08/21/2002 Leo Visits Trey's Father

"At Enchantment Val took Bianca into her mother's office. She tried to protest but Val said her office was being painted and redecorated so since her mother was at a meeting she could use the boss's office. Bianca said a cubicle would be just fine but Val told her that she sits at the right hand of Erica and that means perks! Val told her to just unwind "This will be all yours one day" and ran off. Bianca sat down behind the desk and wondered what she was doing there. The phone rang and Bianca talked to the person then authorized some action to be taken and hung up. She said to herself "Maybe this is do-able." A woman rushed in and introduced herself as Erica's assistant Callie. She was a bit short and condescending to Bianca, who was polite back. Bianca said she didn't want anyone to go easy on her because she's Erica's daughter and Callie humphed and then began to tell her about a huge problem. The phone rang and Bianca spoke to Val, who explained more of the urgent problem and said Bianca had to take care of it. The rather snippy Callie said "Looks like the future of Enchantment is in your capable hands." Bianca got on the phone and asked "Who got to Alonis?" She listened as the other person asked her questions and then answered "I don't know" as Callie got in her face and told her as the boss she couldn't say she didn't know. Val walked in as Bianca hung up and she said it just couldn't get worse. Val said yes it could.

Meanwhile at Revlon Greenlee walked into her office and was disgusted to find Kendall sitting at her desk. She immediately got on the phone to security and ordered them to get up to her office right away and take care of the intruder. Kendall tried to argue with her and finally just pulled the plug on the phone. She told Greenlee that she had stolen a big spokeswoman away from Enchantment and brought her over to Revlon. Greenlee was skeptical until Kendall told her it was "Alonis." Greenlee was reluctantly impressed and asked how she got to Alonis. Kendall said she explained that Enchantment would just exploit her. Kendall asked for a promotion and Greenlee was astounded that Kendall thought she was even employed, much less deserving of a promotion. Kendall told her this wasn't a freebie but Greenlee disagreed and told her to leave. Casey, a co-worker of Greenlee's, came in and bowed on her knees to Greenlee, saying she was bowing before greatness. When she stood up she gushed all over Greenlee's accomplishment of getting Alonis away from Enchantment. Greenlee was speechless and Kendall took that opportunity to introduce herself as Greenlee's assistant. Casey welcomed her to Revlon then rushed out to set up a campaign for Alonis. Kendall smirked at Greenlee and asked how it felt to be a genius? Greenlee said she loathed Kendall but Kendall said they needed each other because they're both after the same thing. Greenlee finally agreed to hire Kendall but told her this won't be easy and it won't last. Kendall was quite pleased with herself and demanded some perks with her new position. Greenlee laughed at her and told her to get herself a new wardrobe, something a bit classier than she was used to. Kendall said she'd be Greenlee's fashion clone and Greenlee told her if she ever showed up in an outfit she herself owned it would be her last day of work. Greenlee told Kendall that she reminded her of herself but that wasn't necessarily a compliment. Kendall just smiled and left.

Trey stood next to a sleeping Vanessa and recalled a conversation he had with her. He left the room rather upset and ran into Maggie in the hallway. She asked why he let Vanessa get to him, since she's not his mother or anything. Trey said he has seen how Vanessa/Nessa cares about her sons and felt lucky that he got a second chance with his adoptive family. He changed the subject by complimenting Maggie on how good she looked and wondered if the dress code for candy-stripers had changed. She said she was going to a wedding and he asked if she was going alone. She said no and changed the subject back to Vanessa. She asked what her aunt talked about when she was awake. Trey wondered why she was so curious, but Maggie said it was because Vanessa had killed her sister and tried to kill her. Trey was suspicious and said Maggie used to blow him off but now she always had time to talk to him. He asked who was putting her up to this. Maggie denied everything and said he seemed to think there was a conspiracy going on. Trey apologized as Maggie's phone rang. She answered it and it was Bianca asking for her help. Maggie said she'd be right there and hung up. She asked Trey if they were all clear and he said yes, so she took off for Enchantment. Trey glared after her. Then he went back into Vanessa's room. He bent over close to her face and said quietly " Thought you'd never see me again, didn't you?." Her eyes popped open and she asked him what he'd just said. Trey said he was just joking. "Nessa" gushed about how good he's been to her and thanked him. Trey was dumbfounded and didn't quite know how to react. She went on about how kind he was and that she trusts him. "We'll have a much better relationship than you had with Vanessa" she told him. Trey rushed out of the room very upset and said to himself "Why now?"

