04/16/2002 Liza Remembers Adam

"At Greenlee's loft, Trey is talking to a reporter who is asking for a comment on last night's events. Greenlee comes out of her bedroom as Trey says that Ms. Smythe has no comment and threatens to file a harassment suit on the reporter if the badgering doesn't stop. Trey hangs up the phone and Greens asks if she should duck. Trey says that the reporter he talked to was the seventh one. She doesn't remember hearing the phone ring. Trey says that he turned the ringer off on her cell phone. Trey fixes Greenlee coffee as she wonders why she needed him to spend the night on her couch. Trey feels that last night was a very dicey situation. Greenlee says that she had nothing to worry about since Vanessa's now in Oak Haven with a strait jacket. Trey reminds her that she had a knife around her neck. Greenlee laughs that everyone probably thought Vanessa would have actually slice her throat. She then thinks that one wrong move could've ended her life. Greenlee sees the bandaged wound on Trey's hand and nearly faints. Trey takes her to the couch and asks her if there's anyone he can call for her since she almost fainted. Greenlee says that almost doesn't count. Trey says that she still looks a little weak. Greenlee orders him never to call her weak again. Trey advises her to ax the tough girl routine-Vanessa having a knife on her throat was a traumatic experience. Greenlee insists she wasn't scared. Trey wonders if that's why she was screaming and crying in bed last night. She's shocked when he reveals that he even came into her room and she cried in his arms. Greens suddenly remembers him walking into her room and asks what she said. Trey just let her cry for a while. Greens says that she's very messed up. He insists that he might have dreamed the whole thing happened. She agrees. Trey says the Vanessa incident could haunt her for a while. Greens asks if he thinks she should see a shrink. When he says that he does, she advises him to stop sounding like his mother with his fake pity. Trey insists that he's for real. Greenlee prefers to deal with the situation with Eggs Benedict at the Valley Inn. After all, when she falls off a horse she either gets back up and ride or send the horse to the glue factory. Besides, she hasn't had Eggs Benedict since her last death threat. She asks if he's coming. Trey follows Greenlee out of the loft.

Bianca arrives at the Valley Inn dining room looking for Leo. She sees a fancy setup inside. A man starts playing the piano. The host asks Bianca if she needs any help. Bianca says that she was supposed to meet Leo there, but since it looks like there's a private party about to take place, she must've been mistaken. Just then, Leo breezes into the room wearing a hot new outfit with the shades to match. Bianca comments on how good he looks and asks what's going on. Leo tells her to have a seat. Ms. Montgomery asks if the room is for them. Leo tells her this is only the beginning. Bianca asks if he's won the lottery. Leo insists it's much better and mentions Vanessa's episode at the inn last night. Bianca says that Kendall told her about it. She asks what all the fancy stuff is about. Leo says that it's about Vanessa being in Oak Haven and him being free. She asks what she has to do with his spending spree. He reveals that he's tapped into his mother's mad money. Bianca accuses him of spending Vanessa's drug money. Leo says that it's not her drug money. The cash was their emergency stash. She told him where the cash was when he lied and said he would help her escape from the hospital. Bianca says that he can't keep the money. Leo asks why-he earned every rotten cent of it. A disgusted Bianca gets up and is about to leave when Leo stops her. She can't believe he's forgotten all the people Vanessa crushed to get the money and calls it blood money. Leo says it's not Proteus money. It's compensation for the hell Vanessa put him through over the years. He's paying back Vanessa what she has done. Bianca suggests that they should head over to Oak Haven and burn the place down and get the people that hurt her while they're at it. Leo begs her not to tell her to take the money back. Bianca thinks he has to. Like he had to return the files to Jack's office and get caught doing it. Bianca apologizes for getting him in trouble with Jack. Leo says that he also took the money to see why Vanessa went over the edge regarding everything, especially with Greenlee. Right on cue, Greens enters the restaurant and spies Leo and Bianca talking. She eavesdrops on their conversation. Bianca asks if she'll visit Vanessa in Oak Haven. Leo says that he can never forgive his mother causing him to lose the one woman he has ever loved. Greenlee interrupts and asks if they're celebrating Bianca getting rid of a pimple. Bianca says they're celebrating her demotion at Enchantment. Just then, Trey walks in and stands with his date. Leo asks if they're together. Bianca tells him to stay out of it. Instead, Leo gets up and apologizes to Greenlee for everything. Greens insists that he can't control his mother. Leo can't understand why she went so crazy after she figured out he was tricking her. Trey reveals to everyone that there were drugs found in Vanessa's system that can cause a psychotic break. Bianca asks if someone actually drugged Mrs. Cortlandt. Leo realizes David was right about Vanessa being drugged and wonders who would do that. Trey asks if he might know that answer. Leo's upset that Trey is accusing him of drugging his mother. Trey says that Vanessa has a lot of missing cash and someone is bound to find it. Leo returns the favor and says that the young lawyer has just as much of a reason to try to take Vanessa's drug money. Trey says that Leo looks more suspicious since he's the one holding the expensive private party. Greenlee tells the men to stop it. Both she and Trey have to get back to work and decide to call a rain check on breakfast. Greenlee bids Leo farewell. Trey advises Leo to tell the Feds about the money if he knows where it's at. Leo suggests to Trey that he do the same thing. Trey says that the Feds will leave his mother alone if they find the stash. As he leaves, Trey asks if he wants his mother to have peace.

