07/18/2002 Erica Visits Palmer In The Hospital

"Erica arrives to see Opal at the Hospital after Opal has Palmer admitted. Opal explains to Erica that a woman Opal pays to check in on Palmer found Palmer collapsed in his room. Dr. Joe Martin quickly assures Opal and Erica that Palmer WILL be recovering, but he DOES need to take better care of himself. Erica is shocked when she learns that Palmer refuses to see Opal because Palmer is afraid Opal will say: "I told you so,' especially about Palmer's marriage to Vanessa. Erica talks Palmer into seeing Opal, only to learn that Opal no longer wants to see Palmer! Erica finally convinces Opal and Palmer that they BOTH need to hang on to their family ties following Palmer's ordeal with the exposé of Vanessa as a drug lord and Dixie's death.

Jake check in on Liza in her Hospital room, just as Stuart and Marian arrive to visit. Jake asks about Mia and Liza tells Jake that Adam and Mia have already returned home. Stuart shows Liza a picture that Colby drew and tells Liza that she does NOT have to worry about Colby if Liza gets sick again because Adam and Mia both love Colby so much that they will take very good care of her.

As Trey works on following Liza's paper trail at the Chandler Mansion, a designer outfit is delivered from Liza's personal designer. Trey informs Adam that he now has enough evidence to prove that Liza embezzled funds and that Adam will find it easy to divorce Liza and boot Liza out of Chandler Enterprises. Trey advises Adam to lower the boom on Liza right away, but Adam tells Trey that Adam will take care of Liza in his own way and in his own time. Trey guesses that Adam has something more in store for Liza than a mere divorce.

At the Pine Cone Motel, Kendall looks at the ring Ryan gave her and remembers the highlights of their lost relationship. Kendall's reverie is interrupted by the Motel owner - Stan. When Kendall tells Stan that she has worked out a deal for paying the rent with Artie - the Motel manager - Stan tells Kendall that she will have to work out a new deal for the rent with Stan. Just as Stan suggests that Kendall could make the rent on her back, Chris comes by. Chris gives Stan $50 to take care of the next couple of days for Kendall's rent. Chris then gives Kendall a one-way ticket to Florida and tells Kendall to do everyone a favor and scram. But Kendall tells Chris she plans to stay in Pine Valley.

When Mia and Colby return to the Chandler Mansion, Trey listens while Adam assures Colby that Aunt Mia can do anything that Colby's mother could do. Then Adam reminds Mia that Mia was going to take Liza's place at a fund-raiser. Mia begs off, saying she has nothing to wear. But Adam informs Mia that he had Liza's personal designer send over a gown for Mia.

When Dr. Greenberg visits Liza at the Hospital, he tells Liza that she is having no problem with the tumor returning. When Liza asks Greenberg about symptoms that would warn of a return of any tumor, Greenberg tells Liza that Adam had grilled Greenberg's associates about the symptoms several weeks earlier. Dr. Greenberg tells Liza that some symptoms of a returning tumor would be hallucinations, hearing things incorrectly, seeing things and memory lapses. Liza asks if that would include something like believing she saw lights flashing when no lights were flashing and Greenberg confirms that that would be an example. Dr. Greenberg tells Liza she can go home that evening. But when Dr. Greenberg suggests he call Adam to let Adam know Liza can be released, Liza tells Dr. Greenberg that she wants to surprise Adam with her good news.

At the Chandler Mansion, after Trey listens to Adam talk Mia into attending the fund-raiser, Trey tells Adam that Trey has finally figured out that Adam is NOT just dumping Liza - it is obvious Adam plans to trade Liza in for her sister Mia. Adam tells Trey to mind his own business or the world will find out where the REAL Trey Kenyon is buried. Trey agrees that Adam has the upper hand and leaves.

Back at the Pine Cone Motel, Chris sees Gail's ring and tells Kendall that Kendall should return Gail's ring, but Kendall refuses. As Kendall and Chris argue, Aidan observes their argument. After Chris leaves, Aidan offers Kendall money to help with her rent and Kendall turns Aidan down as well.

After Trey leaves the Chandler Mansion, Nurse Ellen Mahoney calls Adam to let him know that Liza is being released from the Hospital that evening. Adam decides that he needs to be appropriately dressed for Liza's homecoming and orders Winifred to lay out his tux.

As Liza packs to leave the Hospital, Jake comes by with an article from Mia's old neighborhood in Brooklyn for Liza to take to Mia. Liza invites Jake to give Liza a lift home and give the article to Mia himself. When Liza asks Jake if he is serious about Mia, Jake informs Liza that he is not sure because Adam has been monopolizing Mia's time for weeks now. Jake convinces Liza to talk to Mia about returning to her old job at the Hospital, now that Liza appears to be making a full recovery, and Liza agrees.

Meanwhile, back at the Chandler Mansion, Mia is surprised to see Adam dressed in his tux and planning to attend the fund-raiser with her. Mia tells Adam that there is no way she will attend the fund-raiser with Adam, especially after Liza has already accused them of having an affair! But Adam persists and eventually sweet-talks Mia into consenting to attend the fund-raiser with him. Adam brings out a piece of Liza's designer jewelry and suggests that it would be a perfect accessory for Mia's gown. Just as Adam is fastening the necklace for Mia, Jake and Liza walk in.

At the Pine Cone Motel, as Kendall is remembering Ryan, Kendall looks up and is surprised to see that Motel-owner Stan has just entered her room with a pass-key."

- Soap Central