but Jesse tried to send her vibes that would tip her off to Leslie's presence. Dixie found a message on the answering machine from Tad claiming that he had to go out of town on business.

At the boathouse, Leslie placed the still-bound Tad into a canoe and prepared to "rock and roll.""

- Soap Central