At Enchantment, Erica ends a business call as Val comes in with more flowers for Greenlee, courtesy of Revlon. Val asks how much longer she will intercept Greenlee's calls from Revlon. Ms. Kane will do it as long as they continue to woo her to come to their company. Val comments that Greenlee would never have played it as well as his boss. As Val leaves, Opal comes in and comments that all the flowers in the office make it look like the back of a hearse. Erica says that Revlon is still going after Greens. Opal asks if she's made any progress with her plan. Erica insists that things are running smoothly since Kendall is growing trust for her. In no time, she'll convince Revlon to forget about Greenlee and take Kendall. Opal thinks if that happens, it will be a miracle. Just then, Kendall storms in her mother's office and calls her a "miserable, self-serving little witch" and that she should have never trusted her and that she did it to her again. Kendall begins reading an article in Inside Cosmetics that calls Ms. Hart's hiring a show of nepotism and bashing her as a high school dropout that knows nothing about the cosmetics industry. Kendall accuses her mother of giving the magazine the scandalous article to make her look incompetent. Opal assures her that Erica would never do that. Kendall asks her mother why she had to say all those bad things about her. Erica insists she had nothing to do with the article. Kendall wishes she had covered her butt. Erica feels that is a good idea. However, she would never try to create bad publicity for her company. She hired her daughter to create good publicity for Enchantment. Kendall says she hired her out of force and that the whole thing is about them, not the company. Ms. Hart says the article says she was unqualified and unsophisticated. Erica insists that she's just learning. Kendall wishes she listened to Ryan and stayed the hell away from her. Erica says that she's learning, and Kendall says that's BS. Val interrupts and says that "they're" ready for them. Kendall asks who "they" are. Erica says it is the press, who she called after seeing the article last night. She's holding a press conference to formally introduce her into the cosmetics industry. Kendall admits to overreacting and feels bad for her comments. Erica says that she can change into the dress she left her in the other room. Kendall thanks her mom and apologizes for jumping to conclusions about the article. Erica tells her daughter that she will take care of her, but she has to trust her. Kendall says she does. Ms. Hart goes into the dressing room to change. Opal doesn't want to hear Erica's explanations for her latest actions. Ms. Kane informs Opal that after the press conference, Revlon will be begging Kendall to work for them.

