08/12/2002 Leo & Greenlee Search Trey's Loft

"At the darkened loft, Leo tried to convince Greenlee that he had heard Trey's voice while he stood in the hallway. Greenlee replied that he was obsessed with him, but Leo insisted that he just wanted to know who he was. He stated that he wouldn't let "Trey win" and began pulling Greenlee to the door. She abruptly stopped and demanded that he not treat her like "Ethel Mertz." A smile came over Leo's face as he told her to hold that thought while she used her position as landlord to snoop through his apartment. Greenlee snatched her arm away as she informed "Lucy" that he wasn't breaking into Trey's apartment. She declared that such an act would be breaking and entering but Leo reminded her that this wouldn't be the case as she owned the keys to his loft. Sensing that Greenlee wasn't going to budge, Leo asked her to remember their time in Paris and assured her their life could be that way if he could return Vanessa's drug money to the police. Greenlee asked him how he wasn't going to get caught and Leo only stated that this was her responsibility in their "team" mission. Reluctantly, she called Trey on his cell phone and interrupted him with a woman at the Pine Cone Motel. When asked if this was a "bad time", Trey only answered that it was late. As Leo listened on, Greenlee asked him to come down up to her loft to sign his lease. When Trey answered that he wasn't at home, Greenlee quickly assured him that it could wait. After a pause, Leo replied that he would be home in an hour and hung up. At the loft, Greenlee informed Leo that they "were in" and the pair hurried downstairs. At the Pine Cone, Trey repeated the conversation to 'Rebecca' and told her that he suspected something was up. Although Rebecca tried to keep him there, Trey quickly redressed and left.

Trapped in Erica's new apartment at Enchantment, Aidan asked Kendall if he could use her cell phone to call security but she informed him that she didn't have it with her. Suddenly, he remembered that he was supposed to meet Maria and became agitated. When Kendall rudely joked that she "must be hot" for him to be making such a fuss, he blew up and hollered at her to "shut up." Laughing, Kendall tried to figure out who he was seeing and guessed that he was dating a "hot Missus." Unamused, Aidan informed her that not all women were like her and mentioned the strip tease she performed for him while engaged to Ryan. Suddenly upset, Kendall begged him to stop but Aidan was unrelenting. He told her that Ryan had left her with good cause and that everything he had heard about her was true. Finally, Kendall screamed out that she was sorry about teasing him and vowed that she would stop harassing him if he stopped picking on her. Aidan teased her about turning on the waterworks and told her she wouldn't feel so badly if she stopped the victim act. Kendall turned on him and asked him why he had brought her up to the apartment to "deliver" her to Erica. Aidan maintained that it was work-related since he worked for Erica, but Kendall replied that he was only a handyman and that he had made the issue personal. Aidan reminded her about the striptease and Kendall challenged him to admit that he hadn't wanted her but he only assured her that she was overly "confident." He advised her to stop talking about the incident and Kendall assured her that she tried to forget the moment when Ryan walked in and she "lost (her) entire world." Aidan replied that Ryan was lucky to get out alive and was surprised when Kendall's tone change as she started crying. He attempted to console her but she only pushed him away.

Aidan hung up a bed sheet to separate the room and handed Kendall the ice. As he sat on his side, he took of his shirt and advised Kendall that she should cool herself off as well. He watched her silhouette as she removed her shirt and began rubbing ice on her neck and chest. She passed it over to him and Aidan admitted that he didn't like to see women crying. She suggested that he was used to it but Aidan ignored her comment and asked her if she ever heard from Ryan. Quietly, Kendall confided that she hadn't and Aidan revealed that he was surprised at how many times he had given her "second chances." Kendall began to reminisce about their time together and, as she did so, she contemplated about how she ruined everything. Aidan asked her if she ever tired of feeling sorry for herself but Kendall assured him that she didn't. He confessed that she confused him because she had a good upbringing. Kendall sarcastically replied that she was "raised by the two nicest people in the world" but that she was really meant to be Erica Kane's daughter. Aidan stated that people lie and cheat you and began to say something about his own life but abruptly stopped. He continued by saying that you can still trust people and Kendall again brought up the stripping incident with Ryan. Aidan suggested that she had wanted him to walk in and referred the situation to something "Doctor Freud" would find interesting and Kendall suggested that he had wanted to be alone with her that night. "Instead of your fragile flower," she stated and asked him if he had trouble with taking strange women in. Agitated, Aidan told her to stop but Kendall only pushed on, stating that she knew where he lived and would pay him a visit to see his mystery woman. Suddenly, Aidan threw back the curtain and angrily demanded that she do no such thing. Kendall persisted but Aidan warned her to stay away. She got in his face as she asked him if this mystery woman reminded him of the woman who broke his heart and if she, herself, reminded him of her and that was why they were there. "Do I remind you of her, Ryan?" she cried, as Aidan reminded her that he was not her ex-fiancé. She told him that he wanted her so badly he could taste it, as Aidan enveloped her and passionately kissed her.