Back at Enchantment Callie and Val stood in the office while Bianca franticly made phone calls and tried to solve the crisis. Finally Bianca hung up the phone and told them that she headed off the press and was talking to Brandy's reps in 2 hours. Val was quite impressed and said she was her mother's daughter and that Erica was going to be so proud. Even the sour faced Callie was smiling. Maggie walked in as Val and Callie told Bianca she did a great job. They left and Maggie said it didn't look like she needed her help. Bianca told her what had happened and how it all worked out. Maggie was thrilled for her but Bianca said it was just beginner's luck. Maggie handed Bianca a gift, saying she had planned to give it to her after her first day but since she'd done such a great job already she wanted her to have it now. Bianca was thrilled and opened it to find an engraved leather business card holder. Bianca was touched and didn't quite know what to do. Maggie asked if she wanted to go to Brooke's wedding with her but Bianca said she didn't think it was a good idea.

Liza arrived home and Winifred welcomed her back. She told Liza they'd had no word from Adam and said "Miss Mia" had been handling everything. Liza found Mia in the study ordering flowers to be planted on the grounds. When Mia hung up Liza asked her how long she had known that Adam was planning to kidnap Colby. Mia told her she was being paranoid but Liza believed that Mia knew more than she was admitting. Marian rushed in and told Liza she had just heard from Stuart who said Colby was fine and they were in Boise. Liza asked Marian if she told Stuart that Colby is there without her permission. Her mother said no but that Colby was fine and not to worry. Liza threw a fit but Winifred interrupted by calling Marian to the kitchen. Marian said Adam wouldn't do anything to hurt Colby as she walked out. Liza told Mia her lawyers found paperwork Adam planted making it look like she had given him permission to take Colby out of state. Mia said she was on Liza's side and that Adam had gone too far. She said what he was doing was cruel and that she'd do anything to help Liza get Colby back. "I'm your sister, you can trust me" Mia told Liza. Liza wasn't sure she believed that but said she hated not being able to trust her. Liza said Adam had used her illness against her and Mia said that was unforgivable. Liza said his plan is for the whole world to think she's crazy and that he wants Mia as a witness. Mia again said she'd do whatever she could to help Liza. Liza said there was nothing they could do, that she couldn't fight Adam and win. Mia told Liza to go get some rest so Liza went upstairs. As soon as she was gone Mia sat at the desk and got out some paper. She began to write a note to Adam saying "You're right, Liza did exactly what you said she'd do."

Leo walked up the path to a house in Ohio. He checked the address then knocked on the door. When an older man answered Leo told him he worked with the man's son, Trey. The man punched Leo in the face and slammed the door closed. Leo got off the ground and banged on the door. The man opened it and told Leo he was playing a sick joke. They argued and Leo pushed his way into the house, saying he came to get some answers. Leo said he knows Trey but the man (Mr. Kenyon) ordered Leo to stop saying that name. "My son is dead!" he told Leo. He said Trey had died years ago. Leo said he was sorry, he didn't know. Leo looked around the room and told Mr. Kenyon he wanted to explain why he was there. Leo asked if he was still a practicing lawyer and did he ever represent a Vanessa Cortlandt. Mr. Kenyon didn't recall working on a case for her. Leo picked up a photo and asked if that was his son. Mr. Kenyon said yes, just before he drowned. He told Leo what had happened. He said Trey was just out of law school and that he had told his son to take a break. Trey went sailing and a storm came up and capsized the boat. Leo asked Mr. Kenyon to look at something and handed him a newspaper clipping with Trey's picture. Mr. Kenyon was surprised to see Ben "Shep" Shepherd in the paper. He told Leo it was a friend of Trey's from law school. Leo told him that this guy says he's James "Trey" Kenyon III. Mr. Kenyon got very upset and demanded Leo leave the house. Leo left but stood outside on the sidewalk and wondered what "Shep" was trying to pull."

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