In Liza's hospital room, Mia reads her sister a letter Colby wrote to her. It says that Colby misses her mommy and "zerberts." Mia asks if she remembers them, and then makes a fist and blows into it to make a noise. Liza laughs. She also mentions that she took see the baby lions at the zoo. "Babies" asks Liza. Mia tells her that she may not see it now, but she is getting better. Adam agrees with Mia as he comes into the room. A frightened look comes on Liza's face and her heart monitor starts going faster. Mia insists that it's okay. Adam asks how she's feeling. He reminds her that he's Adam. Mia tells Liza that he's her husband and Colby's dad. Liza struggles as she says that she doesn't know him and to go away. Adam tells her that she doesn't mean what she's saying. She once again tells him to go away. Adam leaves the room, followed by Mia. He remarks that the quacks at PVH can't treat Liza. Mia tries to tell him that Liza is making progress as he goes to use his cell phone. Mia says that she can't let him use the phone in the building. Adam doesn't care and vows to get a real doctor to examine his wife. He thinks that since she doesn't remember him and is afraid of him that she's not making any progress. Mia says that he can't expect her to fall into his arms just because he told her that he's her husband. He insists that he doesn't expect that. She tells him to take things slower and do things to help her fall in love with him again. Adam wonders what should be done if that doesn't work. Mia thinks he should take the chance and let her know that she can trust him. Adam says that she can always trust him. Mia says that all he needs to do is patiently help Liza put the pieces together regarding her memory. Adam returns into Liza's room as Jake comes by and asks how Liza's doing. She comments that Liza remembers everyone except for Adam. Jake thinks that is promising. Mia realizes that Jake doesn't like Adam and wonders why. Jake insists that Liza's brain is protecting her from an unhappy truth. Jake tries to change the subject. Mia says that she knows he was in love with Liza at one time and asks if that's why he hates Adam. Jake insists that Adam didn't take Liza away from him. Mia mentions that she also knows that he thought Colby was his daughter and not Adam's. Dr. Martin asks if she's writing a book. She's just trying to understand her family. She knows that back then, Liza was afraid of what kind of father Adam would be and she felt that Jake would do a better job at raising Colby. Jake says it was more complicated than that. Jake says that Liza was part of the lie that Colby was his child. Jake then admits that a part of him will never forgive Liza for passing Colby as his child.

Adam tells Liza once he returns to her room that he realizes that she doesn't remember him, but that will soon change. He tells her to rest and heal for now. He asks if he can tell her a story of a man and woman who were destined to be together from the first time they met, but didn't realize it until years later when he hired her at his TV station. Adam asks if he's boring her, and she shakes her head "no." Adam recalls how they had a scheme to fake a wedding to make Tad and Brooke jealous. It didn't work, but they stayed married anyway. He tried not to fall in love with her, but it was inevitable. He then recalls their first baby, which she miscarried. She has a flashback to blaming Adam for their baby's death because he owned the airline of the plane she was on when she miscarried. His obsession with money was more important than people's lives. Adam then recalls the birth of Colby. Liza once again has a flashback, this time of the revelation that Adam switched Jake's sperm with his to get her pregnant with Colby. She remembers calling what Adam did as rape since he did not give her the choice about whether or not she wanted to be impregnated with his sperm. She also recalls telling her husband that she would rather have any man be her father besides him. Adam tells Liza that Colby is living proof that they were meant to be together. Liza remembers telling Adam a few months ago that she wanted to take Colby and just run away from him. Suddenly, Liza calls out Adam's name. Chandler is happy that his wife is finally remembering him.

At the press conference, Erica assures the reporters that Kendall was have access to all of Enchantment and she will be hands-on with all the new products for the company. She tells them that Kendall has good business sense and will be an asset to the company. A reporter asks if she's afraid Ms. Hart will steal her ideas to give to competing companies. Erica trusts her daughter not to betray her because they have forged a new bond. When another reporter asks if Kendall will be good for the company since she has no formal training, Erica says that cosmetics are in their genes. A reporter asks what her position will be. As Greenlee walks in, Ms. Kane tells the reporters that Kendall will be her right-hand woman. She tells them that Kendall will be more than happy to ask any further questions they may have. However, the reporters' attention shifts to Greenlee as they ask her about being taken hostage by Vanessa at the Valley Inn last night. Kendall tries to tell the reporters that she wants to keep the company young and fresh. The reporters continue to focus on Ms. Smythe. Erica tells the reporters that Greenlee isn't the subject of the press conference. Greenlee asks what is the subject. Kendall says that it is how she is indispensable to Erica at Enchantment. She introduces Greenlee as her new assistant. The reporter asks if Greenlee has been replaced as Erica's assistant. Kendall says that Greenlee is now her gopher. Kendall insists that she can teach Greenlee some things. "I oughta teach you something" whispers Greenlee. Erica tells the reporters that Val has a prepared statement for everyone and tells them to follow him. Kendall asks if she did okay. Greenlee interrupts and demands to speak to La Kane in private. Kendall tells Greens that she was in the middle of something. "Embarrassing yourself? If you only knew," barks Greenlee. Erica tells Kendall that Greenlee has gone through a personal ordeal and deserves some personal space with her boss. Kendall leaves and asks her "gopher" to get her a double latte after she's done. Greenlee almost goes after Ms. Hart, but Erica grabs her. Opal decides to leave Erica and Greens alone to talk. Ms. Smythe says that no one will buy that she's now Kendall's assistant. "We'll see," quips Erica. Greenlee asks if she's trying to ruin her career and Enchantment. Erica tells her that she knows what she's doing and she doesn't need her to tell her otherwise. Greenlee says that she's setting herself up to fail. Erica suggests that she trust her or kiss her career goodbye. Greenlee says that she trusts her, but she better not be screwing with her. Erica advises Greens not to make threats. She makes good on her promises and she will give her a position as vice-president if she lets things flow the way she's planned. Greenlee leaves the office.