Tad arrived at Brooke's and, as she opened the door, she was disappointed that he was not Edmund. As Tad stepped into the hallway, she began mumbling that it was her "fault" and that Edmund's "reporter's instincts" had kicked in. Confused, Tad asked her what she meant and Brooke revealed that her fiancé had flown to Nevada to find Maureen Gorman. She explained that Edmund had met her at the airport and told her he would "bail" if she didn't come clean about her time in Nevada, so she had told him everything. Tad called her a "stand up woman" and praised her for her courage, but Brooke only became angry and asked him to stop. Confused, Tad asked her why she was upset. She remembered back to her meeting with Maria and her inability to tell Tad that he had spoken to the 'wrong' Maureen Gorman. Confused, Tad asked her what was going on. Brooke explained that Edmund hadn't "trusted" her enough to believe that Maureen wasn't Maria. Tad assured her that people sometimes needed to see things for themselves and asked her to remember their trip to Switzerland to find Dixie. Sadly, Brooke stated that he didn't trust her and wondered what she was going to do. Tad suggested that she call him but Brooke replied that she left ten messages for him which he hadn't responded to. He asked her when Edmund left but Brooke couldn't answer him. Shocked, Tad asked her if she knew he had even gone and Brooke angrily replied that it wasn't like him to not keep in touch. Tad rose to stand beside her and gently told her that she was beginning to lose it over a few unanswered calls and warned her that if she continued on this path, she would lose everything. Brooke assured him that she was only stressed out and concerned over the fact that he still loved her. Tad advised her that this was always going to be the case and recalled that she had been okay with that. He asked her what had happened to make her change her mind but before she could answer, the phone rang. "Edmund!" Brooke cried, as a smile lit her face. A moment later she hung up and informed Tad that Edmund had been planning a pre-wedding get together for the two of them that evening. Relieved that he wasn't in Nevada, she began blowing candles out. Tad rose to leave and told her to enjoy the evening because she earned and deserved it. Brooke assured him that she would try to the pair left.

Quietly, Greenlee and Leo entered Trey's empty loft. Greenlee admitted that the place gave her the creeps because all she could think about was her father and Simone together. Leo asked her to try to forget about that for the time being and went to another room to investigate. Alone, Greenlee picked up a book of poetry and read the inscription inside. She was furious to realize that it was from Roger to Simone and that the dedication he wrote to her was a carbon copy of the one he had put in Greenlee's same book. She threw it on the floor as Trey entered the apartment and asked her what she was doing there. Greenlee quickly replied that she was worried about his loft and came down to check on it after the power went out. He mentioned the book that she threw on the floor and suggested that Simone had left it behind. Trey told her that Simone was sorry for what had happened but a disgusted Greenlee demanded that they not speak about her. Trey made his way to the bedroom, where Leo was hiding, but Greenlee assured him that she had already checked his room and that everything was fine. After a moment of silence, Trey motioned for her to leave but Greenlee confided that she was scared of the dark and asked him to walk her upstairs to her loft. Reluctantly, Trey obliged. As they closed the door, Leo exited the bedroom and exhaled deeply.

Trey and Greenlee arrived at her front door as Trey asked where Leo was. "He's buying candles," she stated, as she opened the door to reveal a loft heavily lit with several candles. "More candles... I'm afraid of the dark," she stammered. Trey declared that he was a good husband and a good son, as Nessa adored him. "If that's what you call eating your own," Greenlee replied. Trey corrected her and told her he was talking about Nessa, not Vanessa. "Oh yeah, it's so hard to keep up sometimes," she snickered. Trey asked her what they thought about Vanessa's condition but Greenlee would only say that neither one of them talked about her that much. She thanked Trey for walking her up and saw him out. Alone, she stood facing the closed door and wondered where Leo was. Suddenly, a hand came up behind her and covered her mouth. She turned around and was relieved to see Leo. He explained that he had climbed out his bedroom window and went down the fire escape but admitted that he hadn't had enough time to find anything. Quietly, Greenlee confided that Trey was onto them and asked why he would have rushed him if he hadn't suspected anything. Suddenly, she pulled an airline ticket out of her pocket and handed it to Leo. She explained that she swiped it from his apartment and, as he read it, she wondered why he had been in Paris at the same time they were.

Back in his apartment, Trey crept to the living room cabinet and pulled out a CD case. "Agent Stamp's Proteus files," he mused, and was relieved that they hadn't been touched. Quietly, he vowed that he would find Vanessa' money before Leo and admitted that he hadn't burned down Erica's house to lose everything to Leo.

At the Pine Cone Motel, Edmund slipped into a room just as Maria stepped out of the one adjacent to it. She quickly slipped back in as she saw Brooke approaching. With the door ajar, she listened Edmund tell Brooke that he had been waiting for her for a long time."

- Soap Central