08/09/2002 Mia Tells Leo She Can't Help Him

"At the penthouse, Chris proposed to Erica. To his surprise and disappointment, she turned him down.

Later at the Valley Inn, Erica sat on her bed, tears in her eyes as the thunderstorm brewed outside her window. Answering the knock on her door, she discovered Chris had also come to the Valley Inn. "You don't get off that easy," he told her as he entered her room. They talked for a while about why she didn't want to get married. Erica admitted when she saw the engagement ring hanging from the ribbon she became terrified of the commitment. Chris told her the ring on the ribbon was a family tradition. His grandfather proposed to his grandmother with her engagement ring attached to a ribbon. Later his grandmother kept the ribbon in her bible. Erica was touched by his story. Chris proposed again. This time Erica said, "Yes." A loud clap of thunder and flashes of lightening frightened Erica into Chris' arms. He calmed her down. She remembered the night Richard Fields had raped her was on a stormy raining night with thunder and lightening.

Kendall heard someone at the door to Erica's office while she searched Erica's desk and files. She hid as Aidan entered. He talked briefly on the phone and then Kendall heard the door closed. Thinking Aidan had left, she came out of hiding only to be surprised to see Aidan standing in front of her. To her annoyance he asked why was she searching Erica's office. Kendall tried to make a flimsy excuse she was looking for a payroll check Erica promised her. Aidan didn't buy the story and decided he was going to take her to Erica personally and tell Erica Kendall was snooping in her office. He grabbed Kendall and slung her over his shoulder taking her out of the room to the penthouse.

Once at the penthouse Kendall and Aidan found the it empty. Kendall noticed the flowers and wine glasses. She complained again Erica always came out on top. A thunderstorm began brewing with flashes of lightening.

Leo talked to Greenlee in hospital hallway. He believed Vanessa would receive whatever justice will deal her. He told Greenlee that Mia had promised to tell him the secrets she knows about Trey. Leo believed Mia will help him find out what Trey is up to.

In the solarium at the hospital, Trey was talking to Mia when Frank Hubbard wheeled in Malik. Malik Robertson, a young boy, will soon be sent to a new foster home and he was very excited about meeting his new parents. Trey, seeing Frank's name badge, introduced himself and said he was happy to finally meet Frank Hubbard. He had so much about him from Mia as Mia glared at Trey. He then teased Frank that he must be a father because of the way he cared about Malik. Frank said he had no children as Trey stared at Mia. Mia tried to avoid his eyes. After Frank and Malik left the room, Trey dared Mia to tell Leo about him. If she does, he retorted, he will tell Frank he is a real father. Mia gave in once more to Trey's demands and promised she will tell Leo she doesn't know any secrets about him. With Trey standing nearby, Mia called Leo on his cell phone at the Loft. She told Leo she didn't really know any secrets about Trey. Leo hung up the phone mystified about Mia's turnaround and realized Trey must have gotten to her.

Leo decided he will get some ginger sorbet, Greenlee's favorite, and left for the store. Greenlee turned on the TV which was showing an old Richard Fields movie. When Leo returned from the store he approached the door to the Loft, searching his pocket for his key. He thought he heard through the door, Trey's voice threatening Greenlee. Rushing inside he found no one in the darkened living room. The storm had shut down the electricity. He called for Greenlee and she came out from the bedroom. He asked where Trey was and she said he was not there. She told him she had an old Richard Fields movie on TV.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Trey berated Mia about abandoning her baby and throwing him away because he was an inconvenient. Mia was shocked by his accusation and then realized the issue wasn't about her and William. It was about Trey and his childhood. She asked Trey about it and he left the room. In the hallway on his way to Vanessa's room, Trey stopped a nurse and asked about Malik's condition. She said he needed more treatment but there were no funds for it. Trey wrote out a check and gave it to the nurse. He told her to tell no one he was the benefactor. She agreed.

In Vanessa's room, Trey once more asked Nessa if Vanessa had told her where she hid the money. Nessa said there was no memory of where the money was hidden. Trey then quizzed Nessa if she had any other children beside David and Leo. None, she replied. Suddenly the lights went out from the storm and then come back on. Nessa asked Trey if he was afraid of the dark and Trey commented he got over that before he learned to ride a bicycle with training wheels. He left Vanessa's room and stood in the hallway. Talking to himself he muttered, "Not that you care, Mother!""

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