Jake feels bad for talking about Liza since she's just gotten out of brain surgery. Mia insists that he doesn't need to apologize and that it is nice to hear that a man is actually interested in being a father to his child. Jake asks if the father of her son wanted to be a dad to their child. Before an awkward Mia can answer, Adam comes out and says that Liza can remember him. Jake and Mia go in. Jake asks Liza if she recognizes him. "Jake" she says after some thought. When he points out her sister, she happily says "Mia." Jake looks at Liza that she's looking good and that he'll call Dr. Greenberg about her status. Adam tells Liza that he knew she would remember and that he'll be right outside her door if she needs him. After the men step out, Mia is about to leave. Liza mumbles Mia's name and Ms. Saunders asks if something's wrong. Liza struggles to say "Bankbook...go get it." Mia asks what Adam said to her. Liza once again struggles with her words and replies, "I...need...protect...Colby...you...remember?" Mia says she remembers and promises to be right back with the bankbooks. Later, as Liza sleeps, Adam calls someone at Chandler Enterprises on his cell phone. He tells them that Liza has been ill and has taken a lot of money away from the company. Adam orders the person to find out where she's hiding it. After Adam leaves, Mia steps away from the corner, overhearing all of Adam's phone call.

At the Valley Inn dining room, Bianca suggest to Leo that he take Trey's advice about turning in Vanessa's money so she can have peace of mind. He doesn't care about her peace of mind. Bianca says that spending his mother's drug money won't solve anything. Leo forces Bianca to admit that they can't be sure the money he found was drug money. He insists that the money is chump change compared to what the Feds are looking for. Bianca asks if he's really keeping the money. Leo insists that the money is his inheritance and since David doesn't want her money, he'll be more than happy to take it. He feels that while the Feds look for the drug money, the two of them can play with his new nest egg. Leo asks if she's cool with him keeping the money. Bianca isn't sure. Leo asks if she wants to be his roommate at the Valley Inn since he's just booked a two-room suite. They can have fun like old times. Besides, it would be better than bunking with Kendall. Bianca admits that she and Kendall are bonding, and she doesn't want to hold up Leo. Du Pres insists that she's exactly what he needs right now. Bianca agrees to move in with him. Bianca heads to Myrtle's to pack her things while Leo heads to his room to make the room more co-ed friendly.

Erica is in the middle of another call, when Val tells her that Revlon is holding on the phone. Erica poses as Greenlee and says that she's happy at Enchantment and has no plans on ever leaving. After Erica hangs up, Val tells her that there's a problem with the photos for their Shimmer campaign. Val and Erica leave. Greenlee sneaks out of the dressing room when the coast is clear and asks herself what Erica is hiding. She goes to her desk and finds flowers with a card. It reads: TO GREENLEE SMYTHE. HERE'S HOPING YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND. Greens wonders what she would be changing her mind about. She calls the floral company and asks who sent her the flowers. She's shocked to learn they are from Revlon. Furthermore, they've sent several floral arrangements. Greenlee realizes what Erica's been hiding from her -- Revlon wants her.

Mia recalls Liza telling her that the bankbooks are hidden at the bottom of the bed frame in her bedroom. Mia is about to go under the bed when Adam spots her and asks what she's doing.

Leo walks into his room at the inn when a gloved person attacks him with a stun gun. Leo falls to the ground."

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